"After all, it is forcibly occupying the other party's body. There must be a lot of beginnings with your own body, and although the consciousness of the owner of the body will be completely erased, some things of the other party will be left more or less, which will have a certain impact on your wife's consciousness and may make your wife make some changes."

"In addition, if the person who takes away your wife is only an ordinary person, or some weaker cultivators, it's slightly better to be able to control. But if the person who takes away her is quite powerful, for example, to take away a master of rules, even if the master of rules' consciousness is wiped out, the power and power in his body are not controllable by your wife's consciousness. Once he is a little careless, it may cause unimaginable Consequences! "

"These are the risks that must be borne by forcibly seizing the soul!" The old woman said.

"I have also heard that this way is not only risky, but also too vicious. Even if my wife is stripped of her soul, she should not choose to rely on this way to choose a body that does not belong to her." The sword is unparalleled.

"Since you don't want to rely on your soul, you can only rely on the treasure to reshape a new body for your wife." The vicissitudes of old women are humane.

"How to shape?" Jian Wushuang asked.

"If you want to reshape your body and be completely consistent with your wife's own divine body without any discomfort or new entry, you can't rely on general treasures. As I know, there is a special treasure between heaven and earth, called Bingxin glazed jade. This treasure can shape the glazed body according to the cultivator's own wishes, and the molded glazed body will be fully integrated with the cultivator's soul consciousness without any defects And there will be no risk. "

"As long as you can get Bingxin glazed jade, you can create a perfect body for your wife, which is exactly the same as her original body, and this glazed body is exactly the same as human cultivators." The vicissitudes of old women are humane.

"If I guess correctly, treasures like Bingxin glazed jade should not be easy to get?" Sword peerless looked over.

"Yes." The old woman nodded, "Bingxin glazed jade is much rarer than the hundred million grade star moon agaric wood I mentioned before. If you can find more or less hundred million grade star moon agaric wood in the Taichu god world, and there may be some in your space-time temple, then this Bingxin glazed jade can hardly be found in the Taichu god world. Even if there is endless accumulation behind the space-time temple, I'm afraid you can't get Bingxin glazed jade Come. "

"Of course, there may not be any in the space-time temple, but there should be a way to find it by the means of the space-time temple. After all, I have heard that someone got a large piece of ice core glazed jade from the cosmic battlefield. You can let the space-time Temple find a way to find this person for you."

Hearing this, Jian Wushuang was silent.

The half ring sword peerless just looked up again, "elder, what you just said is true?"

"Of course, I'm not going to cheat you." The old woman smiled, "if you don't believe it, you can ask the strong in the temple of time and space. With their knowledge, you should know whether what I said is true or false."

Jian Wushuang nodded slightly. He also understood that the old Valley master should not deceive himself. Even if she wanted to deceive, Jian Wushuang was not stupid. She could see it completely, or ask someone.

"Seniors and juniors are not uninterested people. As long as I can ensure that my wife's soul will not be affected, and in the future I can find Bingxin Liuli jade to completely recover my wife's body, then I will promise to peel off my soul." Jian Wushuang said.

He knew very well that the old Valley master himself had made a lot of concessions, and also told himself some secrets of too forgetful Valley, especially the old Valley master's life span... Life span is less than 100 million years. Once he performed another magic, he would die immediately. This is absolutely a great secret.

In order to convince himself, the old Valley master also told him his biggest secret, but I think the old Valley master also had no way, and had made his biggest concession.

In such a situation, jianwushuang certainly can't be as tough all the time, and he has to make some concessions.

Now his concession is to give up his wife's body in this life, take away her soul and the memory of the previous life, and then find Bingxin Liuli jade to recover his wife's body in the future.

Although this process is a little troublesome, it is always better than being in a stalemate with too forgetful Valley, which makes both sides unhappy.

What's more, with the unparalleled strength of the sword, it's actually very limited to force the valley to make such concessions.

You know, he is only in the realm of saints now, and in terms of strength, he is only in the four realm level of vanity. The reason why he can make this old Valley owner give in is because this old Valley owner avoids being too obsessed with many disciples and strong people in the valley, and he can only perform the magic once.

But if the old Valley master is unwilling to give in, jianwushuang actually doesn't have much to do.

After all, the best he can do is to intercept and kill his strong disciples outside the valley, but if the valley is ruthless and directly closes the mountain, it will not be born for hundreds of years or thousands of years in the future, and will be completely isolated from the outside world. After a decisive time, it will be cold as frost to cultivate the door god skill to a very high level, and the sword unparalleled will never find his wife again.

On this basis, he thought twice and finally made a concession.

"It's great that Xiaoyou can understand the current situation of my too forgetful Valley, but now there is another problem to be solved." The old woman said.

"What's the problem?" Jian Wushuang asked.

"The question is how to split the soul." The old woman looked solemn, "soul is the foundation of a cultivator. It is easy to strip a person's soul into two souls by means of aging, but it is very difficult to cause no damage to these two souls in the process of stripping the soul."

"After all, although the old man also studies soul, his attainments in soul are not too strong. If the old man starts to peel off alone, it is likely to cause great damage to the girl's own soul in the process of peeling off, and even inadvertently may cause her soul to collapse directly. Therefore, we'd better invite a strong man who is extremely good at soul and has extremely high attainments to cooperate with the old man Carry out soul stripping. "