"Jian Tianhou, you and I have the Revenge of killing children, and we don't share the same fate, but after all, it's in the blood wave boundary. In order to compete for the blood wave order, life and death have their own destiny, so our sect can only put down the hatred and never come to you for revenge, but you dare to appear in front of our sect. Do you really think our sect and my reincarnation sect are bullied?" Reincarnation patriarch is furious.

Those strong men of reincarnation sect also stared at the sword unparalleled in surprise and anger.

Hearing the words of reincarnation patriarch, Jian Wushuang's face became quite strange.

He thought he didn't have any hatred with this reincarnation sect before, but he didn't expect it to be that way. He and this reincarnation sect not only have hatred, but also the hatred is not small, and this hatred also comes from a person who was killed at will in order to capture the blood wave order in the blood wave circle before.

It's such a person who doesn't care about jianwushuang at all, but now it has brought a lot of trouble to jianwushuang.

"Dark Hun sect leader, I can only say sorry about the only nine things. After all, as long as the strong people who enter the blood wave world, they all go for the blood wave order. Countless strong people die because of fighting for the blood wave order. Although only nine died because of me to a large extent, it can only be attributed to his poor strength, but it can't be attributed to me." Jian Wushuang said.

The fact he said is that every time the blood wave world opens, there will be tremendous killings. Countless strong people fight for the blood wave order in it. Naturally, countless strong people will fall. If all these fallen strong people want to revenge, the primordial divine world would have been completely chaotic.

Therefore, these strong men who fell in the blood wave boundary, no matter who killed them, can only blame their own strength, which is recognized by the primordial God.

"Now, I can bring the reincarnation beads to your reincarnation sect. According to the rules set by the reincarnation ancestor, your reincarnation sect should let me enter the reincarnation realm." Jian Wushuang said.

"Hum, yes, the ancestor said at the beginning that as long as you can bring the reincarnation beads, you can enter the reincarnation heaven, but you only know one thing, and you don't know the other. When he said this sentence, the ancestor also said that if there is a great hatred with my reincarnation sect, the exception! That is to say, as long as he is the enemy of my reincarnation sect, he is not qualified to enter the reincarnation heaven even if he brings the reincarnation beads!"

"And aren't you the enemy of my reincarnation sect when you kill my parents and children?" The reincarnation patriarch's voice was cold, and he obviously didn't want the sword unparalleled to enter the reincarnation realm anyway.

Knowing this, the sword became cold without double-sided color.

"Since you don't allow me to enter the reincarnation realm anyway, I can only use some extreme means." Sword unparalleled low way.

"Extreme means? Jiantianhou, what do you want to do?" Reincarnation patriarch Leng looked at the sword unparalleled, "here is the gate of my reincarnation sect, but it's not your turn to be a mere saint."

"Really?" Jian Wushuang disdained to smile, but his eyes glanced like the fire devil next to him, "fire, do it!"

"It's really troublesome to follow you. There are enemies everywhere." The fire devil complained, but he left at the first time.


The hidden breath of Shen Huo demon lord burst out like a tsunami at this moment.

In an instant, the breath of destruction oppressed the whole audience.

"Six realms of emptiness!!"

Many strong people of reincarnation sect changed their faces at the moment they felt this breath,

But the fire Demon Lord has turned into a gray streamer, directly appearing in front of the reincarnation Lord and the great elder.

These two people are the strong ones at the peak of the four realms of emptiness and the strongest ones of reincarnation sect, and now the target of Shen Huo Demon Lord is both of them.

"Be careful!!" Reincarnation patriarch gave a sharp drink. At the moment he saw the initiative of the fire devil, he and the big elder next to him immediately reacted. Both of them instantly burst out their strongest strength and joined hands to block the fire devil.

But the result... Shen Huo demon lord just slapped it casually, and the most peak terror power contained in the void six realms directly defeated the attack of the reincarnation Lord and the two, and the magnificent power also directly covered them.

Two figures immediately retreated in confusion.


Shen Huo demon lord curled his mouth, but his body shape was to kill again.

Seeing this, the reincarnation patriarch and the elder turned pale, and they hurriedly resisted the attack of the fire devil.

On the other side, jianwushuang also shot!

The two most powerful void four realms of reincarnation sect were completely crushed by the fire devil Lord. Although there are still many rule masters left, the most powerful of these rule masters is the void three realms, and there is no strong one who is particularly good at soul. For these rule masters, sword peerless directly exerts shadowless evasion.


His figure was silent and suddenly appeared behind a master of bit rules.

The master of the rules of the second and third realms of the void could not feel his specific position at all, and naturally could not react to the attack and killing of the unparalleled sword with blood blade swordsmanship.

Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!

The scarlet sword light easily penetrated the divine body of a regular Lord.

In a short instant, the divine bodies of four rule masters were pierced by the sword. Although they did not fall because of the undead body, their divine power immediately consumed about 34%.

And the sword is unparalleled, and the assassination continues.

In a short time, the Lord of these rules of reincarnation sect was completely frightened.

"Stop, stop!"

The reincarnation patriarch who was completely crushed by the fire demon lord, faced with the fire demon lord's repeated offensives, his divine power was frantically consumed, and soon he couldn't support it, and began to shout.

The unparalleled blood peak sword penetrated the divine body of a rule Lord for the ninth time. At this time, he heard the cry of the reincarnation patriarch, and his body immediately stopped.

"Dark Hun patriarch, can I enter the reincarnation realm now?" Jian Wushuang's eyes were cold, and there was a faint sense of killing in the depths of his eyes.

This trace of killing intention made the reincarnation patriarch's heart tremble, as if as long as he dared to say a word of no, his reincarnation patriarch of these rules would be killed by the other party.

And the short fierce battle just now has fully explained that jianwushuang does have this strength.

As long as there is no interference from the strong in the four realms of the void, jianwushuang can indeed kill the rules of the two realms and the three realms of the void by virtue of his shadowless escape. As for the reincarnation patriarch and the reincarnation patriarch, these two strong in the four realms of the void, even if they work together to face the Shen Huo demon lord, they can only be completely crushed. Even if the Shen Huo demon lord tries his best, he and his two people will be worried about their lives.

End of this chapte