This breath is cold, gloomy, suffocating, and even annihilating all living beings!

Moreover, the pervading scope of this dead gas is also extremely broad and vast. With the coverage of the unparalleled consciousness of Jian, it is impossible to completely cover this dead gas. He can only continue to explore along this dead gas. As a result, this dead gas is becoming more and more widespread. Please see the most complete! My novel!

Jian Wushuang finally understood that the death he had sensed before was just the tip of the iceberg of this reincarnation realm.

The stillness of this reincarnation realm is so extensive that the entire reincarnation realm can't accommodate it.


"The source of this breath of death is in the very depths of the earth, and the scope is very vast. The secret realm of heaven and earth where reincarnation sect is located is actually covered by this breath of death. Even outside this secret realm of heaven and earth, a large area of the earth is full of this breath of death!"

"However, because the dead gas is hidden too deep in the ground, it is almost impossible to explore. Only in this reincarnation heaven, slowly explore along the dead gas in this heaven, can we sense the existence of this vast dead gas." Jian Wushuang was secretly shocked.

He thought the reincarnation universe was as big as what he saw with his naked eyes, but the actual coverage of the entire reincarnation universe was far beyond his imagination.

It was amazing that he sensed the vast scope of death, but he still did not sense the source of the death.

Forced to suppress the inner shock, Jian Wushuang continued to sense along these dead gases, and slowly sensed a huge ocean of dead gases. At the end of this ocean of dead gases, Jian Wushuang suddenly sensed a completely different force.

"This is... The power of life?" When the sword has no double stuns, he is stunned.

He felt this deadness in the reincarnation realm, and along this deadness he sensed a huge ocean of deadness. As a result, at the other end of the ocean of deadness, there was a lot of vitality?

The power of life contains vitality, which is completely opposite to the dead.

"What the hell is going on?" Jian Wushuang frowned, and his heart was full of doubts.

But at this time

"Little guy, you're lucky." An evil voice suddenly sounded.

Jian Wushuang suddenly woke up and opened his eyes fiercely.

"Who is it?" Jian Wushuang looked around, but he didn't see the existence of any human figure, and ma he realized that the voice just seemed to be transmitted directly to his heart through consciousness rather than from the outside.

And his consciousness, but in that dead sea when.

Sure enough, as Jian Wushuang's consciousness fell silent again, he saw a hazy figure at the other end of the dead sea and in the vast vitality. This hazy figure was like an old man, wearing a gray Taoist robe and a strange smile at the corners of his mouth.

"Who are you?" Sword matchless consciousness asks.

"I'm an ancient lantern, but people outside generally call me the reincarnation ancestor." The dim figure smiled.

"Reincarnation ancestor?" The sword has no two sides, and the color changes from time to time, "are you the founder of reincarnation, the reincarnation ancestor?"

"Yes." The hazy figure nodded slightly, "but what you see now is only a consciousness left by me. As for my original self, I have gone to the depths of the cosmic battlefield."

The sword is unparalleled. If it is the original Buddha of reincarnation, it can never stay in this reincarnation realm all the time, but it is still very easy to leave consciousness.

"The reason why I left a consciousness here is actually just waiting for a predestined person." Reincarnation ancestor laughed.

"Predestined person? What predestined person?" Sword matchless doubts.

"A predestined person who can thoroughly excavate the treasure under his feet, or the treasure." Reincarnation Lao Zu smiled, "little guy, you should also have extended your consciousness here from reincarnation heaven with the help of that trace of death?"

"Yes." Jian Wushuang nodded.

"I'm afraid up to now, you don't know what secrets are hidden in this reincarnation realm." The reincarnation ancestor looked strange and said, "first tell me about your understanding of reincarnation heaven."

"I know that this reincarnation realm was created by you personally, and it is an excellent holy land for understanding the rules of reincarnation. Anyone who is a strong person who understands the rules of reincarnation can get a lot of gains as long as he enters this reincarnation realm. In addition, after you created the reincarnation realm, you refined hundreds of reincarnation beads, which spread in the primordial divine world, and set rules. Only those who have reincarnation beads are qualified to enter the reincarnation realm!" Jian Wushuang said what he knew.

"Sure enough, although so many years have passed, the external understanding of reincarnation is still the same." Reincarnation ancestor smiled, "boy, I tell you the truth, although I opened up this reincarnation heaven, what I did was just to cover up the usage array here and refine the reincarnation beads. As for the gods in this reincarnation heaven, it has nothing to do with me!"

"I was just lucky to find this territory by chance, and like you, I found a big secret hidden under this land through the dead breath I sensed at the beginning."

"There is endless power of death and endless power of life in this underground!"

"Whether it's the force of death or the force of life, it's the most powerful force, and it's the opposite. But in this big underground, the force of death and the force of life coexist, and have been perfectly combined to form a huge grinding plate of life and death!!"

"The millstone of life and death?" Jian Wushuang's eyes narrowed, and his consciousness continued to spread.

Sure enough, at the other end of the power of death, there is endless power of life, and those power of death and power of life have already been perfectly combined to form a huge vortex of life and death. At the moment of feeling this vortex of life and death, even the sword peerless also has a thrill from the depths of the soul.

"Whirlpool of life and death!"

"What is such a huge whirlpool of life and death?" Sword unparalleled shocked.

"What is it, you don't know?" The reincarnation ancestor smiled strangely, "the power of life and the power of death, the combination of the two, first of all, reminds people of the rules of life and death, but in fact, when the power of life reaches the extreme, and then combined with the power of death to the extreme, the thing formed has gone beyond the scope of the rules of life and death, that is... Reincarnation of life and death!!"

"That is to say, the huge vortex of life and death you see now is a complete and huge cycle of life and death."

"Birth, reincarnation of life and death?" Jian Wushuang was completely frightened.
