It is reported that lingzu took crazy revenge on Beiyan and even on the blood clan afterwards, killing many of the strong members of the blood clan, but Beiyan has been living well. Later, Beiyan became the head of the blood clan. Although lingzu's strength was also greatly increased at this time, and she became a ancestor in Tianzu Taoist temple, she still couldn't kill Beiyan and avenge her husband.

Even after so many years, this spiritual ancestor's hatred for Northern borer has obviously not weakened at all.

"Now it's troublesome." Jian Wushuang said in a low voice, "according to what the Lord of the white star temple said, among the strong people in the six realms of emptiness known to the space-time temple, the head of the nine tail clan is the one who is good at soul. With these two people, even the space-time temple only knows these two people, I'm afraid that only these two people in the whole primordial divine world can meet my requirements."

"And the head of the nine tail clan can't help me. The lingzu can help me, but the conditions..."

Jian Wushuang also feels that this matter is very thorny.

If he wants to invite lingzu to fight, he must kill the northern borer.

But the northern borer is obviously not so easy to kill.

"For the time being, don't worry too much. Anyway, I have made an agreement with the elder in sackcloth that soul stripping must be carried out. It just takes a little time. After all, I can't kill the northern borer at all now, but now that I can't kill it, it doesn't mean that I won't have a chance in the future. As long as I further improve my strength, or break through and become the master of the rules, and then work together with Shen Huo to design more, it should be possible to kill it." Jian Wushuang narrowed his eyes.

He can only wait until he is stronger. At least now, if he wants to kill the northern borer, it is obviously impossible.

"Blood clan... Blood clan, one of the four Protoss!!"

"The blood clan's nest is in the triple heaven. It seems that after understanding the things here, I have to go to the triple heaven as soon as possible." Sword unparalleled secret way.

The triple heaven is not only the home of the blood clan, but also the four Protoss and the three holy places.

In the past, jianwushuang had many scruples about that place and did not dare to step into it easily, but now although there are still some concerns, it is not as timid as before.

Moreover, his parents and relatives in this life are all in the triple heaven, and the miss Xiao'er, who met and allied with him at the beginning, is also in the triple heaven now. He has always been curious about the identity of this miss Xiao'er, and this matter naturally needs to be understood.

"Shen Huo, let's go." The sword is unparalleled.

"Where to?" Shen Huo demon asked.

"Go to Xuezu first and say hello to them." Jian Wushuang said, and the two men directly swept towards the mountain range where the blood ancestor lived.

However, as soon as they came to the range of the mountains, they saw a large number of people gathered in the void ahead.

"There are so many people, and there are many masters of rules. Most of them are not blood ancestors. What's wrong with this?" Jian Wushuang frowned and looked at the void ahead. On that void, there were obviously three groups of people.

Among them, a group of people who are naturally blood ancestors, led by the master of the ancient wheel, and many masters of rules have appeared.

Another group of people, there are a full number of ten rule masters, two of whom are the first. Looking at the breath power escaping from their bodies, these two people seem to have reached the level of the five realms of emptiness.

These two groups of people stood in the center, that is, the void above the residence of the blood ancestor, obviously holding each other.

The last group of people, who were standing on both sides, were obviously neutral spectators, talking and laughing.

Among these spectators, jianwushuang also saw the existence of baijue.

"Mr. baijue." Jianwushuang immediately summoned baijue.

After a while, baijue has come to the front of jianwushuang.

"Tianhou Xiaoyou, have you come out from lingzu?" Baijue still looks quite modest.

"As soon as I came out, I wanted to say hello to people in the blood ancestor's line and left, but I didn't want to see this scene in front of me. Mr. baijue, I don't know what happened?" Jian Wushuang asked.

"What's the matter? The two factions are fighting for each other's interests. In addition to the blood ancestor vein, the other group of people are from the Youzu faction. During this time, the blood ancestor vein and the Youzu vein have really been fighting for a territory. Both sides have their own discretion, but today, it's good. The Youzu vein actually hit the door directly." Baijue road.

"Call the door?" The sword was stunned.

"This is not a strange thing. There are many factions in Tianzu's line. There are often frictions and competitions between the major factions, and even it is normal to fight each other, but as long as we grasp the measure of each other, we can really fight and don't make a big mess. It also often happens that such a faction blocks the door of another faction, but it's Xuezu's line after all." Bai Jue sighed.

"Xuezu Yimai, but one of the four major factions of Tianzu Taoist field, has always been the only one who has fought to the door of other factions. Who dares to come to the residence of Xuezu Yimai? Unfortunately, Xuezu Yimai has fallen several top powers in succession over the years, and even Xuezu is trapped in the cosmic battlefield and can't come back for the time being. The top power of Xuezu Yimai now is much lower than before, so Youzu Yimai dares to do so."

Jian Wushuang raised his eyebrows.

He had heard about the trouble encountered by Xuezu Yimai during this period before, but he didn't expect that the trouble would be so big that he was directly hit by other factions at the door of his house.

Jian Wushuang was listening to baijue's narration, but at this time, in the void ahead, a strong man in the five realms of the void headed by the Youzu sect directly shouted, "Gu Lun, since you and I hold our own opinions and the argument can't produce a result, there's no need to continue the argument and go directly to the Baizhan platform!!"

"Yes, hundreds of battles!"

The strongmen of Youzu faction also joined in.

But as soon as I heard the words "Baizhan platform", the masters of these rules in the blood ancestor vein, including the master of the ancient wheel, all looked a little ugly and temporarily silent.

"Mr. baijue, what is this Baizhan platform?" Jian Wushuang asked.

"Baizhan heaven is a battlefield in Tianzu Taoist field dedicated to the competition between the strong. Generally, all factions in Tianzu Taoist field will go to Baizhan platform to solve the problem by strength if there is no result of verbal argument on some interest battles!"

"If the two factions are on the Baizhan platform, they will choose three strong players to fight three games and win two games in three games. The winning faction will naturally get the fruits of victory." Baijue explained.

"Is that so?" Sword unparalleled heart clear.


PS: it's two o'clock today!