"Lord Tianshuo, just say how much divine power it takes to exchange these things." The sword is unparalleled.

Naturally, he knew that the items he exchanged were of extraordinary value, such as the nine volumes of extinction. If only the first few volumes were exchanged, of course, it was nothing, but all the nine volumes were exchanged... The price would be much higher than the total wealth of the general rule owner.

But the nine volumes of extinction were indeed of great use to him.

It should be noted that he has now mastered the two rules and has also fused them, and the next step is naturally to find a way to master the third rule.

This third rule sword unparalleled has long planned to understand the destruction rule. After all, he has the highest affinity for the destruction rule, which is not weaker than his affinity with the space-time rule.

And the speed of understanding the destruction rule will certainly be much slower by his blind understanding alone, and the nine volumes of extinction, from the introduction to the destruction rule, to the perfect mastery, and even to the various applications after the perfect mastery, are included, and are extremely detailed, which is really too useful for him.

As for the blizzard palace, it is a means of testing the rules of destruction.

Blizzard palace is divided into 33 levels, corresponding to different levels of understanding of the rules of destruction. Jianwushuang also wants to be able to go to Blizzard palace to practice frequently while understanding the rules of destruction, so as to promote his understanding.

Although the price of the blizzard palace is not comparable to the nine volumes of miecang, the value is afraid to be close to a treasure.

And the last God fruit of destruction and the elixir of destruction are auxiliary treasures that are of great help to understand the rules of destruction. With the help of God fruit of destruction and elixir of destruction, the speed of sword peerless understanding rules will be faster.

It can be said that these things he wants are all what he needs.

As long as it is really useful, sword peerless will not care about the value of these treasures.

"I have calculated for you that all the treasures you want are worth 30000 drops of divine power. If you add the 100 million drops of purple virtual divine water you wanted before, there will be a total of 32000 divine power." Tiansuo road.

"32000 drops?" Sword peerless look moved. As far as he knows, the master of the rules of the three realms of the void, all his wealth is about 10000 divine power, and 32000 drops of divine power, which is more than all the wealth of many strong people in the three realms of the void.

"The reason why the price is so high is that the value of the nine volumes is too high. When the nine volumes are added up, my treasure Pavilion is generally exchanged for 25000 drops of divine power. However, because you are the original member of the beheading alliance, you are given a discount, only 20000 divine power." Tiansuo road.

"No problem, this is 32000 drops of divine power, you little." Jian Wushuang directly took out a heaven and earth ring.

Tianshuo glanced and nodded slightly, "the number is good, Jian Tianhou. I don't see that you are quite rich."

"Well." Jian Wushuang smiled dumbly.

Although he himself was only an immortal saint and could not condense the power of God, his strength was far higher than that of the general rule Lord. At the beginning of the first war on bosuo Island, because of the blessing of the blood wave world, he killed several rule lords with one sword, including the Lord of Tianyou and the four Yan Shenwei, who were all strong at the peak of the five realms of emptiness.

Sword unparalleled killed them with a sword, and naturally won the heaven and earth ring in their hands, and their value naturally soared.

32000 drops of divine power is not a big number for him now.

"Jian Tianhou, wait here. In a few days, I will send you what you want." Tiansuo road.

"Yes." Jian Wushuang nodded.

Jian Wushuang waited in this secret nest, and only three days later, someone gave him the things he exchanged.

After getting the things, Jian Wushuang met with Shen Huo demon master and Zhao mang.

"Shen Huo, this is the purple water you need. Look, is it enough?" Jian Wushuang handed the heaven and earth ring filled with purple void divine water to the fire devil.

After receiving it, Shen Huo demon lord glanced and nodded, "enough. With these purple virtual holy waters, I will definitely change my life for this little guy against the sky. However, before changing my life against the sky, I have to find a quiet place first. After all, it takes a long time to complete the life change against the sky. Even if I do it myself, it will take at least three months."

"So, it's better for jiantianhou to protect the Dharma for me and don't let anyone disturb us."

"No problem." Jian Wushuang readily promised.

Three days later

"Here it is."

Jian Wushuang and Shen Huo demon master stopped in a remote mountain.

"Jian Tianhou, I'm here to change this little guy's life against the sky, but although this place is relatively remote, in the process of changing my life against the sky, it's inevitable that no one will be attracted, and then it's up to you to stop all these people." Shen Huo demon master.

"Shen Huo, listen to what you mean. It seems that once you change your life against the sky, many people will be attracted?" Sword peerless looked at Shen Huo demon master in surprise.

"You'll know later, but there should be no great strong people around this territory. Your strength is enough to cope with everything." Shen Huo demon master.

"I'll try my best." Sword peerless rolled his eyes.

"Zhao Mang, come with me." With Zhao Mang, the fire demon lord directly entered the depths of the mountains, and immediately opened a cave, ready to change his life against the sky.

As for Jian Wushuang, he also sat down in the middle of a nearby mountain, and a black scroll appeared in his hand.

This black scroll is the first volume of the nine volumes of extinction!

Although Jian Wushuang has a high affinity for the rules of destruction, which is no less than his affinity for the rules of space and time, he has not really started to understand the rules of destruction, mainly because he has not tried to understand before, and now since he wants to understand, he naturally has to start from the most basic.

The first volume he took out now is also for the destruction rule from the beginning to the beginning.

Jian Wushuang sat on the mountain and soon began to understand the rules of destruction. His body gradually had a lot of power of the rules of destruction and began to condense.

As time passed, for more than ten days at the beginning, the mountain was very calm, and the sword was still there to understand the rules of destruction, and the fire devil in the depths of the mountain had begun to help Zhao mang change his life against the sky, but there was no movement at the beginning, and the surrounding territory had been extremely calm, and no other strong people passed by here.

It was not until a month after the beginning of the reversal of life that there was finally a change.
