After judging the location of several relatives in his life, jianwushuang went directly to piaoheng.

Floating fire City, as one of the eight "pure lands" in the demon domain, the whole city is very huge. There are a large number of strong people of all ethnic groups and human cultivators in the city, and the whole city is heavily guarded, with a large number of city guards all over every corner of the city.

In the floating fire City, whenever someone makes a fierce battle, the city guards will immediately make a move. In addition to stopping it, the two people who participate in the fierce battle will face extreme punishment, and this is because there is not much noise in the fierce fight between the two sides.

If the fighting is very fierce, or if someone is killed in the city, he will be directly executed.

Because of this, the city of floating fire is relatively safe.

After entering the demon realm, Jian Wushuang rushed to the floating fire city at the fastest speed.

"This floating fire city is indeed vast enough. Even with my soul perception, I can't cover the whole city." Sword peerless secret way, he has now spread his soul power as far as possible, but he can only sense part of the city.

But it is this part that has made jianwushuang feel a familiar figure.

"Sure enough, it's here." Jian Wushuang smiled and directly glanced at the figure he sensed.


Floating fire City, in the void near the street, a large number of people gathered here.

"Red tiger, this is floating fire city. How dare you hurt me here?" A delicate young man in a white robe was surrounded by the crowd and shouted low.

Standing opposite the young man is a tall man who is more than three meters tall, with dark skin all over and wearing armor. This tall man obviously comes from a special ethnic group, and his body also exudes an incomparably strong breath.

Hearing the words of the delicate young man, the burly man grinned, "Qiu Yun, say you haven't seen the world, you really are. This floating fire city does prohibit fighting, but ordinary fighting, as long as you don't make too much noise, it's only a little punishment at most. And my identity is there, you can get rid of a little punishment, that is, as long as I don't kill you, no matter what I do to you, I'll be fine."

"Somebody, break his legs!"


Behind the burly man, there were two seven level true saints immediately, and the white robed delicate young man had just reached the level of immortal saints. Facing the two seven level true saints, he naturally had no resistance at all. Just in an instant, the white robed delicate young man's legs were broken.


The delicate young man in white robe clenched his hands, and his figure was pressed to the ground by the two seven level true saints. He couldn't even raise his head, so he could only scream and scold there.

But the more he struggled, the happier the burly man was.

"Haha, I told you not to give me face before. I thought I couldn't help you in this floating fire city. It's a joke. Come on, take off his two arms." The burly man ordered again.

For an immortal saint, breaking his hands and feet is nothing at all. It's easy to recover, but psychologically, it's a naked humiliation to a delicate young man in white robe, trampling on his dignity wantonly in front of everyone.

After hearing the order of the burly man, the two seven step true saints immediately planned to unload the arms of the delicate young man in white robes.

But just then


A low drink sounded fiercely, and then in the void next to it, a large number of people were galloping.

Seeing the coming people, there was a commotion in the surrounding void immediately.

"Come on, get out of the way, the moat is coming!"

"Fighting is forbidden in the floating fire city. Now that the city guards come, there is a good play to see."

"Not necessarily, that red tiger, but the young clan leader of the red gold clan, his identity is there, and he didn't cause human life. I'm afraid even the city guard didn't dare to do anything with him."

Many people are whispering in secret.

In the blink of an eye, the moat had come to the crowd.

"Don't let people go!" One of the saints at the captain level immediately scolded.

But the two seven rank true saints who pressed the delicate young man in white robe on the ground did not react at all, but looked at the red tiger.

Red tiger evil spirit smiled, waved his hand and motioned him to let go.


A woman in green rushed out of the crowd and hurriedly picked up the young man in white.

"Mother." The young man in white robes barely smiled when he saw the woman.

"Bastard!!" The woman in blue saw her son's miserable appearance and gnashed her teeth angrily.

Beside, the captain of the city guard also frowned and said, "red tiger, although you are the minority patriarch of the red gold clan, this is in the floating fire city after all. If you act like this, you will not pay attention to the city guard and the many ethnic groups in the demon domain?"

"Haha, it's just that I taught an unattractive person casually, and I didn't cause human life. Why, are you still planning to settle with my Chijin clan for this?" The burly man, red tiger, laughed fearlessly.

The moat army's face changed.

The moats of floating fire city and the moats of the other seven cities are actually supported by the top ethnic groups in the demon domain. The significance of their existence is indeed to maintain the order of these eight cities. On weekdays, the rules in these cities are also extremely strict.

However, if something involves some top groups

For example, although the current Chijin clan is not one of the four Protoss, its strength is also second only to the four Protoss. Such a strong clan group, the other is a minority clan leader, so the city guard also has to worry.

In general, people like red tiger, as long as they don't go too far in the city and kill people in the street, the city guard will turn a blind eye.

Today is the case.

"Red tiger, you have also taught me a lesson. That's all for today. If you attack this man again in piaoheng City, my city guard can't ignore it any more." The moat captain said.

"Haha, it's easy to say. It's enough to teach such a small role once. I'm not interested in teaching him a second time." Red tiger smiled coldly, but then turned directly, "gone."

With that, red tiger and his entourages planned to leave, and the city guards did not dare to stop them.

But just then... Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Three figures suddenly blocked in front of red tiger and others.

"It's a little too easy for you to leave after you teach someone a lesson and leave nothing behind."

A cold voice also suddenly echoed in this world.


PS: it's two o'clock today!