If there was only one Shen Huo demon master around Jian Wushuang before, they were not too afraid, although it was also the most extreme cultivation of the six realms of the void.

After all, it's almost impossible to kill the fire demon master alone. Even if the usage array completely traps them, they can't be killed.

But if you add an old ghost, it's completely different.

The ghost bone old monster, which was an old monster in the same period as the beheader of the heaven alliance and the Lord of the space-time hall, lived too long and his strength was unfathomable.

The most important thing is the means of the dark bone old monster. His means are emerging in endlessly, which is famous. Even the Lord of the Holy Land dare not despise him at all, but I think the terrible degree of the dark bone old monster.

In the hearts of the blood Lord and Da Ying, there is no doubt that the threat of the old ghost to them is unmatched by the fire devil Lord. Even if two fire devil masters are tied together, in their view, it is not as good as a old ghost.

Under such circumstances, does the old ghost bone have to work together with the fire devil to deal with them?

"Well, don't talk nonsense to them, just do it." The sword is unparalleled.

"Our goal is only the blood Lord and Da Ying, but after all, this is in the ancestral land of the blood clan. As one of the four Protoss, the blood clan has a lot of rule masters. Although the strength of these rule masters is not too strong, if so many people work together, it can also cause us a lot of trouble, so... Life meteor king, you can also help." The old ghost smiled.

"Yes." The king of fate didn't refuse either. With a wave of one hand, a purple jade pot appeared in his hand.

This purple jade pot doesn't give off a breath of amazing treasure, and it looks ordinary.

However, when the meteor king was ordered to take out the jade pot and lift the lid of the jade pot, boom!!

The purple and cyan light beams, like spider webs, instantly swept in all directions with the jade pot as the core.

These purple and cyan beams, like spider silk, swept towards the masters of many rules of the blood clan.

The sudden changes made the leaders of these rules of the blood clan jump, and immediately one by one, they wanted to smash or resist the purple light beam, and then... The purple light beam was extremely overbearing. Whenever it appeared in front of a rule Lord, it immediately wrapped the rule Lord with a terrible speed, but how the rule Lord broke away, he couldn't get rid of the light beam.

Even those powerful masters of the rules of the void five realms in the blood clan could not escape from the purple light beam, and they were also wrapped and covered, forming purple cocoons one after another.

In a short moment, the masters of many rules of the blood clan fell into a purple cocoon.

"This is..."

Jian Wushuang and others were secretly shocked when they looked at the scene in front of them. At the same time, they also sighed in the bottom of their hearts that they were worthy of being the dominant strong.

Even if the masters from the outside world were greatly constrained in the primordial realm and could not show their peak strength, their means were still good.

Like now, casually take out a thing, and easily bound all the rules of the blood clan, such means are indeed not comparable to the rules of the Lord.

"These little characters have been bound by this seat for the time being. Next, it's up to you." The king of fate smiled.

"Fire devil, let's fight." The ghost bone old monster looked at the Shen Huo demon master.

Shen Huo demon lord nodded slightly, and immediately... Whoosh! Whoosh!

The two most extreme strengths of the six realms of emptiness shot at the same time.

Both of them turned into streamers and appeared in front of the blood Lord and Da Ying respectively.

Two people, each choosing an opponent, directly began to kill.

The blood Lord and Da Ying naturally would not be caught without a hand. They immediately tried their best to resist.

It is worth explaining that the Shen Huo Demon Lord is fighting against the blood Lord, and his combat power is not the peak. Da Ying, who can only play 70% of his strength, is fighting against the more terrifying ghost bone old monster.

Even in the peak period, Da Ying is afraid to be very difficult to survive in the face of the old ghost, let alone now.

The old ghost just shot at will, but Da Ying felt a huge crisis of life and death after just two battles.

"No, the ghost bone old monster is too powerful. He is just shooting at will now, and I can't hold it. Once he uses snacks a little, I'm afraid I'll be killed by him in an instant." Da Ying was terrified at the bottom of her heart. She didn't dare to fight with the old ghost at all. Immediately, her eyes looked directly at the black robed man who had been standing on the edge of the battlefield.

"Pluto, don't you do it yet?" Da Ying whispered.

"Pluto?" Jian Wushuang frowned, and his eyes had locked on the black robed man.

When he first entered the ancestral land of the blood clan and saw the blood Lord, he had noticed the black robed man next to the blood Lord.

Because the smell emanating from the black robed man is very strange, just like the previous Shen Huo demon lord, he can't feel it at all.

The means of concealing breath is so powerful that its power is certainly not weak.

Now, with Da Ying's call for help, a helpless voice came under the black robe, "I thought there were blood Lord and Da Ying, the two strongest men in the six realms of the void, and I didn't need to fight at all, but now it seems that it's not enough."

The man in Black said that, with a strange flash of his body, he had come to Da Ying's side, and at the same time, he resisted the attack of the old ghost at will.

Although he resisted, even if the ghost bone old monster hit him casually, his power was strong and frightening, and the black robed man's body was immediately shocked out.

"Jie Jie, it's worthy of being a ghost old monster. This strength is really strong and frightening." The man in black sneered.

"If I guessed right, you should be the Pluto from the cult of witchcraft?" The old ghost bone looked at the black robed man calmly, and was not surprised that the black robed man could take his own blow.

"It is I who can say my name from your mouth. I'm really flattered." The man in black laughed.

"Hehe, don't be modest. In the Wushen cult, in addition to the Wushen and the mysterious prophet, your status should be the highest, and your strength is second only to them. Although I rarely deal with Wushen cult, I've heard of some of you about Hades." The old ghost smiled, "I just don't know, when did the Wushen cult go with the blood clan? Today, I have to stand up for the blood clan and the Da baby?"

"I don't want to, but before the blood clan and my Wushen cult, there were some origins. Now you guys are so blatantly fighting into the blood clan, and I happen to be present, so I can't take it as not seeing it?" The dark robed man Hades laughed.


PS: it's two o'clock today!