"If I really want to talk about the secondary world star, I have heard of one, but the secondary world star is too far away from us. It seems to take tens of thousands of years to get to the Taichu god world from there alone." Broken feather Hou road.

Sword unparalleled heart.

It will take tens of thousands of years to catch a road, and this is at least the speed of the strong above the Lord of rules. Jianwushuang has to lament the vastness of the universe.

"By the way, Duanyu Hou, you just said that among these tertiary stars, there is only a gap between the length of birth time. Is there a big difference between the long and short birth time of this world star?" Jian Wushuang asked.

"Of course there are differences, and the differences are marked." Duanyu Hou said, "Tianhou, first of all, you need to know that the world star does not exist forever. It is just like a person's life span. After birth, it will grow slowly and then become strong. But when a world star becomes strong to the peak, it will turn from prosperity to decline and eventually be destroyed."

"Destruction?" Sword peerless stared, "do you mean that the primordial divine world will be destroyed in the future?"

"Of course, not to mention the third-order world star of the primordial world, even the second-order world star and the first-order world star will certainly be destroyed, but the life span of the second-order world star and the first-order world star is far above the third-order world star." Duanyu Hou said.

"In the vast universe, there is a definition of time, that is, the process of a tertiary star from birth to destruction, which is called a chaotic period. The definition of time looks very simple, but the time of a chaotic period is long and frightening!"

"Like the primordial divine world, it may have been nearly 10 billion years since it was conceived. But if it is really old, compared with other tertiary stars, the primordial divine world is still very young and very early from destruction."

"But it is precisely because the primordial world is still very young, so there are not too many strong people. Later, with the passage of time, the primordial world continues to grow, and more and more strong people will be born. If we wait until the end, when the life of the primordial world ends, the primordial world can at least be dominated by ten figures."

"A third-order world star, when it grows to the end, can also produce tens of masters? According to what you say, aren't there many masters in the universe?" Jian Wushuang exclaimed.

He just heard what Yu Hou said. There are dozens of third-order world stars near the primordial divine world alone. Although these dozens of world stars have not been gestated to the end, even if they are gestated to the strong and prosperous period, many masters can be born. When these world stars add up, the number of Masters is very exaggerated.

"Well, in the vast universe, the masters of rules are everywhere. As for the masters, if they are near the primordial realm, they are actually relatively rare."

"Although there are a lot of boundary stars nearby, there are also a lot of master level strong people born, but in fact, many of these master level strong people died when wandering in the cosmic battlefield, and most of them are not willing to bow to this marginal area, so after becoming masters, they go directly to the depths of the universe, and there are not many people who are really willing to stay in this marginal area."

"If you really want to count it down, in fact, in the territory where the primordial realm is located, the known dominant powers add up to only about 30. More dominant powers have long gone to the depths of the universe, but the dominant powers born in the primordial realm don't seem to go to the depths of the universe, but they all stay." Broken feather Hou road.

"Oh?" The sword peerless look moved, "that's strange. Most of the dominant powers of other world stars choose to go to the depths of the universe, but why didn't one of my dominant powers of the primordial world go?"

"Well, I don't know. Maybe there are some special reasons." Broken feather Hou road.

Jian Wushuang's eyes narrowed slightly. Hearing Yu Hou's words, Jian Wushuang really felt a little strange.

"Tianhou Xiaoyou, I've almost told you about the world star. Next, come with me to the Star Palace." Broken feather Hou road.

"OK." Jian Wushuang nodded.

Immediately, under the guidance of Duanyu Hou, jianwushuang left for the Star Palace.

The two of them are moving forward rapidly in the dark void of the universe. Although they will be oppressed by the origin of the universe at all times, it has little impact on their speed. After all, it is in the void of the universe, but jianwushuang dare not blink.

In the vast universe, there are countless crises. If you teleport in the void of the universe, you are likely to fall directly into these crises, and then you will be doomed. Even if you are lucky and don't fall into these crises, as long as you don't grasp them well and teleport to a strange void, you are also likely to get lost and waste more time.

They walked all the way in the dark void, and a month passed in the blink of an eye.

"Duanyu Hou, you and I have been wandering in the void of the universe for a month, and haven't arrived at the Star Palace yet?" The sword has no double-sided color.

"Haha, Tianhou Xiaoyou, this is not the primordial divine world. In the vast universe, let alone just a month, even a hundred years and a thousand years, it is nothing. After all, the universe is too big. Let's say that the world star closest to the primordial divine world starts from the primordial divine world at the speed of the Lord of rules, and it takes hundreds of years to get there."

"The location of our Star Palace is not too far away from the primordial divine world, but it will take at least decades if it only sweeps at the speed of the master of rules." Broken feather Hou laughed.

"Decades?" The sword was stunned.

But Duanyu Hou then laughed and said, "but don't worry, our Xinggong is also a little famous force in this territory, especially the relationship between Xinggong and the primordial gods is extraordinary, so Xinggong has arranged a hidden cosmic channel on an unmanned Earth Star on the way. Through this cosmic channel, we can directly reach the vicinity of Xinggong, but we still have a few days to go from the position of that Earth Star."

Hearing this, Jian Wushuang shrugged and could only continue to sneak.

Six days later, Duanyu Hou finally came to a earth star with his sword unparalleled.

Unlike Jiexing, Earth Star is a piece of land suspended in the universe. Moreover, the land is not large, and the land is lifeless, without any vitality.

Duanyu Hou came to the center of the Earth Star and stopped in front of a sunken stone wall.

Jian Wushuang also came here and looked at the stone wall in front of him. On the stone wall, there was a special pattern completely composed of secret patterns.


PS: it's two o'clock today!