In addition to the unparalleled four swords, the other eight strong players were divided into four camps.

Jian Wushuang first looked at the great man who was only one person, but brought a lot of pressure to the scene.

The great man was wearing red armor and carrying an axe behind him. He stood there like a sculpture with his hands in his arms, but his eyes were too lazy to look at anyone around.

"Is he the master of the eight axes?" Jian Wushuang's eyes narrowed slightly.

The master of the eight axes is a strong and independent man who has been wandering in the magic smoke Valley all the year round. His strength is extremely strong, and he has reached the peak of the five realms of emptiness. Moreover, his axe method is extremely violent, and he has also created six unique skills.

He is only one person, but the pressure he brings is much stronger than other camps around.

Therefore, in addition to him, there is no second strong man who has reached the peak of the five realms of vanity.

In the other three camps, one is that there are two strong players in the five realms of emptiness, the other is that there is a peak of the five realms of emptiness plus one peak of the four realms of emptiness, and the remaining three four realms of emptiness are in one camp. Together with the four of them, jianwushuang, there are a full number of twelve strong players present.

"Fortunately, the strongest of these people who came was the Lord of the eight axes, a strong man at the peak of the five realms of the void. Without the arrival of the strong man of the six realms of the void, we can still fight together." Heaviness is the main way.

"After all, this is the periphery of magic smoke valley. It's good for the strong to have the peak of void five realms. As for the strong at void six realms... Almost all of them have gone to the depths of magic smoke valley. Who will come to this peripheral area?" The main way of Dao python.

"Don't mention it, we just met one, the notorious Lord of Fei God." Heaviness is the main way.

"What? The Lord of Fei came to this peripheral area?" The master of Dao Python was startled.

"Indeed, Chong Shen and I were chased and killed by him. Fortunately, the Lord of the Blood Sword rescued us, and the place where he chased and killed us was nearby. I don't know whether the birth of this broken Luo God component will attract him." Ziming is the main way.

"Probably not." The Lord of heaviness shook his head, "did this broken Luoshen part produce too much noise when it was born? What can be found is only the strong people who happened to pass by the black thunder pool. After finding it, these strong people will at most send messages to their forces, but they will never make it completely public. After all, they also want to rob this broken Luoshen part, so naturally they don't want too many people to know that this broken Luoshen part was born here."

"And the Lord of the Fei God... Although it's true that he is extremely powerful, he is a strong man alone. Who will tell him the news that the broken Luo God part was born here? As long as he doesn't happen to pass by the black thunder pool, he won't have a share in the competition."

"Well, it makes sense." The master of Ziming and the master of Dao Python nodded one after another.

At this time, in the void under his feet, the broken God shook slightly and was about to completely break free from the black thunder pool.

"The broken God part is about to be born." The eyes of the master of Dao Python lit up.

"Everyone, get ready and be ready to rob at any time." Heaviness is the main way.

"As soon as something happens to this broken God part, I will use the space-time field to oppress them at the first time." The sword is unparalleled.

"With the Lord of Blood Sword in your space-time field, the speed of these people will be greatly limited, so our chances are great." Heaviness is the main way.

Because Jian Wushuang obviously didn't want to reveal his name of Jian Tianhou just now, the Lord of heaviness now calls Jian Wushuang the Lord of Blood Sword.


With a shrill neighing, the broken God Part trapped in the thunder pool finally broke away from the thunder pool.

A breath of the supreme treasure of the universe also spread instantly.


The twelve strong men who have been waiting around have bright eyes.

"Do it!"

"Grab it!"

In an instant, the famous and powerful men each sent out a terrible breath and directly swept away at the broken God parts.

Originally alone, standing in the void like a sculpture, the great man, the master of the eight axes, has also taken out a huge axe, and instantly turned into an ancient beast galloping out.

The two strong men in the five realms of emptiness who stood together also fought left and right at the same time.

As for Jian Wushuang, the four of them, the Lord of Dao Mang, the Lord of heaviness and the Lord of Ziming, all killed at the first time. Only Jian Wushuang didn't rush out, but directly took out the painted golden flag and displayed the space-time field.

The huge space-time field covers all the areas around the broken Luo Shen parts, and many strong people in this area, except for the master of the knife python, the master of the heavy and the master of the purple sound, are all oppressed by huge speed, and their speed is reduced one by one.

"Domain treasure?"

"No, this feeling should be the treasure of time and space."

The faces of these strong people who are trapped in the field of space and time have changed.

But at this time, without any sign, a large red golden streamer suddenly shines.

This reddish gold streamer, with the master of the eight axes as the core, was like a raging sea, and the next moment directly filled the entire battlefield.

In this red golden streamer, the master of the eight axes seemed to become the master. Even the space-time field of the unparalleled sword was greatly impacted by this red golden streamer.

"Domain treasure, this is the domain treasure of the universe!!"

"Is the master of the eight axes!"

"Oh, we are trapped in the space-time field at the same time. With the red gold streamer, the speed is weakened too much, but the Lord of the eight axes blocked the space-time field with the red gold streamer, and his speed was not affected at all!"

"Come on, stop the master of the eight axes."

Many strong people who are eager to get the broken God parts are anxious.

The master of the eight axes was originally the strongest and fastest among them.

Now the speed of the master of the eight axes is not under any pressure. He can be the first to appear in front of the broken God part and take away the broken God part. Once the broken God part falls into the hands of the master of the eight axes, if they want to compete again, they will have no chance at all.

After all, if you want to fight for the treasure from the master of the eight axes, you must find a way to kill the master of the eight axes, but who has this strength here?

Even if everyone works together, I'm afraid there's nothing we can do for the master of eight axes?

So everyone knows that we must not let the broken God parts fall into the hands of the Lord of the eight axes.

All of a sudden, the masters of these rules, who are still a long way from the broken Luoshen parts, have shot one after another.

Everyone shot at almost the same time. Even though they were separated by a certain distance, the Lord of the eight axes was determined not to ignore their attack.


PS: it's two o'clock today!