"Hurry up!"

After being forced to bear the axe of the demon, Xuekong immediately turned around and ran towards the rear.


Jian Wushuang also chose to flee without hesitation.

The demon also planned to chase at the beginning, but stopped before chasing far.

There is no way. Although the demon is fast, its wisdom is very low. You can easily get rid of it, whether it is unparalleled sword or blood space.

Soon after, in the void not far away, the unparalleled figure of the sword stopped.

And the Lord of the blood space fled in the same direction with him, and the two gathered together again.

"Was that the demon in Jiuqu demon cave just now? It's really terrible. Just in terms of strength, I'm afraid that the demon just now is no weaker than the general six realms higher and stronger." Sword unparalleled secret way.

"Lord of the blood sword, do you see it?" The blood empty beside suddenly looked over.

"Of course." Jian Wushuang's eyes narrowed slightly. "Just now, the demon's hand actually held an axe? And the level of that axe seems to be very high!"

"Of course, it's high. The axe it just struck me. I feel very clear. Although my supreme treasure armor is only the supreme treasure level of the elementary universe, it is the best of the supreme treasure armor of the elementary universe. Generally, even if the supreme treasure of the higher universe cleaves on my supreme treasure armor, my armor can at least give me 80% or 90% of the power, but the demon just came down with the axe, my supreme treasure armor barely gives me resistance 50% of the power, what does this mean? " The blood empty Lord looked a little excited.

"It shows that the axe in the demon's hand is the top treasure of the universe!" The sword is matchless.

"Yes, it's the top treasure of the universe." Blood empty eyes have begun to flash.

The supreme treasure of the universe can be divided into elementary, advanced, top, peak and supreme.

Among them, peak Zhibao and Zhiqiang Zhibao are the treasures that the dominant strong will covet. Even some dominant strong people don't have Zhiqiang Zhibao in their hands.

And the top cosmic treasure, although not as good as the peak and the strongest treasure, is also a treasure enough to make countless rule masters crazy.

In the treasure house of Xinggong, the high universe treasure can only exchange for 100 contribution points, while the top universe treasure, even the most common attack magic weapon, your exchange price is more than 2000 contribution points, which is a full 20 times higher than the high universe treasure. You can think of the harm of the top treasure.

There are not many treasures in the treasure house of Xinggong, but jianwushuang has seen it before. There are only a few top treasures in it.

But now, in front of the unparalleled sword, there is a top treasure?

"Sure enough, the opportunity in the depths of the magic smoke Valley is indeed far from being comparable to the treasure in the peripheral area. It is difficult to encounter a high treasure in the peripheral area, but now in this Jiuqu Magic Cave, I have encountered a top treasure so soon." The sword muttered.

No matter he or the Lord of the blood space beside him, he is very eager for the silver axe in the demon's hand.

"Lord of blood sword, are you from Xinggong?" Xuekong suddenly asked.

"Yes." Jian Wushuang nodded.

"That's a pity." Xue Kong laughed.

"Regret? What do you mean?" Sword peerless frown.

"Lord of the blood sword, you were there just now. You saw the demon with your own eyes. You should also know the strength of the demon. It is definitely a high-level in six realms. In addition, it has a top cosmic treasure in its hand, and its combat power will be stronger. If you want to kill this demon and get the axe from it, it is impossible for the top power in six realms." Blood empty path.

"Yes, if you want to kill that demon, you really need the strong man above the peak of six realms to do it himself." Jian Wushuang also agrees.

"But as far as I know, although there are six realm peak strongmen in your star palace, there are no ones wandering in this Jiuqu Magic Cave now. That is to say, even if you send a message to the star palace now, the Star Palace can't send a strongman to kill this demon in a short time, am I right?" Xue Kong laughed.

"Yes." Jian Wushuang nodded.

"That's it. The strong man in your star palace can't arrive in time at all, and among my forces, there happens to be a strong man at the peak of six realms in this Jiuqu demon cave. I'll send a message to him now, and he will arrive here in a short time." Xue Kong smiled at the sword.

"I see." The corners of Jian Wushuang's mouth tilted slightly. He had understood the meaning of blood space and knew why blood space said he had some regrets.

Obviously, Xuekong thought that he couldn't call the strong man at the peak of six realms to kill the demon in a short time, so he naturally couldn't get the axe at the top level of the universe, but Xuekong could call the strong man at the peak of six realms in a short time.

Although the demon and the axe in the demon's hand were seen by both of them at the same time, if the sword is unparalleled, if the strong man can't kill the demon in time, then blood space can naturally get the axe.

"Lord of the blood space, do you mean that whoever kills your demon first will have your axe?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Yes." Xue Kong nodded, "Lord of the blood sword, as long as you can call helpers at the peak level of the six realms in a short time, you can naturally get the axe, but unfortunately..."

Xuekong's words haven't finished yet.

"That's it. As for the master of the rules at the peak of the six realms, I naturally have a way to invite him." Jian Wushuang laughed.

"Oh?" Xuekong frowned, with a trace of surprise in his eyes.

In his opinion, jianwushuang should not be able to invite the Six Realm peak strong in Xinggong in a short time.

"Is it difficult for him to invite strong people outside the Star Palace?" Blood empty heart sank.

"Lord of the blood space, farewell first." The sword matchless smiled, but turned and swept away in the direction of the demon.

Seeing Jian Wushuang leave with such confidence, Xuekong felt more uneasy.

"The Lord of the blood sword, I want to see what he wants to do." Xue Kong frowned, but he directly followed up.

Jian Wushuang of course also noticed the existence of the Lord of the blood space behind him, but he didn't care, but returned the same way, and soon he returned to the place where he met the demon before.

From a distance, Jian Wushuang saw the black demon sitting there on the black earth in front of him.

"Fortunately, in such a short time, this demon has not yet drilled back underground."

Seeing that the demon was still there, Jian Wushuang also breathed softly.

If the demon goes back to the ground, it will be a lot of trouble to find the sword matchless, but now it is still on the ground, right under his nose, and there is a great chance for the sword matchless to kill it.


PS: it's two o'clock today!