"Master, it's still too far away for me. On the contrary, it's the second inner star secret skill. As long as the master of rules can practice, and at the level of my life, maybe I can practice to a certain extent at the level of immortal saints. The only trouble is that it's difficult to find the Tiancai and Dibao that assist in cultivation, but if I really succeed in cultivation..." Jian Wu's eyes are shining with essence.

The second inner star secret skill, the supreme immortal Xuanti.

This secret skill can make the Divine Body indestructible. As long as it is refined to the first level, the divine body can be comparable to the treasure of the elementary universe. This is really terrible.

You know, the hardness of the supreme treasure of the universe, even if it is only at the primary level, is incredible.

There are so many strong people in this territory, but even the dominant strong people who stand at the top of this territory can't destroy a treasure of the elementary universe by their own strength, because the treasure of this level is simply not something that ordinary dominant strong people can shake.

And if his divine body alone can be comparable to the treasure of the elementary universe, it can not only make his own attack power soar another level, but his body protection ability in the future is too strong.

The God body, which is comparable to the treasure of the elementary universe, has no strength at the master level. It is impossible to annihilate his divine power through such a god body. Even the strong man at the master level will have a headache in the face of such an indestructible God body, because the attack at the master level will be weakened to a very low level when passing through his God body, and will finally act on jianwushuang, The real damage to jianwushuang will be very few.

It can be said that if he can refine the first weight of this supreme immortal metaphysical body, he can almost walk sideways in this territory in the future, even if he meets the strong at the dominant level, he can be completely unafraid.

"The first level alone is so, and the second and third levels of the supreme immortal metaphysical body are unimaginable. This secret technique is of great use to me." Jian Wushuang clenched his hands, and his eyes also flickered with a sharp light. He took a deep breath, and directly said, "Lord Fengmo, I have decided to choose the supreme immortal Xuanti."

"Choose the body secret skill?" The golden God of war looked at Jian Wushuang and nodded slightly.

The choice of jianwushuang didn't surprise him. He now has these two inner star secrets, and the supreme immortal Xuanti is obviously more suitable for jianwushuang than the first inner star secret.

"Now that you have chosen, come and drop a drop of blood essence into the stone tablet. After dropping blood essence, you will be the inner star disciple under the command of Lingyun star. I will give you the token of inner star disciple. In the future, you can use this token to sense whether there is a strong person of Lingyun star around."

"In addition, this stone tablet will spread the complete method of the supreme immortal metaphysical body to your mind, but although you have obtained the method of the supreme immortal metaphysical body, you can only practice it yourself in the future, and you can't teach it to others anymore. Even if you want to do this, it's useless, because you can't do it at all." Golden God of war.

Jian Wushuang shrugged and walked to the golden stone tablet, dropping a drop of his blood into the golden stone tablet.

As soon as the blood essence dripped into the stone tablet, ancient golden words floated out of the stone tablet and poured into the unparalleled body of the sword.

"These words..."

The sword looked unparalleled. He didn't know what these golden words were, but he didn't feel strange to them.

Even on the back of his right hand, there was the same golden text, which represented the six samsara secret arts he had realized in the heaven cutting secret realm.

"Beheading the secret realm of heaven, black god pillar?" Jian Wushuang's eyes narrowed.

At the beginning, he got the chance in the secret territory of Zhan Tian and also mastered the six samsara secret arts.

At the beginning, he saw 16 golden ancient characters on the black god column. Later, he learned that the 16 ancient golden characters represented 16 different mysteries.

At the beginning, Jian Wushuang was very curious about the origin of these sixteen golden words, and now he saw the same golden words, but this time the golden words came out of the golden stele in front of him.

"It seems that the black god pillar of the sky cutting secret realm, like the golden stone tablet in front of us, comes from the deepest part of the universe." Jian Wushuang murmured, and he guessed that these golden words were handed down from the deepest part of the universe.

As for the specific meaning of these golden words, he still did not know.

After these golden words poured into his body, they completely remained in his mind. Jian unparalleled could sense the existence of these golden words. At the same time, he also felt the powerful divine body secret contained in the golden words.

"It seems that before I practice the supreme immortal metaphysical body, I have to understand the secret skill from these golden words." Sword unparalleled secret way.

"This is your identity token. With the token, you can leave this space and time." Golden God of war.

"Leave now?" Jian Wushuang looked a little moved, but said, "Lord Fengmo, I got a top-level cosmic treasure armor in this space-time. I want to refine this armor thoroughly before I go out."

"It's up to you. Anyway, I'll open the exit channel of this space-time later. This channel is at the end of this direction." The golden God of war pointed in a direction, "if you like, it doesn't matter to stay here for a long time, but the premise is not to rush around. This space-time was originally arranged by the master himself. Although the master is not here now and is controlled by several of my brothers, there are already strict rules in some places in this space, which even our brothers can't control."

"Like the eighteen Jue formation you just broke through, it was also left by the master. As long as you get involved, everything can only be done according to the master's requirements, and we can't stop it. So if you continue to break into this space and time, break into some special places, get trapped, or even die, I can only watch."

"I see. I'll only go out after refining the precious armor. I won't rush about." The sword is unparalleled.

"Well, you can arrange it yourself." The golden God of war nodded, "my brothers are not in the peak state. They have been sleeping here for a long time, and it is estimated that they will stay here for a long time in the future. If you encounter anything in the future, you can also come here. They belong to Lingyun star vein. If you can help, my brothers will try their best to help you."

"Thank you." Jian Wushuang's eyes lit up.


PS: it's two o'clock today!