The axe was still directly wielded and split, but its speed was extremely fast, like a thunderbolt, which instantly fell on the unparalleled sword.

Boom ~ ~ ~ the terrible power also burst out in an instant.

The axe with 50% power of Tianzu can already be called earth shaking.

But the front suffered this axe, the sword unparalleled body shape just slightly shocked, slightly retreated two steps, but immediately stopped.


Tianzu, Xuanshen Taoist, and spatiotemporal hall master all looked at the sword unparalleled.

"Yes, it's much stronger than the axe just now, but it still hasn't broken through the limit that my divine body can bear." The sword is unparalleled.

"What do you mean?" Tianzu asked.

"That is to say, master Tianzu, your axe still hasn't brought any damage to my divine body, and naturally can't annihilate my divine power." The sword is unparalleled.

Jian Wushuang said euphemistically, but Tianzu three people instantly understood.

"You haven't lost any power?"


"How is this possible?"

Tianzu's eyes widened.

Even the Taoist Xuanshen and the Lord of the temple of time and space showed surprise at this moment.

Tianzu exerts his 50% power to wield an axe and cleaves directly on jianwushuang, but he still can't bring any damage to jianwushuang?

"Tianzu, do your best!" The Lord of the hall of time and space said in a low voice.

"Yes, not only with all your strength, but also with your unique skills." Xuanshen Taoist also said.

"OK." Tianzu nodded solemnly, and his eyes became sharp.

"Go all out?" Jian Wushuang licked his lips, but an excited smile appeared on his face.


Tianzu's body shook, and instantly his terrible power broke out without any concealment.

For a time, the terrible master level power directly filled this special space.

"Immortal, butcher God!"

Tianzu raised his axe with both hands at the same time. After a low drink, the axe suddenly came under his command.


A startling axe shadow appeared in this space-time. As soon as this axe shadow appeared, this space-time trembled frantically, as if it could not bear this power.

Indeed, although this space-time was created by Tianzu and its bearing capacity is extraordinary, now Tianzu is going all out after all, and has also displayed his unique skills. This is completely the full blow of the dominant strong, and this space-time can't bear it, which is also very normal.

"Well done."

Seeing the axe shadow coming with a mighty wave, the sword didn't flash in his eyes, but he still didn't have the slightest idea of avoiding.

He stood there quietly, letting the axe shadow cut at him, and his heart was full of expectation, "the supreme immortal Xuanti, don't let me down!!"

With endless expectation, the earth shaking axe finally hit his divine body head-on.

Instantly... Boom ~ ~ ~ a large area of space cracks appear, and this space-time has begun to collapse crazily.

In the center of this space-time, the unparalleled body of the sword was split and flew out at the first time, directly to the edge of this space-time, and hit the barrier of this space-time. The amazing power contained in the axe also rushed into the unparalleled spirit of the sword madly.

Jian Wushuang stood there with his eyes closed.

In the void ahead, the Taoist Xuanshen, the Lord of the space-time temple and the heavenly ancestor have stood together again, and their eyebrows are slightly wrinkled.

"I don't know how this little guy is." The Lord of time and space said with some worry.

"If the previous axe of Tianzu's 50% power really didn't hurt him at all, even if it could hurt him, it shouldn't be too big." Xuanshendao is humane.

"You two asked me to do my best. If this little guy is seriously injured by me, don't blame me." Tianzu rolled his eyes.

In the waiting of the three, Jian Wushuang's eyes finally reopened, and his body shape also swept in front of the three.

"Little guy, what's the result?" Taoist Xuanshen immediately looked over.

"It's worthy of being the ancestor of heaven. The power of that axe just now is really extremely strong and can hurt me." The sword is unparalleled.

"Hurt you?" Tianzu looked strange, "how much is it hurt?"

"Well..." Jian Wushuang raised his eyebrows, "let me lose one tenth of my divine power."

"What did you say?"

Tianzu, Xuanshen Taoist, and spatiotemporal hall master were all stunned.

One in ten thousand divine power?

A strong man at the dominant level, went all out to attack, bombarded jianwushuang without any hindrance, and as a result, only made jianwushuang lose one tenth of his divine power?

One in ten thousand? That's also called loss?

"Little guy, what you said is true? Are you serious that you only lost one tenth of your divine power?" Taoist Xuanshen looked at the sword strangely.

"That's true." Jian Wushuang nodded, "master Tianzu, that axe just exceeded the endurance limit of my divine body, and brought a trace of damage to my divine body. But this trace of damage, I lost only one tenth of my divine power, and then completely repaired it."

"Impossible, impossible!" Tianzu shook his head crazily and growled, "even if he is also a strong man at the dominant level and is good at defense, as long as he doesn't have the strongest and most valuable armor, he can never lose only one tenth of his divine power if he stubbornly bears my full blow."

What he said is the truth.

The master level strong man is so strong that even if he is the same master, he will suffer some damage if he takes a hard blow.

But Jian Wushuang now said that only one ten thousandth of his divine power was lost, which was really incredible.

"Master Tianzu, you don't have to feel incredible." Jian Wushuang smiled, "I really got a lot of opportunities during my years in Moyan valley. Among them, there is an extremely powerful body refining secret skill. This secret skill is at a very high level. The list I gave you before is the genius earth treasure needed to cultivate this secret skill. Now the first priority of that secret skill has been refined by me, and after refining, my God body is comparable to the treasure of the elementary universe!!"


Taoist Xuanshen, the Lord of the temple of time and space, and Tianzu were all surprised.

"To, to treasure?"

"Little guy, you say your Divine body is comparable to the treasure of the universe?"

The three masters all looked at the sword with astonishment.

"Yes." Jian Wushuang nodded again, "just because my divine body has been comparable to the treasure of the elementary universe, I dare to rely on my body to forcibly bear the attack of the ancestors of heaven."

"Master Tianzu, the power of that axe just now is really extremely powerful, but I already have the protection of the supreme treasure armor. This supreme treasure armor weakened the power of that axe by more than 90% at the first time, and less than 10% of the power remained. It acts on my God body. My God body is comparable to the supreme treasure of the elementary universe, and this less than 10% of the power barely reaches my endurance limit, so it will bring me a trace of damage."