"The red pupil master is the best one among the descendants of master Tianpeng's family. He is also highly valued by master Tianpeng. Even master Tianpeng once personally instructed her for a period of time. She was treated much more in Beihai palace than many strong people at the peak of six realms, and you almost killed her." Taoist Xuanshen sighed.

"Of course, after all, you didn't really kill the Lord of the red pupil, plus it was the Lord of the red pupil who actively provoked you. That day, master Peng naturally wouldn't lower his identity to deal with you, but not dealing with you doesn't mean that he doesn't care about it, so when he knew that I went to find the magic sword he changed and finally gave it to you, he directly changed his face."

"Is that so?" Jian Wushuang looked stunned.

Next to the time and space hall Lord and Tianzu are also full of strange colors.

"This luck is really bad." Jian Wushuang couldn't help sighing, "I've been wandering in the three battlefields for so long, and the only one who has a festival is the Lord of the red pupil, but I didn't expect the origin of the Lord of the red pupil to be so big, and the strongest and most precious magic weapon happened to be in the hands of the Lord Peng that day."

Sword unparalleled heart bitter.

Luck is really bad. The only person who has a holiday happens to have a deep relationship with that Tianpeng.

"I knew that when I was forced by the Lord of stone disgust and the Lord of red pupils, I just slipped away." Jian Wushuang has some regrets.

"There is no way. The relationship between the Lord of red pupil and the Lord of Tianpeng is not known much even in Beihai palace, and the outside world does not know this matter. She is only the general strong man of Beihai Palace on the spot. As a result, that's it." Xuanshendao is humane.

"If that's the case, I'm afraid it's really troublesome for this strongest and most precious sword." The sword has no two sides, and its color is slightly heavy. "How could a person who almost killed his beloved disciples be willing to exchange this divine sword for me? I don't want to replace it with me."

"Well, that's why he dismissed me directly before." The Taoist Xuanshen said plainly, but suddenly he looked a little moved: "although this matter is very troublesome, it is impossible for him to take the initiative to replace the strongest Zhibao sword with us, but if you really want to get the strongest Zhibao sword, there is not nothing you can do."

"What can I do?" Jianwushuang, the Lord of the time and space hall and Tianzu all immediately looked over.

"I didn't think of this method until I saw Tianhou's Divine Body comparable to the supreme treasure of the elementary universe." Taoist Xuanshen smiled and said, "you three, you should all have heard of the Tianpeng master, who is a top master. His strength is far stronger than ours. In addition, his Beihai palace is also the top three forces in this territory. People with such achievements must be very arrogant in their hearts."

"Arrogant?" Sword peerless look moved.

"Yes, arrogance, and that's what we want to take advantage of." Taoist Xuanshen smiled and then simply recited his plan.

After hearing the Xuanshen Taoist saying, the faces of jianwushuang, the Lord of the space-time temple and Tianzu became extremely strange.

"This method is really stupid." Jian Wushuang couldn't help saying.

"Haha, the way is a little stupid, but it may really work." Tianzu smiled.

"Yes, but you still have to pay attention to your discretion. Don't go too far. After all, it's the territory of Beihai palace. If it's too much, you'll force master Peng to hurry that day. It's hard to guarantee that he won't do anything." The time and space hall Lord smiled strangely, "by the way, the reason why you just ordered the strong of Xinggong not to spread the news of the breakthrough of Tianhou Xiaoyou is because of this?"

"Well." The Taoist Xuanshen nodded, "the method I said is indeed stupid, and this method can only be carried out before the news is completely transmitted, that is, when master Peng believes that Tianhou Xiaoyou is only the master of the rules that day, he may be deceived. But if the news is thoroughly broadcast, everyone will know that Tianhou Xiaoyou has made a breakthrough again and reached the master, then master Peng may not be deceived that day."

"Although Tian Hou Xiaoyou is actually still the master of the rules and has not reached the master level, I know that when I get the news that jianwushuang has made a big breakthrough in the Star Palace, master Peng on this day may still be vigilant, so I give that order!"

"Of course, although I issued an order, I know very well that it is impossible for those strong people in the Star Palace to implement it completely, so the news will certainly spread out, but it will not be so blatant, and the speed of transmission will certainly not be too fast, which gives us time to complete this matter."

"In other words, we should go to Beihai palace to get the strongest and most precious sword before the news is completely spread to Beihai palace?" The main deep voice of the space-time hall.

"That's it." Taoist Xuanshen nodded.

"Beihai palace is one of the top three forces in this territory. They have a lot of cosmic channels in this territory. I knew one of them could let us get to Beihai palace as soon as possible. Without accident, we could catch up before the news was delivered to Beihai palace." Xuanshendao is humane.

Jian Wushuang also understood the cause and effect, and immediately spit out his breath and said: "originally, I wanted to return to the Taichu divine world immediately after a breakthrough, to open the heavy seal and return to my hometown, but now it seems that this matter still needs to be released a little, and I can only wait until I come back from Beihai palace."

Jian Wushuang had some regrets, but he soon looked up again, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes, "it's not too late, Xuanshen, we'll set out now and rush to Beihai palace!"


Taoist Xuanshen nodded.

Immediately, the two rushed to Beihai palace as fast as they could.

As for the Lord of the temple of time and space and the emperor of heaven... They were not involved.

After all, this time, the sword matchless Taoist priest and Xuanshen Taoist priest went for the strongest and most precious sword, and their opponent was the Beihai palace dominated by Tianpeng. The strength of the top master was there. Besides, there was not only one master in the Beihai palace. They could not force them like when they got the dark fire blood crystal before, but only outwit them.

And they have made the plan, and the steps to complete this only need two people, jianwushuang and Xuanshen.

Beihai palace, one of the overlords in this territory, and the three masters of Beihai Palace are all strong at the dominant level, especially the Tianpeng master, who is recognized as the top master. Among the many masters in this territory, the strength is absolutely the top.

Beihai palace is located in the east of this territory, and its nest is also above the earth star. However, Beihai palace occupies a full three earth stars, and its scale is not comparable to that of the Star Palace at all.


PS: it's two o'clock today!