"Yes, deceiving the master is unforgivable." The Lord of stone disgust also whispered.

"Master, the Lord of the blood sword is not far from my Beihai palace. Now if you go after him, it's definitely in time." Red pupil is the main way.

"Shut up!" Master Tianpeng finally spoke.

As soon as he said this, the Lord of red pupil and the Lord of stone weariness immediately dared not say a word.

"Do you really think this seat is so stupid?" The master of Tianpeng said in a low voice, "is the Lord of the Blood Sword the Lord of rules or the Lord of residence? Can I not tell?"

The Lord of the red pupil was immediately stunned.

Yes, jianwushuang shot in front of Tianpeng master and showed his strength. If he was really the master, Tianpeng master couldn't see through it, but the fact is that Tianpeng master always thought that jianwushuang was just the master of rules.

"In this territory, no one can hide his true cultivation in front of me. Even if he really got a great opportunity to practice a special secret skill of hiding breath, once he took the hand and showed his divine power, it will also be exposed. But just now, the Lord of the blood sword is a bone and forehead Lord from beginning to end, so it is certain that the Lord of the blood sword is indeed the master level of rules, which is indisputable."

"As for his breakthrough in the star palace not long ago, it is not necessarily a breakthrough in domination, but a major breakthrough in other aspects, such as rules, or secrets, so that his combat power can compete with domination at once." Tianpeng dominates the way.

"But on the way of breakthrough, the divine power he showed was also dominant." The Lord of Yunchen couldn't help saying.

"So what? The universe is so big that there are all kinds of wonders. Even though it is only the master level of rules, the divine power can be comparable to the master. There are also some in the universe, such as those unique special lives in the universe!"

"The congenital advantages of these special lives are amazing, and the higher the level of special lives, the greater the congenital advantages. For ordinary cultivators, it is indeed incredible that the Lord of rules has the divine power to dominate the level, but for special lives, it is not impossible." Tianpeng dominates the way.

"The master means that the Lord of the blood sword is also a special life?" The Lord of Yunchen was surprised.

"The Lord of the blood sword comes from the Star Palace, and the source of the Star Palace is the primordial divine world. I have also known some about the primordial divine world, and I have seen an extraordinary person in the primordial divine world. If the Lord of the blood sword has anything to do with that, everything can be explained." Tianpeng dominates the way.

The reason why he was extremely sure of some terrible special lives in the universe, at the master level of rules, divine power can rival the master, that is, many years ago, in the quicksand demon domain, three Zhentian tablets were born, and he personally fought for them, but he was unlucky that time and failed to win a Zhentian tablet.

But he saw the process of that fight clearly, and one of them was particularly noteworthy, and that person was a master of the rules!

Although he was the master of the rules, his strength was by no means under the general masters, and even broke out with all his strength. He was much stronger than the general primary masters. From the beginning, he stayed in the surrounding void like the master of the normal rules, and did not participate in the competition of many masters. Until a great opportunity, he directly shot, suddenly burst out of strength, so that many masters were caught off guard, and actually got a Zhentian monument on the spot, Then he escaped.

That fight, many masters, were severely put together by that person, and his Tianpeng master was also one of them, which naturally remained fresh in his memory.

Later, he also learned that the man was from the Taichu divine world, and his name was Xuanyi. Later, although he never met with Xuanyi again, he also heard some things about Xuanyi, such as Xuanyi refining Zhentian tablet, and relying on Zhentian tablet, he could burst out the fighting power of the top Lord, which caused a sensation in this territory at that time.

Although I don't know the specific reason later, this Xuanyi fell, but the legends he created before are still there.

So with Xuanyi's lesson, now he can see that the sword is only the master level of rules, but its combat power is no less than that of general masters, so he can naturally accept it.

"No matter what the reason is, and no matter whether the Lord of the Blood Sword calculated in advance, he survived in my hands at the level of the Lord of rules, willing to gamble and admit defeat. Even I have nothing to say." Tianpeng dominates the way.

Willing to admit defeat!

As soon as these four words came out, the Lord of red pupils around could only be impatient no matter how unwilling he was.

After all, the gambling war between Tianpeng master and jianwushuang is a fact, and it is also a fact that jianwushuang won this gambling war. If Tianpeng master can't do it even if he is willing to gamble and admit defeat, it will be a real disgrace.

"Listen, don't mention today's matter to anyone. Hongtong, stop your previous gratitude and resentment with the Lord of the blood sword. In the future, if it's not necessary, don't provoke the Lord of the blood sword again. If you encounter it in the three battlefields, you should immediately avoid it, just like meeting other masters. Do you understand?" Master Tianpeng looked down.

"Yes." Although the Lord of red pupil was still reluctant, he nodded heavily.

"Master, are we really not going to investigate today's affairs?" The Lord of Yunchen couldn't help asking.

"How to investigate? Do you want me to kill the Lord of the Blood Sword myself?" Lord Tianpeng glanced at the Lord of Yun Chen, "not to mention that in my own capacity, such an unscrupulous pursuit of a master of rules will make all the strong sneer. Most importantly, the Lord of the blood sword is not weak, and his body protection means are even more incredible. My previous finger has done its best, but his divine power has hardly been lost!"

"That is to say, even if I try my best, I can't kill him at all. In that case, why should I bother to be thankless? In addition, the Lord of the blood sword is now at the master level of rules, and his combat power is so strong. If one day he breaks through and becomes the master, how strong is his strength? I'm afraid I won't even be his opponent at that time."

"A person with such incredible potential, if not necessary, I Beihai palace, it's better not to provoke easily."

Although Tianpeng master is arrogant, he is not stupid, and he knows current affairs and discretion.

He knows that he may not be able to get jianwushuang, but if jianwushuang grows up in the future, he may be able to do anything. In this case, the two sides, without any big hatred, of course, should not provoke him again.

The Lord of cloud sinking, the Lord of red pupil and the Lord of stone disgust also nodded and soon left.