"Reverse time and space?"

Wang Yuan blinked and then asked, "third, can you do this?"

"Well..." Jian Wushuang smiled bitterly, "reversing space-time requires a super-high understanding and application of the rules of space-time. Even in the whole primordial god world, I'm afraid there is only the Lord of space-time, who can meet the requirements of reversing space-time. As for me, although I have completely understood the rules of space-time, I'm still a little worse in the application of the rules of space-time."

"Worse?" Wang Yuan and Su Rou have changed their complexions.

"Don't worry, listen to me first." Jian Wushuang smiled, "if I were in the primordial realm, even if I had the help of the treasure of time and space, I'm afraid it would be difficult to reverse time and space. Naturally, I can't revive the second two, but after all, this is not the primordial realm, but in the eternal chaotic world!"

"In this realm, the operation law of the heavenly way is far less powerful than that of the primordial divine world, and the restriction is naturally not as high. What's more, I have completely refined this realm, and even the heavenly way is under my control. Here, with the blessing of the will of the whole heavenly way, even if I'm not good at using the rules of time and space, I should be able to reverse time and space."

"In that case, what are you waiting for? Hurry up." Wang Yuan couldn't wait to say.

The sword is unparalleled and does not delay, directly arousing the will of heaven in the eternal chaotic world, followed by hum

The majestic force of space-time rules surged from jianwushuang. With the blessing of the will of heaven, this force of space-time rules was significantly stronger than before. With the guidance of jianwushuang's will, this force of space-time rules directly covered the void in front of us.

"Space time... Reversal!!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the right hand points away.

Immediately, the space-time in the void ahead began to change rapidly.

It was originally a normal flowing space-time, but under the guidance of jianwushuang, this void actually began to flow backwards!!


With the time and space flowing backwards, a large number of pictures of this void appeared in front of Jian Wushuang one by one, and flowed frantically at a terrifying speed.

The speed of time and space backflow is also faster and faster.

A moment later, this empty space-time has returned to thousands of years ago, and finally fixed on a picture.

That picture is exactly the scene that the thirteen blood demons controlled by Dao Yuanzi directly rushed into the Imperial City, killed in the Imperial City, and fought with Yang zaixuan, Emperor Xiao and Emperor Tang.

In that war, Yang zaixuan, Emperor Xiao and Emperor Tang had almost no resistance to the thirteen blood demons and were directly killed.

In that war, jianwushuang didn't experience it personally, but now in the long river of time, he saw a complete picture.

Wang Yuan and Su Rou also saw it.

"Second, it's second." Wang Yuan immediately exclaimed in surprise, "and elder Xiao Di, they are all there."

The sword has no double-sided color, but it is extremely dignified.

He thought that with his current use of the power of time and space, plus the blessing of the will of the world of heaven, it should be relatively easy to reverse time and space, but in fact, it is not easy at all. On the contrary, it is extremely difficult, especially controlling the flow of time, which consumes too much of his divine power.

No wonder even the Lord of time and space can't easily reverse time and space, which is too expensive.

Especially to resurrect some dead people from the past, the price is even more arrogant. Even a personal disciple who was once the most beloved of the time and space Temple Lord, he only reversed time and space and resurrected once. After his disciple died again, he never performed it again.

Because once the emperor of Tang Dynasty reverses time and space and revives the past people, the backfire in the long river of time he has endured can definitely cause him unprecedented damage.

But the good thing about Jian Wushuang is that it is a perfect life. His bearing capacity is much stronger than that of Tang Huang. He can barely afford the cost.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!"

Jian Wushuang breathed out three fixed words in one breath, and in the front picture, three figures came out of the picture slowly under his influence.


The long river of time dissipated, and the empty space-time ahead also returned to its normal state again.

The difference is that at this moment, in addition to the unparalleled sword, Wang Yuan and Su Rou, there are three more figures on this void.

Those three figures are Yang zaixuan, Emperor Xiao and Emperor Tang.

Among these three people, Yang zaixuan is Jian Wushuang's brother of life and death. Emperor Xiao is not only a great benefactor to Jian Wushuang, but also a cold father. As for the Tang emperor, he has the same relationship with him, so Jian Wushuang directly revived all three people in one breath this time.

However, after resurrection, Jian Wushuang found that he had consumed more than 80% of his divine power in order to resist the backfire in the long river of time.

One breath consumes 80% of the divine power.

This is also because he is a perfect life, his divine power is abundant, and his bearing capacity is stronger.

If you were to be a general master and forcibly resurrect these three people from the long river of time, I'm afraid they would be directly destroyed by the backfire in the long river of time.

"Where am I?"

"Aren't we dead? How come we seem to be alive again now?"

"Here, is it still the eastern Tang Dynasty or the green fire world?"

Yang zaixuan, Emperor Xiao and Emperor Tang, who have been resurrected, now look at a loss.

Although Jian Wushuang forcibly revived them from the long river of time, their memory remained intact. They knew that they had been killed by the thirteen blood demon gods, so now their consciousness returned here, and they certainly couldn't accept it for a time.

They were still in shock, but Wang Yuan and Su Rou on the side had already lost control of themselves.

"Haha, dick!!"

"Second brother!!"

Wang Yuan and Su Rou had rushed up, and even jianwushuang was in a flash, directly appeared beside Yang zaixuan.

"Second, long time no see." Jian Wushuang grabbed Yang zaixuan's shoulder directly.

"The third, the eldest Wang Yuan, and the fourth? It's you..." Yang zaixuan still didn't fully recover.

Jian Wushuang didn't immediately explain too much to Yang zaixuan, but walked over to the nearby emperor Xiao and Emperor Tang.

"Uncle Xiao, master Tang Huang, welcome back." Jian Wushuang laughed.

"Unparalleled sword..."

"What the hell is going on?"

Seeing the unparalleled sword, Emperor Xiao and Emperor Tang immediately recognized him, but their expressions were still very strange.

Half a day later, Yang zaixuan, Emperor Xiao and Emperor Tang finally understood what had happened. At the same time, they also knew that they had indeed died, and had been dead for thousands of years. But now, jianwushuang forcibly revived them with great magical means.


PS: it's two o'clock today!