I saw that the sword in the siege of the two masters was unparalleled, the sword intention was soaring, and the terrible sword light was cut out one after another.

The sword light is either swift and violent, or as ethereal as clouds, or as fast as lightning!

Relying on swordsmanship to confront the two masters at the same time with one's own strength, not only did he not lose the slightest advantage, but even completely suppressed the two masters.

Yes, suppression!

Although the axe master axe method is domineering and powerful, it is not too subtle. Before, the sword unparalleled was able to win the battle with him. Now he didn't choose to fight hard with him, but fought with him with exquisite swordsmanship. That sword is more mysterious than a sword, and the axe master can only resist with difficulty.

As for the pupil master, his strength is much weaker than the axe master. It is easier to crush him directly with thunderous means.

Even with one against two, these two masters are still not his opponents.

"Too strong!"

"One against two, but the two masters were suppressed positively?"

"Is this the real strength of the Lord of the blood sword?"

The masters of many rules who watched the war around were all confused.

If they had not seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe that the strength of a master of rules would be so strong.

Now think about what the axe master and the pupil master just said, saying that the sword is only the master of rules, and the body protection ability should not be much stronger. You can find a chance to kill him. Now it looks like a joke.

The two of them worked together and were crushed by jianwushuang. How can they find a chance to kill jianwushuang?

Even if the sword unparalleled body protection ability is not strong, can they touch the sword unparalleled divine body?

"How? How can this happen?" The master of the axe roared unbelievably on his face.

"This boy, his swordsmanship is so terrible. When he fought with me 3000 years ago, his swordsmanship did not reach such a terrible level." Pupil Lord also hissed.

He didn't know that in these three thousand years, jianwushuang had been comprehending under the sword stone. Although most of the Enlightenment was to improve the skill of guarding the earth, his understanding of Kendo was improving all the time while he was comprehending, and his swordsmanship was also improving all the time.

Plus, three thousand years ago, when Jian Wushuang fought with him, he didn't do his best at all, okay.

Without all his strength, the pupil master was already unable to resist.

Heaven and earth vibrate.

The sword's unparalleled terrible strength stunned everyone present.

The masters of the rules who watched the battle around had a little fantasy about the strongest flying treasure in their hearts, but now they saw the terrorist strength shown by jianwushuang with their own eyes, and even the two masters were directly crushed by jianwushuang.

This scene made the masters of the rules have no idea about the black wings anymore.

"The two masters joined hands and were positively suppressed by the Lord of the blood sword. Is it difficult to wait until the third master came in person before there is hope to subdue the Lord of the blood sword?"

"The third master?"

Everyone's heart moved.

But just then

"Here comes the third master!" A startling cry suddenly sounded.

The crowd immediately heard the sound and looked. In the void near the front of the battlefield, a blue figure appeared there at some time.

It was a beautiful woman in a green plain robe. Her face was cold, as if she didn't eat human fireworks, and a faint breath of divine power spread from her.

Although the breath of divine power is very weak, we can detect the breath of divine power. Everyone present is shocked physically and mentally.

Even in the middle of the battlefield, the three people, sword peerless, axe master and pupil master, who are fighting frantically together, suddenly change their faces when they detect the breath of this divine power.

For nothing else, just because this breath of divine power is much stronger than that of general higher masters.

There is no doubt that Lai Ren is a top master!!

"Young master!!"

"It's the young venerable of the star world of Tianchi!"

"Is it her?"

Many of the masters of rules around shivered.

The young venerable, unlike many masters in this star domain, has existed for a long time and has become famous for a long time.

She is a master who has just risen. So far, it is only a million years.

It has only taken her hundreds of thousands of years since she was born and cultivated to become one of the top masters.

There is no doubt that she is a real genius.

The Tianchi astral realm, like the Taichu divine realm, is only the third level astral realm that has not yet fully evolved to its peak. However, because of the existence of this young venerable, countless forces in this astral realm dare not easily provoke.

After all, that's a real top master.

In this realm, aside from the young venerable, there will never be more than five known top masters who are still in this realm.

Such a master is certainly awesome.

"Haha, the young master unexpectedly came. Now you don't have to worry about being subdued." Tong Zhu stared at Jian Wushuang and sneered.

"Hum, even if the young master can subdue me, I will only give him the black wings. As for the pupil master and the axe master, I'm afraid you two don't want to think about it." Jian Wushuang sneered.

The master of the axe and the master of the pupil immediately sank their eyes.

Of course, they are eager to get the black wings.

However, what Jian Wushuang said is also true. The young venerable comes, and the top dominates the strength. Although it is possible to subdue it, even if it is subdued, Jian Wushuang will only give the black wings to the young venerable, never to the two of them.

If the black wings are in the hands of the young venerable, they may not even have the desire to compete.

Grab the treasure from the top masters? That's a joke.

"You are the Lord of the blood sword."

The young venerable stood on the edge of the battlefield and did not throw himself into the battlefield at the first time, but stared at the sword indifferently.

"It's me."

Jian Wushuang and the master of the axe also stopped. Jian Wushuang laughed and said, "the young master is also for that wing, right?"

"Yes." The young venerable nodded, "the strongest flying treasure is not something you can have. Hand over that wing, and I promise you an attack treasure, a peak suppression treasure, a peak soul defense treasure, and a peak flying treasure as compensation."

"Oh?" Jian Wushuang raised his eyebrows and nodded secretly in his heart.

It has to be said that the young venerable is quite kind. He didn't directly grab it at the beginning, but was willing to exchange it with Zhibao.

Although the price she is willing to pay is not as high as the most powerful flying treasure, it is also very good.

But unfortunately, it's not easy to get a chance to get a piece of the most powerful flying treasure. Sword peerless naturally won't let go so easily.


PS: it's two o'clock today! To watch the new chapter of Zui, please go to mobile address