The monster that Si Yi master turned into was extremely fast, and just a flash had appeared in front of the sword.

The sword peerless directly made a burst stab, and the surging divine power ran through the arm, making a startling rush appear throughout the space.

The master of Si Yi suddenly turned around and was extremely flexible to avoid the sword. At the moment of turning around, the pair of wings behind him suddenly turned into terrible sharp blades, hiss ~ the air was mercilessly cut, and two layers of knife light directly cut into the unparalleled head of the sword.

"Wing melting knife? And it's fast!" The sword was startled.

Si Yi's move was indeed somewhat unexpected, but his response was not slow.

"Get out!"

The sword unparalleled holds the Wu Qi divine sword, which hooks the universal law of Wu Qi divine sword, and in an instant, a mighty and swift sword directly swings down.


The sword light containing the power of terror hit the wings of the Si Yi master at the same time, making a metal impact sound. The Si Yi master only felt a stabbing pain on his wings, but his body retreated rapidly.

Retreating to the surrounding void or, the Si Yi master couldn't help looking at the wings behind him. He saw a gap looming at the place where he had just exchanged blows with Jianwu's double sword front, and vaguely there was blood flowing out of the gap.

"How is it possible?"

The master of Si Yi flashed a trace of horror in his eyes, "The hardest part of my Jiaoyi clan is this pair of wings. After my hard training, these wings have long been comparable to the strongest treasure. I have been wandering in the eternal dark prison for so many years and fought with people countless times. I don't know how many times I have used these wings to fight against the enemy, whether it is to resist the attack of the other party or to collide with the other party's magic soldiers head-on. My wings have never been hurt, but now …”

"My wings were injured after only one inflation?"

The master of Si Yi was shocked and couldn't help looking at the divine sword in jianwushuang's hand.

"What level is the divine sword in your hand?" The master of Si Yi asked.

"If you try your wings a few more times, you'll know." Sword peerless but a faint smile, followed by a sudden rush.

Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua~

I saw a strong sword light from the sword unparalleled hands one after another, directly covering the Siyi master in front of me.

The master of Si Yi swayed on his body and relied on his own body method to shuttle through the sword light. After breaking through the sword light blockade, his body turned into a black lightning and suddenly hit the sword unparalleled.

The master of Si Yi didn't believe in evil. This time, he still used his wings to attack.

Only this time, he only used one wing, but it was the strongest Sabre technique he had created in the eternal dark prison for so many years.


The master of Si Yi also sent out a low roar in his mouth. This low roar, accompanied by the sound wave attack, madly impacted the unparalleled soul sea.

But the sword is a perfect creature. In the soul, unless it is an attack that ignores the soul and directly targets consciousness, it is invalid.

This sound wave attack can't have any impact on jianwushuang at all.

Sword peerless is still waving his long sword, but this time he showed a hazy form.


The dim shadow of the sword came out, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a fog filled the sky.

But in the fog, there was a palpitating cold light.


It was another fierce collision. This time, the master of Si Yi found that the pain from his wings was more intense, and at the same time, the gap between him and the blade was larger.

His figure retreated again.

But this time, he felt the real power of the divine sword in jianwushuang's hand from a close distance.

"The treasure of law, what you hold in your hand, is actually the sword of law!!"

The voice of Si Yi's master was a little bleak, but also with unprecedented shock.

The treasure of law, on the first floor of the eternal dark prison, is definitely a legendary treasure, let alone dominated by ordinary prisoners. Even the ten strongest kings recognized in the first floor of the eternal dark prison may not have the treasure of law in their hands.

But now, in front of him, who doesn't know where to come from, and only exudes the breath of the master of rules, unexpectedly has the treasure of rules?

No wonder his wings collide with his long sword and will be damaged.

No matter how hard his wings are, they are only comparable to the strongest Zhibao level. How can they be compared with the law Zhibao?

"Not only does he possess the supreme treasure of law, but his swordsmanship also seems to contain a trace of supreme cosmic law. His swordsmanship is also extremely strong. In terms of combat power, he is definitely stronger than me." The master of Si Yi knows in his heart.

Now he can't care about the sword unparalleled, but he has understood a trace of the laws of the universe.

After wandering in the eternal dark prison for so long, he knew that the eternal dark prison was dangerous. At the moment he knew that the man in front of him was powerful and that he was still above himself, he had made a decision.


The master of Si Yi hardly hesitated.

Seeing the situation is bad, flee directly, which is the way to protect life in the eternal dark prison.

I saw the huge monster that Si Yi had originally transformed. At the moment, its volume suddenly shrunk, but the speed that burst out in an instant was extremely amazing.

This speed is much faster than the general second series dominator, and even faster than the general third series dominator.

One moment ago, the master of Si Yi was still fighting with jianwushuang, and the next moment, he had fled thousands of miles, leaving jianwushuang with no room to chase.

"It's so fast. No wonder that with the speed of Si Yi's master, he can survive in the eternal dark prison. This speed alone may make most masters of the third series helpless." Jian Wushuang smiled calmly.

Seeing the master of Si Yi fleeing, he didn't go after him.

Because even if he wants to catch up, he can't catch up.

However, in this eternal dark prison, if he wants to kill this Si Yi master, even if the speed of this Si Yi master is ten times and a hundred times faster, he can't escape.

"Master Si Yi, you'd better stay." Jian Wushuang opened with a smile, and his palm turned over, but a special token had appeared in his hand.

That Si Yi master, although he was fleeing, had been paying attention to the unparalleled trend of the rear sword.

When he found Jian Wushuang standing there and didn't plan to chase him, he was secretly relieved.

But suddenly he heard the laughter of Jian Wushuang, and at the same time he saw that Jian Wushuang took out something.

"What did the Blood Sword take out?"

The master of Si Yi stared at what Jian Wushuang took out.

He had seen that it was a keepsake.

But this token instantly shocked him!! To watch the new chapter of Zui, please go to mobile address