Inside the scorpion castle, jianwushuang has lived here for 130 years.

In these 130 years, jianwushuang has devoted all his energy to the study of the magic Zhentian Dharma array. With the help of the stone Mars Lord and the scorpion Lord, he has finally mastered this dharma array.

"For 130 years, this is only the simplest first level legal matrix. If it is a higher second level legal matrix, a third level legal matrix, or even the ultimate level of this legal matrix, I really don't know how complicated it is." Jian Wushuang sighed secretly.

"This is mainly because the master's cultivation time is too short, and he doesn't study the array too much, so the time spent is longer. If he changes to be a cultivator of some living time field, he will study in various fields because of boredom after a long time. The same is true for the array. It should be much easier for them to understand this array." Stone Mars main road.

"That's true." Jian Wushuang nodded with a smile.

His cultivation time is indeed too short. Compared with these masters who are imprisoned in the eternal dark prison for hundreds of chaotic periods, it is too short.

These masters live too long and too boring. Naturally, they will be involved in all kinds of roads, and they will naturally study arrays.

Sword peerless only in recent years to study the two sword arrays began to really get involved in the array, with those who have lived for a long time, naturally no way to compare.

"Stone fire and Scorpio, I've been working hard for you all these years." The sword is unparalleled.

"You're welcome, master." Stone Mars main link road.

"It's a blessing for both of us to be able to serve our master." Lord Scorpio also said.

In the past 130 years, the Lord of stone Mars and the Lord of Scorpio have been of great help to the sword.

The master of stone Mars needless to say, the array is extremely accomplished and can give unparalleled guidance and help to Jian.

Lord Scorpio, although his understanding of the array is far less than that of the stone Mars Lord, he is the first to get the magic Zhentian array. He has also mastered this array for a long time, and naturally can also give jianwushuang some experience and help.

It is also because of his two people's help that the sword unparalleled only used 130 years, otherwise it would take longer.

"The Dharma array has been mastered. Now it's time to try the power of this dharma array. Come on, let's go." Sword peerless smiled and swept directly into the void outside the castle.

Soon, sword peerless came to a vast void.

Within millions of miles of this void, there is no cultivator.

The unparalleled sword stood in the center of the void, waved its hand, and immediately the three ten thousand foot high Zhentian tablets floated out at the same time, and fell in three different corners of the void.

The three Zhentian steles all exude an ancient and vast atmosphere.

"Magic Zhentian FA array, Qi!"

Jian Wushuang's eyes flashed with a sharp flash, and a lot of special fingerprints came out one after another. Under the guidance and control of Jian Wushuang, the three towering quilts were put on, and complex golden secret patterns of golden light flashed, and quickly flowed, buzzing ~ ~ ~ the void was slightly shocked.

At the next moment, golden lights emanated from the three Zhentian steles at the same time.

These golden lights are connected with each other. In the blink of an eye, the three Zhentian tablets have completely intersected, and a huge golden Dharma array has been formed directly.

This golden Dharma array, like a huge golden cage, covers the vast world, and a breath of terror also rises continuously in this dharma array.

"Magic dragon, try it in my Dharma array." Sword matchless commanded.

"Yes." Lord Magic Dragon nodded, and his body immediately swept into the center of the golden array.

"I want to start you, be careful." Jian Wushuang smiled, followed by the idea, "suppression!"


The whole golden array suddenly roared, and immediately the endless golden light directly covered the demon Dragon Lord at an incredible speed.

These golden lights were invisible. The Lord of magic dragon wanted to blow them away at the first time, but his power could not affect the golden light at all.

Seeing the golden light sweeping across the sky, the sight covered the whole body of the Magic Dragon Lord. At this moment, the Magic Dragon Lord only felt a terrible force acting on him. Although this force did not bring much harm to him, it suppressed his mind and his power to the greatest extent.

"This force of repression is so strong that although it can't suppress me at the first time, I can't resist, but my strength is greatly weakened under this force of repression. It's estimated that it's good to play 70% of my strength." The demon Dragon Lord was a little shocked.

"Can you still play 70% of your strength?" Jian Wushuang's expression moved, but he was not surprised.

The magic Zhentian Dharma array is to suppress the heaven and earth to the greatest extent, and the cultivator will naturally be subjected to a huge force of suppression when he falls into the Dharma array, but because the sword peerless's own divine power is weak, this force of suppression should not be too rebellious.

"With my current strength to use this magic suppression array, I'm afraid I can easily dominate the general first level and even the second level, and the suppression can't resist, while the general third level dominates in my array, I'm afraid I have to be trembling. It's good that my strength can play twoorthree achievements, but the Lord of magic dragon, after all, is one of the top ten kings. His strength is good, and he can also play nearly 70% of his power." The sword muttered.

"However, this is only the most basic force of repression shown by the magic dragon Zhentian array cooperating with the Zhentian tablet, and the power contained in the three Zhentian tablets has not really been brought into play."

Jian Wushuang smiled, but his eyes flashed, and a trace of cosmic law was integrated into the three Zhentian tablets at the same time.

Suddenly... Roar!!

Faintly, I could hear the low roar, and the three Zhentian steles all trembled violently. Immediately on the surface of the three Zhentian steles, endless golden secret lines condensed into three towering golden shadows at the same time.

These three golden virtual shadows are the residual souls of golden gods and Demons hidden in the Zhentian monument!

The Zhentian tablet was created by the top supreme who was extremely excellent in array at the beginning. This top supreme created 108 Zhentian tablets, and each Zhentian tablet once contained the ghost of a golden demon.

In fact, these golden demons are all extremely powerful cultivators. They all have the ultimate dominant combat power in their lifetime. Unfortunately, they were all killed by the top supreme, and their residual souls were integrated into the Zhentian monument, which made the Zhentian monument powerful.

Of course, this is the first 108 Zhentian tablets created by the top supreme.