Jian Wushuang freely exchanged greetings with the fire devil Lord, but at this time he noticed two figures beside him.

"Ghost bone, fate?" Jian Wushuang moved and walked forward.

"Lord of the blood sword." Both the old ghost and the king of fate are extremely modest.

"You two, also here, ghost bone, you have also broken through to dominate?" The sword peerless looked at the old ghost bone, and could sense the dominant level breath emanating from the other party.

"To be honest, I broke through to dominate a long time ago." The old ghost said.

"Oh?" The sword was stunned.

"Tianhou Xiaoyou, in fact, Ming Gu has stood on the side of my Star Palace long ago, but no one knows about it." Xuanshen Taoist said.

"Is that so?" The sword is unparalleled.

No wonder this old ghost helped himself everywhere before. It turned out that from the beginning, this old ghost was a member of his camp.

"After all, Taichu divine world is our hometown. Although I don't have much skill, I won't turn a blind eye to seeing my hometown fall into a desperate situation." The old ghost bone smiled, "as for fate meteor, he and I are good friends, and he came with me this time. Although we can't help much in this war, we can do something more or less."

Jian Wushuang nodded.

The war is imminent, and now many strong people in the Taichu divine world are united with one heart.

Only in this way can they hope to win the next battle with magic Cloud Star.

At this time, the master of ChenYun suddenly came.

"Lord of the blood sword, I have bad news." The voice of Shen Yun is a little low.

"Bad news?" Jian Wushuang frowned, "what's going on?"

"Lord of the blood sword, when I sent you a message before, I said that the cosmic boat on which the magic Cloud Star was riding stopped slightly for a period of time when passing through a star field. Before, I didn't know why the cosmic boat stopped there, but now, I have figured it out." The master of ChenYun paused and continued, "the reason why the cosmic boat of magic Cloud Star stays in that star domain is that a strong man in that star domain began to turn into a God King."

"The beginning of God?" Jian Wushuang remembers this name.

"The beginning of God is a master of the fourth series, although it is only the elementary level of the fourth series, but in many star regions around here, it also has a great reputation, and he is very familiar with the magic Cloud Star Lord himself, and the two people seem to have a good relationship. This time, the magic Cloud Star passed through the sea of knowledge in that star region, and asked him to come to this star region together." Chenyun dominates the way.

"What did you say?" The double-sided color of the sword immediately changed, "do you mean that in the cosmic boat that magic Cloud Star is now riding, in addition to the master of magic Cloud Star, there is also an original God King who has also reached the fourth level of dominance?"

"Yes." The master of ChenYun nodded slightly.

"Damn!!" Sword unparalleled hands, but the bottom of my heart can not help but secretly scold.

A demon Cloud Star master alone is already extremely difficult to deal with.

Over the years, although he has prepared many means, which together give him a certain confidence to face the demon Cloud Star, he is still not absolutely sure that he can win this battle.

But now, in addition to the magic Cloud Star Lord, there is also a beginning God King?

It is also the master of the fourth series. If this Shihua Shenjun takes action, his combat power can completely affect and even change the whole battle situation.

"Shen Yun master, can you confirm the relationship between the demon Cloud Star master and the Shihua God King? If it comes to a critical juncture, he will definitely take action?" Jian Wushuang asked.

"Naturally, the relationship between them can be determined. They are indeed good friends, which has been heard by some powerful people in the surrounding star regions. But when the war begins, I can't guarantee whether the first God King will make a move." Chenyun dominates the way.

Jian Wushuang's eyes immediately narrowed.

Shihua Shenjun and the master of magic Cloud Star are good friends. Now they are on the cosmic boat of magic Cloud Star. When the war begins, if the side of magic Cloud Star is defeated, this Shihua Shenjun will probably fight. That is to say, in this war, they have another enemy who reaches the fourth level of master slaughter.

It's really bad news.

"Fortunately, although this Shihua God King is also the master of the fourth series, his strength is not too strong. The three strongest fighting forces of our camp should be able to easily compete with him, and for our Taichu God camp, the real threat is still the demon Cloud Star master." The sword is pondering.

The arrival of Shihua Shenjun was beyond Jian Wushuang's expectation and brought him some pressure, but it was still within his manageable range.

"The Lord of the blood sword, the universe boat that the magic Cloud Star rode, has arrived in this star domain, and now it is coming to the primordial divine world at the fastest speed. It is estimated that it will arrive in half a day at most." Shen Yun dominates another way.

"Half a day?" Sword peerless look cold, "all the strong men on the side of the divine world in my early days are ready, and they all look at death as if they were going to return. Now, wait for them!"

In this void where countless strong people gather, a solemn atmosphere has already condensed.

With the information that the magic Cloud Star Army is about to arrive spread, a large number of strong people in this void are ready. They see countless rule masters rising, and have formed one huge battle formation after another, arrayed there.

The masters of many rules in the battle field are also ready to go one by one, just waiting for the next war.

Half a day later, under the gaze of hundreds of thousands of strong men in the Taichu divine camp, an ancient and huge cosmic boat slowly sailed from the cosmic void in front of it.

This spaceship is too big. It is at least ten times larger than the spaceship that the stone Mars master got at the beginning.

And on this ancient cosmic boat, there are countless strong men standing. In the depths of the cosmic boat, there is a faint smell of tyranny and even terror hovering.

"Demon Cloud Star Army, coming."

In a nearby cosmic void, three figures stood there calmly.

These three Taoist figures are the three leaders from the Nine Emperor Pavilion, led by Chenyun.

The three of them saw the huge cosmic boat coming and appearing in this void, and they were also secretly amazed at this moment.

"Magic Cloud Star, after all, is a second-class star world. There are countless strong people under its command. There are nearly a hundred masters alone. The Lord of magic Cloud Star had lost a star world before, and now he has broken through to the fourth level. With the existence of an original God King around him, such a lineup, I don't know whether the side of the primordial god world can resist..."