Whether the demon Cloud Star master has done his best so far, jianwushuang doesn't know.

But it is not difficult to see from the relaxed appearance of the demon Cloud Star from beginning to end that he should not have lied.

Suddenly... The Lord of magic Cloud Star took back the dark spear he had held in his hand, and turned his hand over again, and took out a purple spear.

It is also a magic weapon of spear type, but as soon as the purple spear appeared, the invisible terror smell attracted everyone's attention at the first time.


"Law treasure!!"

"It's the treasure of law. Such a terrible breath can't be wrong."

The whole battlefield was suddenly in an uproar.

"Law treasure?" The double-sided color of the sword has also changed.

He has the law treasure in his hand, and has a magic sword suitable for him to use. He knows how a law treasure can greatly improve his strength.

As for the masters, the combat power of the masters who have the supreme treasure of law and the masters who have never owned the supreme treasure of law is also completely two levels.

This magic Cloud Star master just showed his fighting power, which is only a normal or slightly stronger level among the primary masters of the fourth level, but now he has a law treasure suitable for his own exertion, then his fighting power can at least soar to the higher master level of the fourth level!!

"Does he have the law treasure?" Magic flame is also a little confused at the moment.

You know, the supreme treasure of law, many masters of the fourth and even the fifth series do not have it. Here, it is at the edge of the universe. The supreme treasure of law is poor, like the unparalleled sword. It is also an opportunity against the sky. It passed the test of the red cloud world and just got the supreme treasure of law. But for the master of the magic cloud, the magic flame did not think that the other party would have the supreme treasure of law at all before.

With the supreme treasure of law, the combat power of the demon Cloud Star Lord can reach a new level.

And the devil flame himself, although he was the master of the ultimate level in his peak period, had a law treasure, and there were more than one or two, but since he was chased and killed in a great disaster, only the soul body escaped, his treasures fell into the hands of the strong man who chased him at the beginning. Even now that his soul body regained control of the God body, the sword unparalleled could not get him a law treasure suitable for him to use.

After all, what demon Yan is good at is the claw method. His suitable weapon is the claw magic weapon. The unparalleled sword can only get him the strongest treasure at the best level and let him display it.

But the strongest treasure at the best level seems to be only one step away from the law treasure, but its power is too poor.

Unlike the shock of many strong people in the Taichu divine world camp, the Shihua God King who also reached the fourth level was not surprised at all when he saw the magic Cloud Star Lord take out the supreme treasure of the law, but only some regrets, "Only the Daewoo temple can be so rich and powerful. It's not long since the magic cloud joined the Daewoo temple, but it has been given a special magic weapon that has a restraining effect on special life, as well as a supreme treasure of attack rules. Although it's only the supreme treasure of inferior rules, it's not often rare."

Shihua Shenjun and the magic Cloud Star master were friends, and he envied the magic Cloud Star master from the beginning.

It is not only because the master of magic cloud lost a star world, but also the opportunity of the master of magic cloud to join the Daewoo temple, which is a great force that countless strong people in the vast universe are eager to join.

However, the overall strength of the Daewoo temple is extremely strong, but the threshold is also high, and the requirements for the strength and potential of the strong under his command are also extremely strict. Although he is the master of the fourth level, he is not qualified to join the Daewoo temple at all.

After the law Zhibao spear appeared in the hands of the magic Cloud Star owner, the pressure brought by the magic Cloud Star owner to the Taichu divine world camp was even greater.

"You, try again!"

The demon Cloud Star master held the purple spear at the level of the supreme treasure of the law in one hand, with a evil smile on his face, looking at the magic flame in front of him, and his other hand was still stretched out and hooked his hook finger at the magic flame.

The demon flame's face was ugly. Although he knew that the overall combat power would be greatly improved after the demon Cloud Star master possessed the supreme treasure of the law, the demon flame was not afraid at all, and he saw the surging golden light shining again.

Just in an instant, the demon flame condensed two huge golden eagles again, which roared and attacked the demon Cloud Star master again.

But this time, in the face of the attack of these two golden eagles, the demon Cloud Star Lord just waved his purple spear at will.

It was obviously a spear, but at the moment, it was used as a growth stick by the demon Cloud Star master, and it was smashed out at will.

With a casual smash, the demon Cloud Star Lord didn't even show his unique skills.

However, at the moment when the purple spear was smashed, a unique force erupted.


As if adults were bullying children, the purple spear destroyed all the way, directly smashing the two golden eagles transformed by the demon flame into a rout. Even the purple spear still had amazing power and hit the God body of the demon flame directly.

The red gold divine body of the demon flame was extremely strong, but after all, it only recovered by 20%. Under the bombardment of this force, it was crazy to tremble. The mouth of the demon flame was spewing a mouthful of blood, and the whole person's breath was weakened by a large part. His body also collapsed out in confusion, and it took a long time to regain its footing.

"How is it possible?" The magic flame widened his eyes, and his face was unbelievable.

Those strong people who watched the war around were also stunned.

With a random blow, he still smashed the spear like a long stick, but he still smashed the two golden eagles transformed by the magic flame in a moment, and at the same time, he also made the magic flame God body seriously damaged.

This gap is a little too big.

Just now, under the attack of the two golden eagles, the demon Cloud Star master was extremely embarrassed and even injured. How can he change completely in the blink of an eye now.

"Universal law!!"

Jian Wushuang stared at the demon Cloud Star in front of him, and his face was extremely gloomy. The cold frost standing beside Jian Wushuang was startled, and he also noticed the gloom on Jian Wushuang.

"Universal law!!"

"It's the law of the universe. This demon Cloud Star master unexpectedly understands a trace of the law of the universe?"

"How is it possible? Even the master, it is extremely difficult to understand a trace of the laws of the universe. How can this demon Cloud Star master..."

"Is it for this reason that he lost one of the star worlds before?"

The slaves behind the unparalleled sword also shook up one by one.

The law of the universe, the supreme force in the vast universe!!

Even the sword unparalleled at the beginning also paid great energy and cost to barely understand a trace of the laws of the universe.

But now, no one thought that this demon Cloud Star master also understood a trace of the laws of the universe! To watch the new chapter of Zui, please go to mobile address