It's three o'clock today

Shock and anger

Sword peerless is completely angry at the moment.

Although from the beginning, he was a little wary of these nine whiskers, and he had always been extremely cautious in the fierce battle, but as the battle became more and more intense, these nine whiskers had always been extremely excited.

This excitement is purely due to meeting a real opponent, and so is jianwushuang.

The difference in strength between the two is not big. Jiuxu is a ascetic. He finally met a decent opponent, and the sword is unparalleled, not to mention that he rushed all the way from the primordial world, but he hasn't met a really decent opponent on the way.

It's not easy to meet him now. The strength and means of the other party surprised Jian Wushuang. Naturally, he had a feeling of empathy.

Jian Wushuang was going to stop when he hit Jiuxu hard. He didn't want to kill Jiuxu.

But who ever thought that Jiuxu directly attacked the killer, and he had been pretending well before he attacked the killer. When he shot, he deliberately reminded him to be careful, which made jianwushuang relax his vigilance.


"Careless." The sword is unparalleled, and the heart is cold.

He is indeed careless. Of course, it can be said that he is too confident in his earth guarding sword array.

He was confident that with the earth guarding sword array, he was able to resist the strongest killing move of the nine whiskers, but he forgot that the earth guarding sword array was not really impeccable. In the face of that kind of soul attack, or the kind of immaterial attack similar to the soul attack, the earth guarding sword array could not resist.

In addition, the nine beard disguised was really good. From beginning to end, he was a belligerent, excited and crazy for meeting a decent opponent, and even the sword was cheated.

Fortunately, he is a perfect level of life, and his divine power is indeed vast enough to survive under the corrosion of the red fog.

If it were someone else, he would have died long ago and could not die again.

In the battlefield, Jiuxu's face was ferocious, and his eyes looking at the sword were full of cold, but his heart was sneering.

"This blood sword, however, is only the master of the second level, but his strength means, but it is definitely the fifth level. Even I am not his opponent. The range of the realm is so large that he must have had a great opportunity before. There are probably big secrets on him. As long as I kill him, I can know what secrets are on him."

Although Jiuxu has always been a belligerent, he looks aboveboard and wants to compete with Jian unparalleled by strength.

But in fact, his heart is very dark, and his mind has always been very clear.

From the moment when Jian Wushuang showed his real strength, he had made up his mind to find a way to kill Jian Wushuang.

It's a pity that jianwushuang's strength is too strong. He can't do anything with all his strength, and he was even badly hurt by the other party,

There's no way. He can only use his best killing skills

His strongest killing move seems to be that terrible shot. The power of that shot is indeed extremely powerful. There is no doubt about this, but in fact, this terrible shot is just a cover.

His real killing move was the sudden explosion of red fog hidden under the gun.

The red fog is the treasure left by an ultimate level master in the secret territory of heaven and earth. The ultimate level master is a strong man who is good at using poison, and the red fog is one of the strong poisons left by the strong man.

Only a small part of this poison is enough to kill the fifth level masters. Even the ultimate level masters will die if they are accidentally corroded by a large amount of red fog.

At the beginning, Jiuxu relied on this move to roam in all regions of the universe, the biggest card that has not died for so many years.

Before meeting jianwushuang, Jiuxu also encountered two real crises. His opponents were the masters of the fifth level, and their strength was much stronger than him. As a result, he successfully killed the two masters of the fifth level by relying on the strongest killing skill and the red fog.

Now jianwushuang also suffered the same move. Seeing a lot of red fog entering jianwushuang's body, he knew that he had won the battle.

Not only won, but also after the death of the blood sword in front of him, the secrets contained in him, including the many treasures he left and the cosmic boat, were all his.

According to his estimation, the killing sword is unparalleled, and the harvest he can get may be more than the two masters of the fifth series who killed before.

The bottom of Jiuxu's heart can't wait.

But suddenly

The sword standing in front of him was unparalleled, but he directly opened his eyes.

"Jiuxu, you are very good." The cold voice also came from the mouth of jianwushuang.

"How can it be?" nine whiskers stared wide, his face implausible, "even the fifth level master, breathing in the same dose of fog, will undoubtedly die. He is just a second level master, how can he survive?"

Jiuxu was puzzled at the bottom of his heart and couldn't believe it.

But in fact, it was in front of him.

"I'm not dead, but you're about to die." Sword unparalleled, no mercy, boom boom

Three dazzling golden lights suddenly lit up, and three huge Zhentian steles directly rose.

As soon as the three Zhentian steles appeared, they immediately swept to three different positions, combined with each other, and boomed, forming a huge golden array in an instant.

The magic Zhentian FA array directly urged its power at this moment.

"This is the treasure of repressive laws"

"Three statues"

Jiuxu was stunned.

He was horrified to find that under the golden law array, he actually suffered a huge force of repression, which greatly weakened the strength he could play.

And followed by the sword, Wushuang came out.


At this moment, the endless ocean of sword meaning swept out directly.

The sea of sword meaning is vast and vast, and it spreads throughout the galaxy.

Wave lightsaber array, the three strongest sword arrays created by jianwushuang

Although the wave light sword array is only one of the three sword arrays, and the sword unparalleled was originally created to trap the enemy's entangled sword array, since the sword unparalleled obtained three Zhentian steles, which can urge the magic Zhentian FA array, it relies on the combination of the magic Zhentian FA array and the wave light sword array.

This wave of lightsaber array has undoubtedly become the strongest killing move in jianwushuang's hands

Even the hazy sword array, which focuses on attacking power, is far inferior to the wave light sword array in killing the enemy.

The dim sword array and the earth guarding sword array that have been used by sword peerless before have never been used by him.

Until now, after the nine whiskers really irritated him, the unparalleled strength of the sword was no longer retained. For a moment, the magic Zhentian FA array was perfectly combined with the wave light sword array.

The unparalleled strongest killing move of sword is really displayed in the universe.

PS: it's three o'clock today

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