"Witch?" Jian Wushuang's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Little friend of blood sword, this should be your wife beside you?" Palmer asked.

"Yes." Jian Wushuang nodded.

"You didn't mention the witch. I haven't noticed that your wife and the witch are very imaginative, not only in appearance, but even in temperament." Palmer said.

Hearing this, Jian Wushuang couldn't help laughing.

It is certain that lengrushuang is similar to the witch. After all, lengrushuang and lengruxue were originally two souls derived from one body.

Before, they shared a divine body, but later, with the cold frost reincarnation, the soul separated from the body.

But now the cold, frost like body is also shaped according to its original appearance. Of course, it is similar in appearance and temperament.

"Is that cold as snow now in the ten thousand poison demon clan?" Jian Wushuang asked.

"No." Palmer shook his head, "as far as I know, Leng Ruxue left the ten thousand poison demon sect hundreds of years ago, and even left Leiheng star domain, and went to a special secret place to wander, and never returned, but no accident, in a few years, Leng Ruxue should return to the ten thousand poison demon sect."

"In a few years? Why?" Jian Wushuang asked.

"Because in a few years, there will be a feast in Leiheng star domain, which is as cold as snow, and we are sure to participate." Palmer said.

"I see. Thank you." The sword unparalleled said a thank-you, and even if she left the Nine Emperor pavilion with cold frost and magic flame, she went to the thunder star domain.

Leiheng Xingyu, at the foot of the door of the ten thousand poison demon sect, in a pub, jianwushuang three people sat together, eating and drinking at will.

"The space of the second-order star world is much more stable than that of the third-order star world. Our masters from the star world are not subject to any restrictions and restrictions in this thunder star domain." Jian Wushuang smiled lightly.

He was also worried before that he was an alien master after all. After entering the Leiheng star domain, would he be constrained by the will of the heaven in the Leiheng star domain.

Just like the primordial realm.

The Taichu divine world can't bear to dominate the combat power, so in the Taichu divine world, even the local masters can't give full play to their full strength. Only the master of the rules can fight recklessly and burst out their full strength.

But it is obvious that Leiheng star domain does not have much restriction on the cultivators who dominate the level.

At least Jian Wushuang is standing here now, and he doesn't feel the bondage of the will of heaven. His strength can be fully developed to the peak.

If this were in the primordial realm, it would be impossible to achieve.

"Master, in the vast universe, the reason why the star world has different levels is not only because the quality of the strong people born in different star worlds will be different, but also represents the spatial stability of the star world and the strength of the strong people that can bear!" Demon Yan began to talk.

"Under normal circumstances, the general three-level star world can't bear the battle power of the master level, so in the three-level star world, the master can't play all his strength at all. Of course, master, you can burst out the battle power of the master at the beginning, because you are only the master of the rules, and the primordial divine world has no restrictions on you, but after you break through and become the master, you will be limited."

"The space stability of the secondary star boundary is naturally far above that of the tertiary star boundary. Within the secondary star boundary, it can withstand the combat power of the dominant level, and it is not only the general master, but also the power of the fourth level, the fifth level and even the ultimate level."

"In other words, in the secondary star boundary, as long as it is the master, it can wantonly erupt into the strongest strength."

"As for the higher level of the first-class star world, it can let the supreme power fight wantonly."

"Is that so?" Jian Wushuang was clear in his heart, and at the same time, a smile appeared on his face, "just like this, I was worried that if I couldn't play my strongest strength in this thunder star domain, I might not be able to intimidate the ten thousand poison demon clan, but now, there's no such worry."

Ten thousand poisons demon sect, the strongest sect leader, is just a strong man with the extreme fourth series, and has not reached the fifth series.

The master of this level, the sword unparalleled does not pay attention.

As strong as nine whiskers, that combat power is enough to rival the fifth series master, not the same as dying in his hands.

"Master, isn't it cold as snow that hasn't returned to the ten thousand poisons demon sect now? What are we doing here so early?" Asked the demon flame.

"There's nothing to do anyway. Just wait here." Jian Wushuang smiled.

On the surface, he was eating and drinking with lengrushuang and magic flame, but in fact, jianwushuang had been secretly trying to refine those venoms.

Especially on the way to Leiheng star domain before, he has been trying, and his soul has even been annihilated hundreds of times, but jianwushuang continues to try.

Although every attempt failed, in this attempt, his soul's tolerance to the venom is also constantly improving. He believes that if he keeps trying like this, one day, he can really refine these venoms.

In the tavern, there are not only jianwushuang three people sitting there eating and drinking, but also some other cultivators.

And because this place is, after all, at the foot of the sect door of the ten thousand poisons demon sect, most of the cultivators who come here are powerful, and even there are many masters.

"Haha, brother Morten, are you here too?"

Hearty laughter rang out, and a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi stood up in the tavern, and he greeted a mysterious man wrapped in a black robe, whose whole face was covered by a layer of black clouds.

"After all, it's a grand event only once in thousands of years, and it's said that even the Lord of the stars will pay attention to this event. Anyway, the place where I live is not far from the ten thousand poison demon sect. Naturally, come and have a look." The man under the black robe made a hoarse voice.

"Hey, hey, I heard that the reason why this event attracted so much attention was that there was a very great genius in the ten thousand poisons demon sect. It is said that she was a rare evil poison in the universe, and then she cultivated into the most powerful charm in the ten thousand poisons demon sect. Although now she is only the master of the second level, her combat power is even stronger than many masters of the third level. The most important thing is that she has cultivated for only hundreds of thousands of years. This potential, It's really infinite. " The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi exclaimed.

"Well, it's very powerful. Not surprisingly, all forces, including those geniuses of the other two top forces, will be the foil of this grand event. This peerless genius of the ten thousand poison demon sect is the real protagonist!!" The man in Black said

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