The magic flame after 18000 years has already refined and absorbed all the special crystal stones obtained before, and its divine body has also been restored to about 40%.

About 40% of the divine body, so that the demon flame's own realm has returned to the extreme dominated by the fourth series, infinitely close to the fifth series, and his combat power is undoubtedly the fifth series, and even in the fifth series is extremely strong.

Hearing the unparalleled inquiry of the sword, the demon flame said: "master, in the vast universe, there are many ways to judge the perception of the universal law, but the most convincing one is the law sea."

"Law sea? What is that, the law sea of the universe?" Jian Wushuang wondered.

"No." The magic flame shook his head, "the law sea is actually a test of understanding the laws of the universe. The law sea has a total of 33 layers, corresponding to 33 different levels of understanding the laws of the universe."

"This Law sea was created by a hegemonic force at the core of the universe, and then widely used in the universe. Most of the top powers in the universe, such as those supreme masters, judge their perception of the universal law based on this Law sea. The first level of the law sea needs to master a trace of the universal law to break through. As for the highest level 33, it is said to be the most extreme of the universal law Limit means to completely master the laws of the whole universe, but such a super existence, the whole universe is numbered. "

Hearing this, Jian Wushuang was noncommittal.

The law of the universe is the supreme law of the vast universe. Even the supreme and powerful, most of them can only get started. And the 33rd law sea, which represents the complete mastery of the whole universal law, is naturally not something ordinary people can break through.

I'm afraid that even the top supreme, even the invincible supreme like Lingyun star Lord, can't break through.

"My understanding of the laws of the universe has long been more than just a trace. If I go to the sea of laws, I should not only be able to go through the first floor, but how many floors can I go through, I have to try." Jian Wushuang thought secretly, but immediately raised his head, "demon flame, you just said that the law sea has been widely used in the vast universe, so there should be law sea in many places, right?"

"There are not many places." The demon flame said, "after all, the law of the universe is too high-end. Generally, only the supreme and powerful are qualified to understand it. Only a few masters of demons are qualified to understand that trace. But because the level is too high, the general small and medium-sized star regions can't use the law sea at all, so this Law sea is only available in large star regions."

"Large star domain?" The sword was stunned.

Large star domains, but there is a level of star realm, and there must be the ultimate level of domination, and even some relatively strong large star domains, even the supreme.

However, the vast universe is dominated by small and medium-sized star regions. As for large star regions, they are only common in the depths of the universe. As for the boundaries of the universe, although there are also, there are few.

Like jianwushuang, they rushed all the way down. Although they passed many star regions, none of the large star regions passed by.

"Husband, if I remember correctly, let's continue to skim forward. After passing two small star regions, we will reach a large star region, bone pupil star region." It's as cold as frost.

Sword unparalleled waved, in front of the void immediately appeared a huge star map.

On the star map, jianwushuang soon saw the location of the bone pupil star domain.

"Yes, the bone pupil star region is our only way, and it is not far from our current position. We can arrive there in hundreds of years by taking the spaceship without delay." A smile appeared on Jian Wushuang's face.

There is an introduction to the star field of bone pupil on the star map.

This bone pupil star domain is indeed a large star domain, and there are not only first-order star worlds, but also full two in the bone pupil star domain, and there are more second-order star worlds and third-order star worlds.

"There are two bone pupil star domains, even the first-order star domain. There must be a law sea in it, so we will go to the bone pupil star domain first." Sword peerless smiled.

Immediately, the cosmic boat swept through the void of the universe at the fastest speed. Only 300 years later, they reached the bone pupil star domain.

In the core area of the bone pupil star domain, an island is quietly suspended in the void, and the island is quiet.

According to the truth, since this island is located in the core area of the bone pupil star domain, there should be many strong people in the past, but in fact, this island is almost ignored in the bone pupil star domain.

Although many strong people in the bone pupil star domain know the existence of this island, they rarely come here.

On the island, it was an endless ocean. On the edge of the ocean, a brown haired old man sat there casually with his eyes slightly closed, motionless.

The brown haired old man has maintained the same posture on this island for more than hundreds of thousands of years.

For hundreds of thousands of years, he didn't move at all. If he didn't know, he would have died long ago.

But suddenly

"Huh?" The brown haired old man suddenly opened his eyes, revealing the slightly muddy pupils, "is someone coming?"

Sure enough, three figures galloped in the distance and soon came to the edge of the ocean.

"Come and stop." The old man with brown hair spoke slowly.

Sword unparalleled three people stopped.

"Master, there is the law sea ahead. Although it looks like an ordinary ocean, in fact, you will find that the law sea has a unique hole after you walk along the ocean." Demon flame said.

"Well." Jian Wushuang nodded slightly, and his eyes looked at the brown haired old man sitting casually below.


Sword unparalleled three people swept down and came to the brown haired old man.

"Next to me is my wife and one of my guards. We passed by here and heard that there is a law sea that can judge the degree of perception of the laws of the universe. I'm here to see something." Jian Wushuang smiled.

"The law sea is not something that anyone can see casually, but requires a certain understanding of the laws of the universe. But the three of you, the strongest, are the masters of the fourth series. I don't know who among you understands a trace of the laws of the universe?" The brown haired old man looked over with light eyes.

"It's me." The sword is unparalleled.

"Oh?" The brown haired old man looked at the unparalleled sword, but his heart was a little surprised.

He saw at a glance that the unparalleled sword was just the master of the second series.

A master of the second series can comprehend a trace of cosmic law, which is rare in the universe.
