"In addition to the list information of the top powers in the Nine Emperor Pavilion, I also need to know the Xuanyi who was offered a reward by the Thor palace, all his information and intelligence, as well as the specific contradictions between him and the Thor palace, and what he did." The sword is unparalleled.

"No problem." Feixue still smiles and nods.

Soon, Feixue handed two complete pieces of information to Jianwu.

One of the two pieces of information is about the top power in the Thor palace, and the other is about Xuanyi.

Jian Wushuang first looked at Xuanyi's information.

But after seeing the information, Jian Wushuang frowned deeper.

According to this information, Xuanyi is a strong man born in the second-class star world of the Jiuyao star field.

His birth, his step-by-step growth, and the rise of the process, have been mentioned, and extremely detailed, each step of the growth process, can be accurately witnessed.

Although this process is not too wonderful, it is also stumbling to grow up, because when Xuanyi rose in the Murakami world, he was not that kind of dazzling super genius. He was relatively mediocre all the way, and felt like a very ordinary kind.

He didn't have much fame on the road from the beginning to the master of rules. Until he quietly reached the dominant level, he gradually became famous, and his fame was not because of his strength, but because of his various emerging means.

He has studied and involved in various fields, such as alchemy, weapon refining, array and soul, and has made certain achievements.

Some of his methods have made some people who are obviously stronger than him feel headache.

Although the means are good, it is limited to a mura star world. However, what he really became famous in the whole Jiuyao star domain is the collision with Thor palace more than 100000 years ago.

That collision was Xuanyi's battle for fame.

He changed from an ordinary master who was only famous in the mura star world to a man of the moment in the whole Jiuyao star field, and became well-known.

In that battle, Xuan Yi dominated the combat power with his third level. He not only killed the digital fourth level master of Thor palace in the front, but also killed a super genius Lei Yi of Thor palace most importantly!

Lei Yi, at that time, was recognized as the first genius in the Thor palace and even the whole Jiuyao star domain. Although he was only the master of the third series, he had already understood a trace of cosmic law early. In addition, he was also one of the personal disciples of the Lord of the Thor Palace. He had a lot of resources and unlimited potential.

But in the battle 100000 years ago, this Lei Yi was killed by Xuan Yi.

Maybe Lei Yi himself didn't expect that he was also the master of the third series. He was also recognized as the first genius in the whole star domain. He would die in the hands of the other party.

And it was because of Lei Yi's death that the Thor palace was completely furious, and then there was the reward that made the whole Jiuyao star domain a sensation.

"The first day he killed the Thor palace was still the disciple of the Lord of the Thor palace. No wonder the Thor palace was furious." Jian Wushuang nodded secretly.

Lei Yi, after all, understood a trace of the laws of the universe.

You know, even in the big star field, it is extremely difficult to have a master who understands the laws of the universe.

Like the big star field of bone pupil, it was not easy for an emperor fire to understand a trace of the laws of the universe to appear, and he was immediately accepted as a personal disciple by the star Lord Qingyan. The hostile star Lord Jinyu was willing to pay a great price, but he still couldn't find a second master who understood the laws of the universe.

That Lei Yi, although from the Thor palace, has many resources in the Thor palace, but it is great to be able to understand a trace of cosmic law at the dominant level of the third series.

Such a genius, Thor palace will certainly be regarded as a baby, but unfortunately, this baby was killed by Xuan Yi.

As for the reason why Xuan Yi killed him

"Is it for a woman?" Sword peerless showed surprise.

Because in his impression, his master is basically that kind of desire free. He has been in contact with his master for so many years and has never heard of his master's relationship with any woman.

But now, his master Xuanyi would kill for a woman, and it was the super genius of Raytheon palace.

"The relationship between this woman named ah Ba and the master is probably extraordinary." Jian Wushuang looked at the woman named 'ah Ba' mentioned in the intelligence.

After his master Xuan Yi killed Lei Yi, he disappeared with the woman, and even the Nine Emperor Pavilion did not find their location.

This is all the information of his master Xuanyi in the Jiuyao star domain, and the festival between him and Thor palace.

What makes Jian unparalleled puzzled is that his master's rise in the Jiuyao star region is indeed so clear, and the whole process has been verified, and his life is still very old, as if he was indeed born in the Jiuyao star region and has always lived in the Jiuyao star region.

But if he was really born in the Jiuyao big star domain and has been staying in the Jiuyao big star domain, what is Xuanyi in the primordial divine world?

"Xuanyi, who was offered a reward by the Thor palace in the Jiuyao big star region, is exactly the same as the master in both appearance and temperament. There is no doubt that he is the master, but he has been in the Jiuyao big star region and obviously hasn't left. What's the matter?" Jian Wushuang frowned tightly.

"Is it separation?" Jian Wushuang couldn't help thinking.

But soon he shook his head.

His master Xuanyi has always been enigmatic, mysterious and extraordinary. All kinds of means make Jian unparalleled feel incredible.

Even though he now has almost the ultimate level of dominance, his master is still a huge mystery in his heart.

The more he touches this mystery, the more he feels confused. To really solve this mystery, maybe he can only see Xuanyi again in person.

But now his master doesn't know whether he is still in the Jiuyao star region. As for whether he has been found and killed by the people in the thunderobot palace, the sword is definitely unbelievable.

I believe what means his master is. Although the Thor palace has extraordinary strength, I'm afraid it's not a bit bad to kill his master.

But even if his master is still alive, he doesn't know where it is, and the only person who may know the whereabouts of his master is the highest level of Thor palace.

Thinking of this, Jian Wushuang immediately looked at the second intelligence in front of him, about the top powers in the Thor palace.

Immediately, Jian Wushuang began to browse the information of this top-level strongman in the Thor palace.


PS: it's two o'clock today!