"Boy, do you think this seat will answer your question honestly? Who do you think you are, supreme?" Emperor Yu sneered.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say it now. When you're suppressed, there's plenty of time to ask you slowly." The sword peerless also didn't talk to the emperor Rain King. With a wave of his big hand, the three empty Zhentian tablets around him immediately burst into dazzling golden light.

On the Zhentian monument, three huge golden gods and Demons condensed into virtual shadows, and the already powerful suppression force soared again.

"The treasure of repressive laws?" Emperor Yu's eyes narrowed.

The supremacy of the law of repression is extremely powerful, and he can barely resist the power of repression with most of the rest. But once he is hit again and falls into a weak stage, jianwushuang can completely control the supremacy of the law of repression, completely suppress him, and control his life and death.

"If you want to suppress this seat, you dream!!" Emperor Yu screamed and struggled desperately in the Tianfa array of Shenmo town.

However, the God demon Zhentian FA array, which is a powerful suppression array displayed by three Zhentian steles at the same time, and then by jianwushuang himself, the Emperor Yu king can't get rid of the suppression force of the God demon Zhentian FA array at all.

At the same time, jianwushuang also made a decisive move.


I saw sword lights, all mysterious, Mo Dynasty Emperor Yu Wang beheaded.

These sword lights, with rich cosmic laws, are inscrutable and incredibly fast. Emperor Yu Wang can only resist oneortwo times, but the rest is still standing on his divine body mercilessly.

After one sword, two swords and just counting swords, Emperor Yu's divine power has been annihilated by more than 80%, and his breath has become extremely weak.

At this point, it was extremely difficult for him to resist the repressive force of the magic town Tianfa array again.

But at this time, a sudden change occurred!


A pale palm appeared out of thin air, which magnified infinitely in the void, and almost instantly tore a hole in the magic Zhentian FA array, and grabbed the Emperor Yu king.

The whole magic Zhentian array trembled wildly, and the three golden magic virtual shadows on the Zhentian monument also dimmed slightly, and the whole array almost collapsed.

"Huh?" Jian Wushuang frowned.

With his current strength, he fully controlled the magic Zhentian array displayed by the three Zhentian tablets, which was forcibly torn apart, and even nearly collapsed?

The strength of the other side is not trivial.

Hum ~ as soon as the old figure appeared in the Dharma array, he stood beside the Emperor Yu king.


Seeing the visitor, Emperor Yu, who was already extremely weak and almost desperate in his heart, was overjoyed, and his eyes flashed bright again.

"Elder?" Jian Wushuang's eyes narrowed slightly.

He knows many top-level materials of the Thor palace, among which the three ultimate level masters are the most powerful and the most noble.

The elder of the thunder palace is one of the three ultimate masters.

"The ultimate level master?" Jian Wushuang took a deep breath, but he was extremely surprised. "When I shot, I had already completely blocked the surrounding space and time. Although the Emperor Yu king was in a desperate situation, he could not summon for help. Moreover, even if he could ask for help, the high-level strong man of the thunderobot Palace could not arrive so soon, but this big elder..."

"How did he know that Emperor Yu was in crisis, and how did he get here in time?" Jian Wushuang was confused.

But in fact, not only him, but even the Emperor Yu king was surprised at the moment.

"Elder, why did you come here?" Emperor Yu asked repeatedly.

"When I saw you in the palace before, I already saw something wrong." The old man said, "my Thor palace has stood in the Jiuyao star region for a long time, and there are many enemies, but these enemies can reach the fifth level are few, and under the strength of my Thor palace, these enemies usually hide. It's good if my Thor palace doesn't take the initiative to pursue them. Who has the courage to revenge my Thor palace directly?"

"This time, a strong man without any fame suddenly destroyed the blood thunder cliff, and it happened that your disciple Zhenhuang was also there, which was a bit too coincidental."

"So when you hurried out to avenge your disciples, in case I followed you quietly, it's a pity that I was a little slower. I only had time to save you, but I couldn't save the two law enforcement elders." The elder of Thor palace sighed secretly.

Whether it is Emperor Yu, the three of them, or the elder of the Thor palace, they all arrived at the secondary star world through the cosmic channel.

But the same cosmic channel, after being started once, needs a while to start the second time. It's the effort in the middle of a while that makes the elder of Raytheon palace delay a little.

Coupled with the unparalleled strength and speed of Jian, when the elder of Raytheon palace really arrived, the two law enforcement elders were dead, but king Suo Diyu was still alive and had not been completely suppressed.

"The elder, this is the man. He killed Zhenhuang and the third and eighth law enforcement elders. If you don't arrive in time, I'm afraid I'll die in his hands. At worst, I'm afraid I've been suppressed." Emperor Yu stared at the sword peerless, gnashing his teeth.

The elder of Thor palace, his eyes have also focused on the unparalleled body of Jian.

"The third series dominates?" The muddy eyes of the elder of thunderobot palace narrowed slightly.

"Elder, although he is just a master of the third series, his strength is very terrible. The third and eighth law enforcement elders were killed by him with only two swords. His combat power is definitely the most extreme of the fifth series, and even much stronger than me." Emperor Yu Wang Lian Dao.

"I can see that if he doesn't have enough strength, he doesn't have the courage to calculate the first law enforcement elder of thunderobot palace." The elder of the thunderoboam Palace's voice became cold, "although I don't know who you are, but since you dare to plan my thunderoboam palace, you can leave your life today."

"Oh, very confident?" The corners of Jian Wushuang's mouth are warped.


The elder of Thor palace made a direct move, and he didn't make too many moves, just a simple turnover.

Instantly buzzing ~ a large number of divine powers, with endless regular forces, rapidly condensed above the void, and in the blink of an eye formed a crystal jade like towering giant hand.

This towering giant hand occupied most of the sky, and the sword unparalleled was covered by this big hand. He raised his head and could feel the breath of destroying the sky and earth contained in that big hand very clearly.