Kill him just because he is a special life?

This makes Jian Wushuang puzzled.

You know, how many special lives there are in the vast universe?

A single astral realm can breed all kinds of special lives. For example, in the primordial realm, jianwushuang once encountered special lives.

In other words, there may be twoorthree special lives in a star world and an era, and how many special lives in the vast universe add up?

Countless, right?

If you have to be killed because it's a special life, how much do you have to kill?

And since the vast universe has bred all kinds of special lives, these special lives naturally have the meaning and reason of their existence, and will not affect the balance of the universe. Why should they be killed?

"Little guy, don't get me wrong." The Supreme Master of killing heart waved his hand and said, "since the vast universe has bred so many special lives, these special lives should naturally exist, but special lives, because of the particularity of their life levels, naturally they will be very different from other cultivators."

"For example, special lives have huge congenital advantages, which many ordinary cultivators have never had. But as long as their strength is strong enough, even ordinary cultivators can also find ways to deprive these congenital advantages of special lives."

"Deprivation?" The sword was stunned.

"Yes, in the depths of the universe, there are many strong people. In order to improve their strength as much as possible, they will continue to study the blood essence, hair and so on of special life, so as to find ways to improve their life level." The supreme slaying heart recited.

"For a simple example, for an ordinary life, the divine power is only the most basic level, but if he absorbs and refines some core things of special life in various ways, so as to improve his own level of life, he can increase his divine power ten times or a hundred times on the original basis!!"

The sword was stunned.

He himself is a special life, or a perfect level. Naturally, he knows the huge gap between the perfect level of special life and ordinary cultivators.

First of all, there are too many powerful powers alone.

Like him now, it is clear that he is only the master of the third series, but because of the perfect level of life, his basic divine power bursts out, but it is slightly stronger than the general master of the fourth series. There is a full gap between them, and the gap is hundreds of times, or even more.

And the divine power is only one of them. For example, in terms of the number of divine powers, he is far more vast than the masters of the same level.

These are the innate advantages given to him by the perfect special life, and this is only a part of his innate advantages that have not been fully developed at all.

Taken together, the innate advantages of special life over ordinary cultivators are too great.

If an ordinary cultivator can improve his life level through various researches, or absorbing special life essence or some other things, he believes that there will be many strong people in the universe willing to do so.

"Just because the inborn advantage of special life is too great, this leads to many strong people who are eager to improve their life level, and to improve, they have to start with special life. Therefore, in the depths of the universe, there are often strong people who fight against special life, and the higher the life level, the more people desire it."

After a pause, the Supreme Master of killing heart said again: "of course, such people are only a few after all, and even if they are special lives, they must grow to a certain extent, their blood essence, their life level will slowly play a role, and many have not grown up, and some have not broken through to become the dominant special lives, even if they are caught, it is useless."

"That's why the black eagle wanted to kill me just now?" Sword peerless frowns at the Supreme Master of killing heart.

"No, he didn't kill you to get your blood essence and improve his life level. He killed you because of his camp." The supreme way of killing heart.

"Camp?" Jian Wushuang's eyes narrowed.

"Little guy, you've been wandering in the universe for a while, and I'm afraid you haven't heard of the Daewoo temple." The Supreme Master of killing heart asked with a smile.

"Daewoo temple?" Jian Wushuang was surprised.

He has heard of the Daewoo temple.

At the beginning of the battle with magic Cloud Star in the Taichu divine world, the Lord of magic Cloud Star once took out the special spear, and at that time, the Lord of magic Cloud Star said that the spear came from the Daewoo temple.

And the black eagle supreme who just wanted to kill him also took out the same spear!!

"Look at you, have you heard of the Daewoo temple?" The Supreme Master of the killing heart looked at the sword in surprise, and then laughed, "the Daewoo temple is a top force in the depths of the universe. To be exact, it is a loose alliance at the top level. The significance of this alliance is to kill special life. As for why, no one knows."

"There are many strong people under the command of the Daewoo temple. These strong people don't need to follow the command of the Daewoo temple. They just see a special life, and kill a special life. According to the life level of the special life and its strength, they can get corresponding rewards."

"Like the special spear that the black eagle supreme just took out when he was about to kill you, that is, the star killing spear unique to the Daewoo temple. This star killing spear has a great restraint effect on special lives. As long as it is a person in the Daewoo temple, there will be one. At the beginning, the star killing spear level is low, but as you kill more and more special lives, the star killing spear level will be higher and higher, and the power will be more and more powerful."

"As long as it is a special life killed with the star killing spear, there will be records on the star killing spear. Afterwards, you can take this spear directly to the temple of the universe to receive a reward."

"Just now, the supreme black eagle is a member of the Daewoo temple. He wants to kill you, naturally in order to improve the power level of the star killing spear. On the other hand, he can also find the Daewoo temple to get a good reward. This is also the reason why he is willing to take out three Tianchi divine fruits and ask me to leave."

Sword peerless immediately understood.

The black eagle supreme obviously could directly kill him at the beginning, but he didn't kill him at the first time. Instead, he gave him a sigh of relief and took out the spear the second time, ready to kill him with the spear.

It turned out that only by killing him with the spear, the black eagle supreme could get what he wanted.

It was estimated that the first time the black eagle supreme shot was just to judge his life level. The second time was to really kill him. Unfortunately, by the time he shot for the second time, the supreme killing heart had arrived.


PS: it's two o'clock today!

I still owe another watch. I'll pay it back some time these days. Don't worry.