"Don't worry. Before leaving, I have to say hello to those people. Come with me." The Supreme Master of killing heart laughed.

Jianwushuang immediately set out with the Supreme Master of killing heart. As for cold as frost, he stayed in the independent space of Zhentian monument.

In the center of Jiuyao star field, in the vast void of the universe, several super beings gathered together again.

Including the supreme slaying heart and the supreme black eagle, a full number of six supreme powers gathered together, and only the divine power naturally carried formed a terrible storm, which shook the world.

The sword unparalleled follows the supreme slaying heart, and is also in the midst of this divine storm. Even with the protection of the supreme slaying heart, it is also a little trembling.

"Shaxin, who is this little guy beside you?" A supremely powerful man with a height of more than five meters, like an iron tower, opened his mouth and asked.

"A little guy I just met, who is also ranked in the list of Nine Emperors, is going to the depths of the universe soon, so I'll give him a lift." The supreme way of killing heart.

"Oh, Nine Emperors list?"

Suddenly, except for the black eagle supreme, the other four Supreme masters couldn't help looking at Jian Wushuang.

These supreme masters are very clear about the list of Nine Emperors. They also understand that those who can be valued by the court of Nine Emperors, even if they are only the masters of the third series, must be superior.

If you don't have enough ability, you can't get the approval of the Nine Emperors' Pavilion, let alone let the supreme slaying heart take him to the depths of the universe in person.

The black eagle supreme, however, gave a cold sweep of his heart. The supreme was peerless with the sword, but his heart was gnashing its teeth.

Perfect life!!

As long as he kills the unparalleled sword, he can get a huge reward from the Daewoo temple. That reward is definitely more than his collection. What a golden opportunity.

Unfortunately, because of the appearance of a slaying heart supreme, the ducks that came to the mouth flew.

And when he heard that the supreme killing heart wanted to go to the depths of the universe with a sword unparalleled, he was even more anxious, but there was nothing he could do.

In terms of strength, the supreme killing heart is much stronger than him, and the supreme killing heart itself is rising in killing. Whether it is fighting ability or life saving means, he is very good. Even if he is desperate to invite the top supreme to fight, he may not be sure what to do.

In addition, the supreme slaying heart is also the core strong man of the Nine Emperors' Pavilion, and he dare not really invite the strong man to deal with the supreme slaying heart, which will annoy the Nine Emperors' Pavilion.

"I've seen this little guy before." A gentle voice sounded, and it was an old man with a childlike face and Hefa who spoke.

"Huh?" The sword peerless couldn't help looking at the childlike old man.

The old man smiled and said, "little guy, you forgot that you were chased by the mysterious supreme before, but I stopped him. Speaking of it, you owe me a favor."

Jian Wushuang's heart moved immediately, and he immediately understood that this childlike old man with a Hefa was the owner of the huge face at the beginning.

And that huge face blocked the supreme one who chased him before, which gave him a chance to escape. Although the boy faced and Hefa old man's purpose at that time was not to save him, from the result alone, Jian Wushuang really owed him a favor.

Thinking of this, Jian Wushuang immediately bowed down and said, "Blood Sword, thank you for saving me earlier. This favor will be remembered by blood sword."

"Haha, my name is jueshui, you can remember." The old man smiled very happily.

He didn't originally hold the idea of saving jianwushuang to resist the supreme one. Saving jianwushuang was purely incidental. He didn't care at all before, but now he knows that jianwushuang is actually a genius listed in the list of Nine Emperors, so he can't ignore it.

The kindness of a genius on the list of Nine Emperors is also an unexpected joy for jueshui supreme.

After all, the potential of the talented and strong who can be recognized by the Nine Emperor Pavilion is generally not too low. In the future, they have a full opportunity to impact the supreme, and may even reach the ranks of the top supreme. At that time, this human kindness will be precious.

"Come on, let's not talk about this little guy. Let's talk about how it's going?" The Supreme Master of killing heart waved his hand,

"What can I do? There is no trace." One of them waved his hand.

"Everything that can be checked has been checked. Unfortunately, those people started too fast and destroyed all traces. We can't find any reason at all." The tall supreme also said.

"Suddenly start, erase all traces, this is the style of those people." A supreme man with long hair in purple shook his head and sighed.

These supreme masters have indeed used everything that can be used. Unfortunately, more than 90% of the star worlds in the Jiuyao star domain have been annihilated, especially those major star worlds. The rest are just some star worlds on the edge, which have nothing to do with the weight at all.

They tried to trace it as much as possible, but they couldn't find out the reason why those people started.

Of course, they actually found the reward issued by the thunder god palace more than 100000 years ago, but it was such a reward, and they didn't think of it at all. After all, the reward offered by the thunder god palace was only a master of the third series.

If they didn't pay attention to the reward, naturally, their pursuit would get nothing.

"If you can't find it, that's it. As for the next thing, let the people below handle it. I'll go back first." The tall supreme said, moved and left.

"Farewell, everyone." Several other supreme masters also left one after another.

"Little guy, let's go."

The Supreme Master of killing heart, with unparalleled sword, also set out to leave.

However, as soon as the Supreme Master of killing heart and the unparalleled front foot of sword left, the black eagle supreme followed.

In the vast and undoubtedly dark void of the universe, a silver cosmic boat is' slowly 'driving.

The reason why it is called 'slow' is that the speed of this cosmic boat is really not fast, and it is even slower than the speed of the cosmic boat before jianwushuang. But you should know that the cosmic boat taken out by the Supreme Master of killing heart is much higher in theory level than jianwushuang, and the speed must be faster.

But now the universe boat is moving forward 'slowly', which is obviously intentional by the Supreme Master of killing heart.

"Haha, I guessed right. The black eagle really didn't give up. I said I would take you to the depths of the universe myself, and he even followed." The Supreme Master of killing heart laughed.

"The black eagle supreme followed?" Sword unparalleled heart.

He knew that the Supreme Master of killing heart deliberately slowed down the speed of the universe boat in order to investigate the movement of the black eagle supreme. Now it seems that the black eagle supreme is indeed catching up.

It seems that Blackhawk supreme has not completely given up... Mobile website: