Kill other dominating teams and plunder their treasures.

This is not easy to see in the universe. After all, although there are many strong people in the universe, it is very difficult to gather so many powerful ultimate masters under normal circumstances.

Only when the ruins of tera are present and the entry of the supreme is restricted, will countless ultimate masters flock.

It is precisely because there are too many masters gathered that the killing and fighting have become extremely frequent, and this kind of interception on the way has become commonplace.

The reason why Chiba Shenjun and Zitong chose to go their separate ways from Jiujie king and jianwushuang before dominating the four people was because of the constraints of Jiujie king.

The king of nine robbers was arrogant and disdained to intercept those weak dominant teams, and the king of nine robbers was mainly investigating the cause of the collapse of the king of chasing the wind team, but they couldn't help it.

Like now, as soon as the four broke away from the constraints of the king of Jiujie, they immediately began to intercept and kill other dominant teams in the Tera ruins.

And this move, the harvest is also quite rich.

"Hum, this magic rain god country is a very common one among many God countries in the vast universe. The strong team they sent over has only six ultimate masters, and there are only two ultimate masters at the top level. With such strength, they dare to walk around the ruins of Tarot wantonly." The thousand leaf God King sneered.

"They were lucky before and didn't meet those powerful dominant teams. Unfortunately, when they meet the four of us now, they will only be defeated immediately." Purple pupil master also laughed.

"Unfortunately, they failed to keep the eight cloud demon master. The eight cloud demon master is the top ultimate master led by the six person team of the magic rain god kingdom. For more than 10000 years, many benefits they have received in the Tera ruins are estimated to be concentrated on the eight cloud demon master." Nine Yang rules the way.

"No way, although the eight cloud demon master is only the top ultimate master, his strength is far less than that of me and Zitong, but his life-saving ability is not too weak. Even if I join hands with Zitong, it is difficult to kill him." Chiba Shenjun road.

"Unfortunately, the Qingfeng God Hou didn't come with us, otherwise, with his entanglement means, there is full hope to keep the eight cloud Demon Lord." Purple pupils dominate the Tao.

"Qingfeng? Hum!" The thousand leaf God King is cold hum.

Qingfeng Shenhou is only the top ultimate master level, but his best skill is to entangle and trap people. In terms of entanglement and trap enemies, whether it is Qianye Shenjun or Zitong, it is far from Qingfeng Shenhou.

If Qingfeng Shenhou was with them, they were sure to keep the eight cloud demon lord just now.

"Qing Feng, this fool, is willing to follow the king of nine robbers, so let him continue to follow. There is also the unparalleled sword, which is only the master of the fourth series. Even if he is not even cannon fodder in this Tera ruins, if he follows us, maybe we can give him some benefits, but he wants to follow the king of nine robbers... Hum, with the arrogant and domineering nature of the king of nine robbers, even if he really gets any chance, how can he get his share?" Chiba Shenjun sneered and said.

Purple pupil dominates the three people look at each other and nod secretly.

Indeed, there was a certain reason why they chose to leave before. It was because the king of nine robbers acted very overbearing. Even if they got any big opportunities with the king of nine robbers, they might not be able to get any benefits. Therefore, it was better to go their separate ways with the king of nine robbers and they wandered on their own.

"Ignore them, we continue to wander in this Tarot ruins. With the strength of the four of us, as long as we don't encounter the dominant team of the top forces in the universe, there is nothing to be afraid of. Even if we really encounter that strong team, the four of us, together, are sure to protect ourselves." Chiba Shenjun road.

Immediately, the four people continued to wander in the Tera ruins.

In a flash, fifty years have passed.

In these 50 years, Chiba Shenjun four people looted other dominant teams everywhere in this ruins. Under the joint efforts of the four people, many weaker dominant teams were killed.

Of course, although the four looted everywhere, they also looted by objects. For example, some masters from the great power of the universe, or some powerful and famous ultimate masters, they would not easily provoke.

And with the joint efforts of the four of them, few strong teams can really do anything about them in the Terai ruins. Therefore, in the past 50 years, the four of them have become prosperous and benefited a lot

Interestingly, in these 50 years, jianwushuang three people also met with Chiba Shenjun once.

Of course, this encounter didn't produce much storm, just a few words of sarcasm, and then they went their own way

In the ruins of tarot, a remote corner.

Jiujie king, jianwushuang and Qingfeng Shenhou are investigating inch by inch and entering the boundary point on the second floor.



Jian Wushuang and the three raised their heads at the same time.

I saw a void around, and there were powerful Changhong with amazing speed.

The king of Jiujie's eyes narrowed slightly, and the next moment his figure flashed, which had been blocked in front of the dominant team, and the five members of the dominant team immediately stopped.


Being stopped halfway, the five people who dominated the team were a little shocked and angry.

As the figure of the king of nine robbers gradually condensed in front of the five people, the five people, who were originally shocked and angry, shivered fiercely in their hearts at the next moment.

"Nine robbers!!"

"The king of nine robbers in the palace of life!!"

The five people who dominate the team all have some trembling teeth.

This time, the Tarot ruins are far away from a large number of powerful ultimate masters in the vast universe, and some of them are well-known and powerful masters.

The king of nine robbers is undoubtedly one of the most famous among the ultimate masters of the universe. Naturally, the five members of this dominating team can be recognized.

At the same time, they all know the strength of King Jiujie.

There is no doubt that the king of nine robberies alone is enough to sweep their five member team directly, and they have no room for struggle.

Seeing the king of Jiujie blocking in front of them, they were naturally frightened.

"Five, look at your hurry, where are you going?" King Jiujie looked over.

Jianwushuang and Qingfeng Shenhou also appeared beside the king of Jiujie.

Jian Wushuang also noticed that this five person dominant team was on its way very fast, very anxious, as if it was anxious to go somewhere.

Hearing the king of nine robbers' inquiry, the five masters looked at each other, and immediately the top ultimate master, who was headed by him, said, "king of nine robbers, since you met me, I won't hide it from you. Just now we got the news that there was a supreme drug in the Fengyang Canyon!"