"Walk, walk, sword unparalleled, tell us well, where have you been in the past 1000 years? Now you, even I can't see your depth." Qingfeng Shenhou took the sword unparalleled and was ready to go inside the palace.

For a thousand years, Qingfeng Shenhou felt guilty about jianwushuang in his heart, thinking that it was he who dragged jianwushuang down at the beginning, which led to jianwushuang's failure to escape the pursuit of qingxuzi.

Although later, the blood wave supreme summoned them and told Jian Wushuang that he was not dead, his guilt did not decrease by half.

Now, he finally saw Jian Wushuang's safe return, and seemed to become stronger than before. His heart hung in his throat, full of guilt, and finally fell down.

"Don't you continue to choose the strong?" Jian Wushuang asked.

Qingfeng Shenhou didn't reply, but the king of nine robbers shook his head and disdained cold humming: "if he had the strength to take my palm, he would have come out to take it, and those who stayed now didn't dare to try, but they were all smelly fish and rotten shrimp. Even if there were people who could take my palm, they were just cowards. What's the use of coming?"

"That's clear." Jian Wushuang nodded with approval.

Soon, the three entered the palace.

The master of gun Chuan and other people who passed the test of King Jiujie followed in awe.

The palace gate, slowly closed.

Many of the ultimate masters present, seeing this scene, couldn't help looking at each other.

"What's the situation? No comparison?"

"Looking at this, it's estimated that we can't enter the camp of the king of nine robbers."

The ultimate masters who remained here and never tried, smiled bitterly and shook their heads.

However, they have long expected this result, and it is their own choice. Therefore, they are not too depressed.

Compared with this, they are more concerned about the identity of the fourth level master who finally appeared and broke the giant palm of King Jiujie with one sword.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I think that just now, this fourth level master with extreme strength seems to know the king of nine robbers?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? When were you so enthusiastic about us when you saw the expression of the king of nine robbers and Qingfeng Shenhou just now?"

"With the strength of the fourth level master, you should be famous in the universe. Why have you never heard of such a person in the universe before?

Just when everyone was wondering and whispering, one of the ultimate masters suddenly seemed to think of something and exclaimed, "I know who that person was just now!"

"Hmm? Who is he?"

Everyone looked at the ultimate master.

The ultimate master took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "I think everyone is familiar with the battle of Fengyang Canyon a thousand years ago?"

The crowd nodded, and it was natural to be familiar with the battle fought by the top forces in the wind Yang Canyon in the millennium for a magic medicine to improve the probability of breaking through the supremacy.

"Do you still remember that there was a fourth level master in the team of the king of nine robbers?" The ultimate master continued.

"Well, I remember. It seems that there was this person at the beginning."

"Yes, I remember that this man also fought head-on with Qing Xuzi for a period of time, and did not lose at all. I was there at that time, and I was surprised for a while."

"The swordsman in black just now is the man who fought with Qing Xuzi a thousand years ago?"

A thousand years ago, the sword was unparalleled. It fought head-on with Qing Xuzi with the dominant power of the fourth series. This battle was dazzling. Later, this matter was also spread. Now it was revealed by people, and everyone immediately remembered it.

At the same time, everyone present immediately remembered that after the war in Tianfeng gorge, Qing Xuzi went after this man at all costs.

"Then this man is in great trouble. A thousand years ago, Qingxu Shenzi pursued and killed this man, and the result was that his whereabouts were unknown. The people of the Taixu temple have been looking for Qingxu Shenzi all the time for a thousand years."

"Yes, in those days, Qingxu Shenzi disappeared to hunt down this talent, but now this person has returned safely. The people of the Taixu temple will definitely come to him."

"Tut Tut, that Qing Xuzi, but the contemporary God son of the Taixu temple, can be said to be the most outstanding genius since the hundreds or thousands of chaos period. As a result, he disappeared in the Tera ruins because of chasing this person. That's all. However, this person has returned well. Don't think about it. The people of the Taixu temple will be furious and vent all their anger on this person."

"Wait and see. As long as the people in the Taixu Temple know the news, they will come to this person soon."

Many ultimate masters shook their heads to discuss, saying that they were not optimistic about the unparalleled future and destiny of the sword.

Although the unparalleled performance of Jian was very strong just now, you know, the Taixu temple is an immortal force famous throughout the universe!


In the hall, jianwushuang, Jiujie king and Qingfeng Shenhou sat cross legged. In front of them, there were three low table tea tables with several pots of spirit wine on them.

"The sword is unparalleled. Now you can say, where have you been in the past 1000 years?" Qingfeng Shenhou asked with a smile.

The king of nine robbers did not speak in silence, but his eyes were inadvertently turned to jianwushuang. He could see that he was also very curious about where jianwushuang had gone in the past 1000 years, and why his breath changed greatly after returning.

Jian Wushuang picked up the wine glass, sipped lightly, and said, "it's a long story. At the beginning, Qing Xuzi chased me, and I was forced to flee all the time. As a result, I escaped to a special place on the edge of the Tera ruins, where I got rid of Qing Xuzi and got some special opportunities, and my strength was improved. As for my breath, it was only because I deliberately covered it with means."

Jian Wushuang just made a simple explanation.

He didn't intend to tell anyone about the second floor of the Tarot ruins. After all, it's important. The things inside are enough to make a Supreme Lord blush. Speaking of it, Qingfeng Shenhou and Jiujie king are also living and dying with him, but people's hearts have always been unpredictable. No one knows whether they will have any evil intentions when they know that jianwushuang has the greatest opportunity on the second floor of the Tarot ruins.

Even if they didn't do anything, once the news leaked out, jianwushuang didn't have to think about it. At that time, people in the whole universe would rush to chase him, for fear that the palace of life could not protect him.

After all, that is the inheritance of the supreme Tarot!

All kinds of treasures and cosmic source stones in it are enough to make many powerful people in the universe boil, not to mention the amazing supernatural powers such as Tera Jiandian, and the Tera divine sword that is famous in the universe?