"Hum, just admit it." Hearing this, the Supreme Master Bai Fu flashed a cold light in his eyes and sneered, "the sword is unparalleled. I'll ask you again, how did you get rid of our Qingxu Shenzi's pursuit? Where is Qingxu Shenzi now?"

As he spoke, the Supreme Master Bai Fu's eyes oppressed him. It seemed as if the answer of Jian Wushuang was wrong, so he lowered his thunder and anger!

"At the beginning, when Qingxu Shenzi chased me, I was forced to flee to a special place in the Terai ruins, where I got rid of Qingxu Shenzi. As for where he is now, I can't know," Jian matchless said faintly.


The Supreme Master Bai Fu didn't wait for Jian Wushuang to finish speaking. His voice was fierce and scolded, "Jian Wushuang, I advise you to be honest and not to be careful in front of me!"

The sword was peerless, and his eyes couldn't help cooling down.

Since he stepped into the supreme temple, the white floating supreme didn't give him a good face. His words were full of scolding and oppression. Is it true that his sword is unparalleled and easy to bully?

After taking a deep breath, Jian Wushuang said calmly, "Bai Fu supreme, what I said is true or false. You can check it yourself."

"Not honest?" The Supreme Master Bai Fu laughed angrily and said sarcastically, "the sword is unparalleled. Since you said that you were in a secret place and got rid of the pursuit of our Qingxu God son, then you can say, where is the secret place in the Tera ruins?"

With that, the Supreme Master Bai Fu stared at the sword tightly.

Jian Wushuang heard the words and said slowly, "I forgot."

"Forgot? Hahahaha, what a forget!" Hearing the speech, the Supreme Master Bai Fu pulled out an exaggerated sarcastic arc at the corners of his mouth and burst out laughing.

This scene fell into the eyes of everyone, and their faces became not very good-looking. Even the Supreme Master who had been keeping his eyes closed frowned slightly.

"Bai Fu, you have asked all the questions you should have asked. Now it's time to leave?" The blood wave supreme pressure ignites the airway.

Originally, he let the Supreme Master Bai Fu enter the temple of life. It can be said that he gave great face to the Taixu temple. As a result, the Supreme Master Bai Fu was so unscrupulous that what he did in the supreme Temple meant a little scruples?

Jian Wushuang, as his most promising junior, the Supreme Master Bai Fu often scolds and coerces Jian Wushuang, which is tantamount to beating the Supreme Master's face!

"No hurry."

The Supreme Master Bai Fu shook his head, sneered and said, "the sword is unparalleled. Since you toast and don't eat and drink, don't blame me for taking you back to the Taixu temple and interrogating you slowly."

With that, the Supreme Master Bai Fu turned to look at the three of the Supreme Master Xuebo, and said in a loud voice, "three, it seems that you disciples of the temple don't intend to make it clear to me. In that case, let me take him back to the Taixu temple and interrogate him slowly. What do you think?"

Deng Deng Deng.

This sound fell, and the king of nine robbers and the God of Qingfeng stood up in an instant, looking at the Supreme Master Bai Fu.

"How dare you?!" Jiujie Wang senhan opened his mouth and his eyes were extremely cold.

"Are you the king of nine robbers? Why, it is said that you can rival the supreme, so you really think you are the supreme? Do you deserve to be presumptuous in front of me?" The supreme Bai Fu looked at the king of nine robbers with disdain and disdained to speak.

He didn't notice that the supreme GAV sitting in the first place had opened his eyes, and the blood wave supreme and the axe supreme were extremely cold.

But even if he noticed, it is estimated that he would not take it seriously. As the headquarters of special life in the vast universe, the temple of life is naturally strong, but the temple of Taixu is not bad, or even stronger.

The Taixu temple was founded by the Taixu God Emperor. There are a total of seven hall masters under the seat. Each of these seven hall masters is the supreme top power. Under the seven hall masters, there are seven deputy hall masters, all of which are also the supreme accomplishments.

He is the supreme Baifu, which is the temple of Taixu. Under the seat of the seventh hall, he is the deputy hall Lord!

He was confident that although the supremacy of gaifu and Xuebo were stronger than him, he did not dare to offend him. After all, he would be afraid to go to the Taixu Temple behind him.

But at this time

"Bold! What are you, and dare to be important in my palace of life?" The blood wave Supreme Master's eyes burst with anger, "Bai Fu, originally let you enter the temple of life to ask jianwushuang, but it has given you and the Taixu Temple behind you a great face. Now you are still pushing ahead, and you want to bring people from my temple? Where do you think this is?"

"I tell you, even if your Qingxu God son died in the hands of my temple disciples, he can only blame his own strength and take the blame, understand?"

Hearing the speech, the Supreme Master Bai Fu couldn't help but slightly change his face.

However, he did not reply, but looked at the supreme GAV. He knew that it was the supreme GAV who could make up his mind and make a final decision here, not the supreme blood wave and the supreme axe.

First, he arched his hand at GAV supreme, and immediately said respectfully, "GAV supreme, you are the head of the five chief supreme in the divine palace of life, and you are responsible for commanding the divine palace of life for the Lord of the divine palace. You must not be as impulsive as the supreme blood wave? That sword is unparalleled, but it is only the fourth level number master. For us, it is not much different from mole ants, and you must not be hostile to our too empty temple for his sake, right?"

With that, he added with a smile: "by the way, Qingxu Shenzi is the beloved disciple of the Lord of our first hall, covering the Supreme Lord. You should think clearly about the powerful relationship."

Upon hearing the speech, the Supreme Master gaifu raised his eyelids and said indifferently, "are you threatening this seat?"

Hearing the speech, the pupil of the Supreme Master Bai Fu contracted. For some reason, his heart suddenly clicked, and a bad premonition surged up.

He hardened his head and said, "supreme GAV, how dare I threaten you? I'm just telling you about the powerful relationship between them. After all, there is only a fourth level master. Why should we affect the relationship between the temple and our Taixu temple for him? Supreme GAV, I advise you to think twice."

When the supreme GAV heard the word "think twice", he suddenly smiled faintly on his old face.

He looked at the Supreme Master Bai Fu thoughtfully and said, "do you know that even your first hall Lord Bing Ye never dared to say the word" let me think twice "in front of this seat. You are just an insignificant deputy hall Lord, and you even said to this seat to think twice?"

Bai Fu's face changed when he heard the speech. Then he suddenly remembered that the covered supreme sitting in front of him, but the oldest supreme in the universe, his strength had already reached an unfathomable level.

He hurriedly explained, "GAV supreme, I didn't mean that."

Before he finished, the supreme GAV waved his hand.