"You, get out of the way." Jian matchless glanced at the nine Xi saint and said.

Jiuxi Saint opened her mouth and wanted to say something. In the end, she turned into a sigh and retreated silently to one side.

Suddenly, the disciples of Jiuxi holy land who stood behind the Jiuxi saint, like Kuangyi, Xunshan and others, all looked aside, hardened their heads and asked, "Blood Sword, what do you want to do?"

"Blood Sword, don't go too far. We are disciples of Jiuxi Holy Land!"

"Blood Sword"


Before they finished, Jian Wushuang directly raised his palm and slapped it.

This slap, no divine power emerged, but it was unhindered in the face of Kuang Yi master and others.

"I've killed the snake man, and I still care about your Jiuxi holy land?" The sword is matchless cold way.

All of a sudden, Kuang Yi's master and others were angry, but they dared not say anything. They could only cover their cheeks, lower their heads, and dared not go to see jianwushuang again.

Jian Wushuang's palm killed the snake master. It was too fierce and powerful. They had already been scared out of courage. The previous questions were just fierce and weak. When Jian Wushuang slapped, they couldn't even dodge the most basic.


At last, Jian Wushuang gave them a cold look and turned away.

If it weren't for the disciples of Jiuxi holy land to make their own decisions, where would he use the divine body?

Master Hao Jin followed closely behind Jian Wushuang. Before he left, he glared at these Jiuxi holy places fiercely and snorted again: "I tell you, Lord Blood Sword is broad-minded, and it's all right to just slap you, but I Hao Jin is a small bellied man. I'll see you in the ancient star road later, otherwise I'll kill one by one!"

With that, he hurriedly followed Jian Wushuang's steps and walked towards the distance.

After jianwushuang left, the dead crowd began to boil!

"The bloody sword palm kills the snake king, and ranks first in the eighth city!"

"God embodies, the world is shocked! The Blood Sword certificate is invincible!"

"The God snake Lang, who was killed by the blood sword, won the first place in the top ten cities of the starry sky ancient road!"

In an instant, the fight between jianwushuang and the Lord serpent was like a hurricane, which not only spread all over the eighth City, but also spread towards other ancient star roads and other Dongtian cities at a very fast speed!

The seventh City, the sixth city and the fifth city

As for the ninth and tenth cities behind the eighth city!

The word "Blood Sword" is completely famous!

For a while, the word "Blood Sword" was in the spotlight. Among the top ten cities on the ancient road in the starry sky, there was no exception to discuss the war between the Blood Sword and the Lord of the serpent.

Some people say that jianwushuang is the son of a top force in the universe, who can't come to the ancient road of the stars to experience it. Others say that jianwushuang is the son of a top supreme, who bears the supreme secret

For a time, discussions about the unparalleled sword filled the starry sky ancient road. Among the top ten cities, there were only thousands of people and thousands of faces. Naturally, countless versions of the story came out of their mouths, which was bizarre.

However, when a message came from the very distant first city, the top ten cities on the ancient star road were all shocked!

Only the fifth level dominates the cultivation of the blood sword that kills the snake master!

Countless people can't believe that the blood sword that can kill the invincible ultimate master level Lord serpent has only the fifth level master cultivation!

"Demon! Anti heaven level demon!"

"The blood sword is only the Master Cultivation of the fifth level, and it can kill the invincible Lord serpent at the ultimate master level. If the Blood Sword reaches the ultimate master level, who can cure him as long as the Supreme Master cannot come out in the universe?"

"I'm afraid those demons in the depths of the starry sky and the ancient road are nothing more than that?"

"Blood Sword will become one of the new giants in the ancient road of the starry sky!"

If they were shocked when they knew that jianwushuang killed the Lord serpent, now they are shocked!

Countless people are crazy about it!

The outside world is changing like a whirlpool, and the sword that led to all this is unparalleled, sitting cross legged on a mountain in the eighth city at the moment.

The evening wind was blowing, the stars were dotted, and the sword was unparalleled. He sat cross legged in a black robe. On him, countless divine powers surrounded him, nourishing his divine body.

His exhausted divine power is rapidly recovering.

A moment later, Jian Wushuang slowly spit out the turbid air, opened his eyes, and a flash of divine light quietly flashed in his eyes.

"Finally recovered."

Jian Wushuang smiled. After killing Mr. Tian serpent, he didn't leave the eighth city in a hurry, but looked for a mountain outside the eighth city to restore his divine power.

After decades of recuperation and rest, his exhausted divine power finally recovered completely.

And the sword is unparalleled. After the battle of Lord tiansherang, he finally has a clear positioning for his strength.

"Now I can kill the invincible ultimate master with all the means, but the cost will be huge."

Jian Wushuang muttered to himself.

The means he said came out together, which naturally did not include the 'eternal night' sword and the Tera sword.

You know, when he was in charge of the fourth level, he killed the three princes of the great worship Kingdom and the Zhennan king of the great sun kingdom with the sword of "eternal night".

Although the famous snake man is strong, he is not much stronger than the original three princes and the king of Zhennan.

If Jian Wushuang directly urges' Yongye 'a sword, it is enough to kill the snake master in an instant. Even in the face of the king of nine robbers, Jian Wushuang has confidence to fight. However, doing so naturally violates the original intention of Jian Wushuang to come to the ancient road of the starry sky.

The sword of 'Yongye' is powerful, but it is someone else's swordsmanship, the supreme swordsmanship of Tera, not his unparalleled swordsmanship.

If he relies on the sword of "eternal night" for everything, then even if he is strong in the future, he is just a shadow living under the supreme Tarot.

Taro supreme, known as the first person in kendo since ancient times, and the title of Kendo supreme, so far no one has broken his legend.

Countless masters of Kendo are inclined to his kendo. They spend countless years studying the Kendo of the supreme taro. However, the result is that they can't surpass the supreme taro all their lives.

This is not what the sword wants.

In the future, if jianwushuang wants to surpass the supreme Tai Luo, the only way is to continuously grow his strength and open up a truly invincible sword path belonging to jianwushuang himself!

Jian Wushuang saw this very thoroughly.

"The strength is weaker after all." Jian Wushuang sighed gently and looked down at the eighth city.

I saw the eighth City, which was blasted into ruins by him and Lord tiansherang. In these decades, it has gradually returned to normal.

This made Jian Wushuang have to sigh again, what kind of great power did the adult who opened up the ancient road of the starry sky have to seize the nature of heaven and earth.

Thinking of this, Jian Wushuang looked up at the boundless starry sky.

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