This time, Feihong was discouraged by the blow. He wandered around like a lost dog.

Suddenly, he wanted to go home to see his elderly parents who had not seen him for ten years.

However, when he came home, the scene in front of him made him collapse!

Rivers of blood, corpses everywhere!

The whole village was slaughtered by the people of purgatory sword sect!

The bodies of their parents were then dumped on the roadside, almost eaten up by wild dogs in the mountains, emitting a pungent odor.

At this moment, Feihong's tight mind finally broke, and he couldn't help crying.

He knelt down in front of his parents' bodies, dug a hole in the ground with both hands, and buried his parents' bodies tremblingly, one by one.

On this day, it rained heavily.

In the midst of lightning and thunder, Feihong knelt down in front of the tomb, and his hair turned white overnight.

He knelt in front of his parents' graves for three days and nights.

The high spirited elder martial brother disappeared and turned into a wild madman with red eyes, dry lips and messy white hair.

This time, he lifted the sword in his hand.

Just as he practiced his sword under the hillside as a teenager, Feihong's magic sword danced wildly in the rainy night.

The electric fan thundered and thundered.

On this day, Feihong realized the sword of killing!

Finally, Feihong knocked his head three times in front of his parents' grave, and left with his sword

Time turns, and a hundred years have passed.

In these 100 years, Feihong tried the sword world and challenged all kinds of Kendo masters.

He has traveled all over the mountains and rivers, all over the three mountains and five mountains, and his Kendo cultivation has improved rapidly!

Whether it is a long-standing famous Kendo master or a newly emerging Kendo genius, they have all become the ghosts of Feihong sword.

No one survived in Feihong's hands.

Finally, until one day, Feihong rose three levels in a row and became one of the top masters in the little thousand world.

He knew it was time for revenge.

"Feihong, raise the sword and watch the ceremony, purgatory sword sect!"

On this day, Feihong stepped on the divine sword, and the sword Qi ran 30000 miles, turning into a peerless sword rainbow running through the heaven and earth of the sun and moon, and swept over the purgatory sword sect, bland.

On this day, Feihong's sword lit up 19 continents. In this small world, countless people looked up at the peerless Sword Fairy who cut the Star River with this sword.


Countless Kendo masters rushed out of purgatory sword sect!

The killing begins.

In this war, the sun and moon were shining, the land of China was sinking, and the whole sky was replaced by blood.

No words can be used to describe the tragedy of this war.

Feihong's expression was indifferent, and the sword in his hand ruthlessly harvested and took his life one by one.

No one in the purgatory sword sect, whether it is an old man, an old man whose oil is exhausted and his lamp is dry, or a young man who has just joined the purgatory sword sect, can escape the killing in the hands of Feihong.

Wailing, begging for mercy, crying, constantly sounded in the purgatory sword sect.

But no one can move Feihong's frozen heart.

Flowers watered by blood bloom with its beauty.

On this day, the purgatory sword sect had a bloody rain.

On this day, purgatory sword sect was slaughtered!

On this day, there is no purgatory sword sect in the world!!

Feihong's heart knot is numbered. Kill Kendo, so far Dacheng!

When he stepped down from the purgatory sword sect, the sea of corpses became his background.

Suddenly, Feihong began to be confused.

In this world, there are no relatives, no close friends, and even the enemy has disappeared today.

He suddenly didn't know where to go.

He looked down at the bloody sword in his hand, and he understood.

From then on, the years were long, and the only thing he could rely on was the sword in his hand.

He, Feihong, will live for Kendo, only for killing!

In the rest of the years, Jian Wushuang watched Feihong helplessly, opening his extraordinary invincible years.

He watched Feihong fight unbeaten, fight back in the killing again and again, reverse the victory and defeat, and set foot on the peak of the world!

He watched Feihong become famous all over the world, suppress nine days and ten places, grow up in the killing, and constantly understand the killing Kendo until he broke through the triple origin of Kendo!

He watched Feihong step into the ultimate master realm, become the invincible master of the world, and opened up his era!

He looked at Feihong being granted the first divine general by the emperor of the immortals, and gave the divine sword silver wings!

On that day, the whole universe was shocked by it. The name of Feihong's first God general spread all over the starry sky, invincible in the world!

The memory belonging to the Feihong God General gradually faded, and the last picture of the unparalleled sword stayed at the moment when the sky fell and the Feihong God sword fell.

From the farmer's cowherd boy at the beginning, to the high spirited elder martial brother of Qingshan sword sect, to the famous Feihong God General of the universe, Jian peerless saw his ups and downs, frustrated and proud, until he fell.

In a short time, jianunparalleled saw the legendary life of Feihong divine sword.

The next moment, Jian Wushuang slowly opened his eyes.

Two divine rays flashed out of the sword's unparalleled eyes.

As the memory of Feihong God General faded, jianwushuang felt that his understanding of the origin of the third level Kendo had changed abruptly.

The bucket that was always a spoonful of water was finally filled with the integration of killing kendo.

Jian Wushuang obviously felt that he was now one foot away from the origin of the fourth level Kendo, and had stepped into the threshold, but it was just a thin line.

As long as he quietly understood one or two and broke through the origin of the fourth level Kendo, it was just natural.

In the sixth refining tower, a whirlpool suddenly appeared in the sky, which was originally empty and chaotic.

Jian Wushuang knows that entering this vortex is the seventh floor of the refining tower!

The seventh floor is also the highest record reached by countless Tianjiao since the opening of the ancient star road!

Jian Wushuang stood up, looked up at the huge whirlpool in the sky, and his eyes flashed a firm color.

The legend of Feihong divine general has ended, and the legend of his unparalleled sword has just begun!


Jian Wushuang's right foot stepped heavily, and his body shot out, disappearing into the vortex

At the same time, outside the refining tower.

Hum ~!

An incomparably melodious bell turned into a circle of sound waves, rippling in the tenth city.

At this moment, the whole tenth city was horrified!

Everyone looked up and looked at the refining tower, and their eyes filled with incredible shock.

"Seventh floor! The blood sword has reached the seventh city!!!"

"Since the overlord reached the seventh floor 8000 years ago, no one has reached the seventh floor!!"

"Blood Sword, after overlord, will become the second person to climb the seventh floor of the refining tower!"

"Set a record! Every step of the blood sword will set a new record from the seventh level!!"

Countless people gasped heavily and marveled repeatedly.

Even as one of the nine giants, LAN adult's face covered by the veil was filled with a look of shock.

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