In the overlord temple.

The six commanders sat separately, looking at the sword matchless curiously, and wanted to see what was special about the new man who could kill the almost invincible master with three swords and force back Hongye.

However, they were disappointed. Jian Wushuang's breath was ordinary, and he couldn't see how strong or weak it was. It seemed that he was just an ordinary person in the crowd.

Facing these eyes, Jian Wushuang's expression was calm and his heart was calm. He was just casually speculating about the strength of the overlord.

The overlord's blood was as dazzling as the sun, which made people dare not look directly at him. I was afraid that some monks at the almost invincible master level did not even have the qualification to get close to him.

"Is this the giant level strength?" Jian Wu's eyes flashed.

The strength of this overlord is absolutely the strongest among the invincible masters, which is much stronger than the Zhennan king and the third prince who were originally in the ruins of Tarot.

It can be said that among all the ultimate masters that Jian unparalleled has seen, except the king of nine robbers, this person can be called the strongest

Even in the face of the king of nine robbers who was originally in the ultimate dominant realm, it is estimated that this person's strength is only a thin line.

"Blood Sword, don't be polite to me." Overlord spoke faintly.

Jian Wushuang put away his thoughts and nodded.

"Blood Sword, listen to what shake mountain said, this time he can get the God tablet, your credit is not small, if it weren't for you to kill Liang E and Zang Feng and force Hongye back, this God tablet would have fallen into his hands." Overlord continued.

Jian Wushuang smelled his words, smiled and said modestly, "overlord laughed. I just did my bit, which is not enough to affect the overall situation."

"Oh, bloody sword, it's strange that others try their best to take credit for themselves. Instead, you seem to be afraid of taking credit for yourself." Overlord was a little dumbfounded.

Usually, almost everyone he sees under his command will try their best to show off their abilities in front of him and boast about how strong they are. No matter how big or small the credit is, they all strive to win over themselves, just asking him to look up at them.

And in front of this sword unparalleled, from the beginning, not only after seeing him, there was no expression similar to excitement and fanaticism on his face, but also when he took the initiative to praise, the expression of sword unparalleled was very calm from beginning to end, without any complacency.

This can't help but let overlord, in his heart, look at the sword unparalleled.

Don't be surprised if you flatter or disgrace. Mount Tai collapses in front without turning pale. This is the appearance of a great weapon.

Overlord looked at Jian Wushuang again. Just as he was about to say something, his words suddenly seemed to find something incredible, and his face changed slightly.

Immediately, his eyes suddenly shot three inches of golden light, looking at the sword unparalleled

The next moment, the overlord took back the golden light in his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Blood Sword, if I'm not mistaken, you only have the fifth level master cultivation."

As soon as the words fell, the hall was suddenly shocked

"What fifth series dominates"

"It's impossible for the fifth level master to kill an almost invincible master. It's simply the end of the day and impossible."

"With the fifth level of cultivation, killing almost invincible masters is unprecedented."

"For thousands of years, I have never heard of anyone who can kill an almost invincible master with the cultivation of the fifth series. Even those supreme masters who dominate the universe today may not be able to do it when the fifth series dominates."

"It must be overlord's mistake. Yes, it must be so."

The six commanders all looked very serious.

Even the commander of the mountain shook his head and couldn't believe it.

In several eyes, Jian Wuliang's eyes flickered slightly. Unexpectedly, his concealed cultivation was seen by the overlord.

Slightly pondering, Jian Wushuang simply stopped hiding, nodded back


After saying that, a breath belonging to the fifth series suddenly emanated from jianwushuang.

Feeling this breath, the six commanders were all like lightning strikes, and their bodies shook violently.

"It's really the master of the fifth series"

"With the fifth level dominating cultivation, three swords killing almost invincible level dominating the world, how can there be such a demon?"

"This is crazy"

In an instant, the whole overlord temple was a sensation

The six commanders were all dumbfounded, and their eyes were startled to fall out.

Even overlord, after being confirmed by jianwushuang, his eyes were filled with a strange color.

"It's really the fifth level master." The overlord uttered an exclamation.

Sword unparalleled three swords kill Zang Feng, it is enough terror, and sword unparalleled only has the fifth level cultivation, what is that concept

As we all know, there is a huge gap between the fifth level master and the ultimate master sword, which is extremely insurmountable.

Once the master is promoted from the fifth level to the ultimate master, it represents the integration of the nine rules, and the strength will be improved by leaps and bounds

Sword matchless only the fifth level master cultivation, can easily kill the almost invincible master you, so what kind of concept will it be when he is promoted to the ultimate master

Suddenly, the six commanders were cold and did not dare to think about it any more.

The overlord took a deep breath, and his expression gradually returned to calm. He was one of the strongest masters in the dominant level of the whole universe. The sword unparalleled fifth level master killed the almost invincible level master. Although it shocked him, it was not so much that he couldn't speak.

"Blood Sword, it's a blessing for the king if you can take refuge under his command."

The overlord smiled and continued to say, "Blood Sword, you can kill Zang Feng, which means that you have almost invincible dominant combat power. In our back eight cities, you will have almost invincible dominant level combat power, which is called the command level combat power. Often, the owners of such combat power, under the command of any force, will serve as the command of the king. Naturally, the same is true."

"I wonder if you are willing to serve as the seventh commander under my command."

Sword unparalleled smell words, eyes flashed a thought, immediately smiled and nodded, "that bloody sword, thank you overlord for your love."

"Hahaha, don't say it again after the word" love ". It's just that you and Wang Zhi are on the same path and win-win."

The overlord smiled boldly, then got up from the Dragon seat, looked out of the hall, and said in a deep voice

"Come, send the king's order to go down. From today on, give the Blood Sword command seat, and seal the blood sword as the seventh command under the throne."


Suddenly, there was a long sound outside the door.

A divine armor guard set up a black iron black gold chair with his hands and placed it next to the six commanders.

When jianwushuang took his seat, Overlord spoke in a deep voice again

"Give the Blood Sword ten million cosmic source stones, hundreds of divine drugs, and three top-grade laws and treasures."

"Yes" came again from the door.

A divine armor guard came respectfully with a jade plate in his hands and his head bowed.

On this jade plate, there is a black heaven and earth ring quietly

This heaven and earth ring represents the identity of jianwushuang as the leader of one party. The ten million cosmic source stones and hundreds of divine medicines given to the universe are also here.

Such a big hand, even the sword unparalleled, slightly raised his eyebrows, feeling a little surprised.

And this is not the end.

The voice of overlord came again.

"Three blood swords, one tablet of gods"