"I'll see the leader of sword alliance!"

In the hall, the voices of overlord, nine star son and others sounded at the same time.

Jian Wushuang nodded, flashed a satisfied color in his eyes, and said, "no need to be polite, get up."

For Jian Wushuang, now he is holding 91 gods' tablets in his hand. In fact, it's nothing to give up some gods' tablets, as long as he ensures that there are no less than 50 gods' tablets in his hand.

As long as he has no less than 50 sacred tablets in his hand, he still has an absolute advantage to win the ticket to the grand gathering of the universe.

And if we rely on the remaining Fengshen tablets to bring Bawang and others under our command, the harvest is undoubtedly huge.

Now in the universe, no matter the dragon clan or the Taixu temple, they are all eyeing him. Although he is not afraid of unparalleled sword, it is a good thing to keep a second hand.

And this sword alliance is one of his backers.

Although these people are still the ultimate masters of the realm, and they are indeed not worth mentioning compared with such monsters as the Taixu temple and the dragon clan, they are all extremely talented people, and their future is unlimited.

Sword unparalleled will integrate them together. When they grow up, even in the face of any major force in the future, it is enough to shake three points.

A moment later, Bawang and others swore to join the sword alliance.

At this point, a top force famous in the universe was born.

And Jian Wushuang, after giving a few random orders, left the hall and began to refine his divine power and improve his accomplishments

At the same time, outside the ancient star road.

A middle-aged man with an eagle nose in black, like a ghost in the night, is quietly coming to the ancient road outside the starry sky.

He looked around casually. Seeing that there was no one outside the ancient road in the starry sky at the moment, he immediately opened up a void, sat down quietly cross legged and restrained his breath.

He is the supreme black eagle. After a long journey through the universe, he finally came to the ancient road of dominating the starry sky at this moment.

"Lord, I have reached the ancient road of dominating the starry sky." In his mind, he preached to the Lord of the Daewoo temple.

"Well, once you wait until the end of the ancient star road, you will kill unparalleled swords here. This time, there will be no loss! Understand?" A low and dignified voice sounded in his mind. It was the Lord of the Daewoo temple.

"Don't worry, temple Lord. No matter how strong the sword is, it's just a master cultivation. As long as he rises, I can crush him instantly." The black eagle sneered.

"Well, this one is in the temple, waiting for your good news."

A moment later, the Lord of the Daewoo Temple hung up his communication with the supreme black eagle.

The supreme Black Eagle hid himself in the void, turned his eyes, and looked coldly at the entrance of the ancient star road.

"The sword is unparalleled, the sword is unparalleled. Last time, it was your life. The old guy killed heart saved you. This time, I want to see who else can save you!"

The black eagle sneered to himself, and the cold meaning in his eyes almost condensed into essence

Years flow, time changes.

Between the fingers, 10000 years have passed again.

New blood is pouring into the ancient road in the starry sky.

However, because the sword has a monopoly on the Fengshen tablet, with the increasing number of people, not only there are not many battles, but countless monks have joined the sword alliance.

After all, there is only jianwushuang alone in the ancient star road. If you want to get the tablet of God, you can only worship zhangjianwushuang.

The sword alliance has become the only camp with the largest force and the strongest force in the ancient star road!

And the sword matchless itself is not idle. Through these 10000 years, he has completely stabilized his cultivation in the ultimate dominant realm. Although it is still far from breaking through the supreme, he has laid a good foundation.

So far, it is only 50000 years away from the opening time of the grand gathering of the universe.

One day, jianwushuang was practicing in seclusion. An unexpected person suddenly found jianwushuang.

"Lord alliance, Lord Zhen Guan's envoy 'LAN' is waiting outside the hall." An ultimate master in divine armor knelt outside the door of the unparalleled compartment with a step and said respectfully.

"Huh? Lord LAN?"

Jian Wushuang slowly opened his eyes when he heard the words, and there was a color of thinking in his eyes.

Now, in the whole starry sky ancient road, the only person who can't figure out the details of Jian Wushuang is the Zhenguan envoy, Mr. LAN.

He once asked Bawang and others who came to XingKong ancient road early, but they also didn't know much about 'Lord LAN'. They only knew that Lord Lan's origin was mysterious and never participated in disputes. It seemed that they didn't come to compete for the monument of the gods, but rather to record what happened in XingKong ancient road.

Why did this person suddenly come to him?

"You ask the ambassador of Zhenguan to wait in the hall, and I will come later." Convergent thoughts, Jian Wushuang said faintly.


The ultimate master in charge of communication hurried away.

Jian Wushuang didn't delay long. After collecting the Tai Luo sword dictionary, he also rushed to the hall.

Before long, he met Lord LAN.

The blue man was still dressed in a plain blue light shirt, and his face was covered with a blue veil. Rao Shijian peerless now broke through the ultimate master, and he still couldn't see through the true face of the blue man after this veil.

This made the sword unparalleled in my heart, and I couldn't help being slightly surprised.

"Lord LAN, long time no see." Put away your thoughts, Jian Wushuang arched his hand at her, and a smile floated on his face.

"Hehe, it's you who haven't seen me for a long time. I often see you." The blue adult smiled and replied.

"Huh?" Jian Wushuang was stunned when he heard the speech. He didn't understand it. As soon as he wanted to ask what he meant, he saw that Lord LAN had continued to speak. The conversation turned and joked, "Jian Wushuang, it's really not easy to see you now. It's both a subpoena and a notification. It's really a big style."

"Lord LAN, you are killing me by saying this."

Jian Wushuang couldn't help waving his hand when he heard the words, ordered someone to give the seat to Lord LAN, burned a pot of spirit tea, cleared his throat, and asked, "what's the matter with you coming to me this time?"

Lord LAN took a sip from his tea cup, glanced sideways at jianwushuang, and replied, "jianwushuang, I came to you to tell you about the grand gathering of the universe."

"The grand gathering of all nations in the universe? Isn't it 50000 years before it starts?" Jian Wushuang's eyes narrowed, and a look of doubt flashed in his heart, but he asked calmly: "Lord LAN, what do you mean by saying this now?"


Lord LAN put down his tea cup, shook his head and said, "sword unparalleled, it seems that you don't know. The number of places to participate in the universal race event is not selected at the same time, but given one after another according to the time period, and then in 50000 years, it will really open the universal race event. The same is true of the three places that dominate the ancient road of the stars."

"Oh?" Jian Wushuang raised his eyebrows. He was not stupid. Hearing the speech, he immediately guessed something and asked, "Lord LAN, do you mean that the first place to participate in the grand gathering of the universe has come out?"

"Not bad."

Hearing the words, Lord LAN nodded slowly.

PS: it's two o'clock today!

Wan Dao Jian Zun

Wan Dao Jian Zun