I saw the supreme black eagle at the moment, although he was not dead, he was also extremely embarrassed. His whole face was at least dozens of years old. His originally arrogant face was already extremely green, and his strong body was as dry as skin and bones.

"Unparalleled sword, how dare you hurt this seat!!" The black eagle's eyes flickered cold, and his anger was extreme!

He is the supreme, the top person in the whole universe, and was injured by the ultimate master of jianwushuang!

What a shame?!

"Unparalleled sword, damn you!"

The black eagle supreme jumped these seven words from his teeth. The next moment, his body flashed, and he had rushed fiercely towards the sword!

I saw his figure as if it turned into a giant eagle ROC that caught turtles in the five oceans, directly penetrating the void, and his five fingers grabbed at the sword!

Under this grasp, countless void shattered, directly pinching and exploding a Galaxy!

A deafening cry of an eagle sounded, singing in the universe!

"Well come!"

Jian Wushuang's eyes flashed cold. Facing the claw of pinching and exploding the Star River, he was not afraid, but took a step forward, and his eyes filled with the sense of hunting!

"Blackhawk supreme, look at this sword!"

Take a deep breath, Jian Wushuang spits out two words coldly: "dawn!"


A clear cry sounded, and then, the sword unparalleled and the Wu Qi divine sword in his hand disappeared.

The next moment.

A little golden light suddenly appears!

The whole universe seemed to turn into a golden light. Under this golden light, the perennial Dark Universe was torn apart, and it was mapped to be dazzling. Immediately, I saw this golden light, sweeping away towards the black eagle supreme, like lightning!


This sword cuts through the starry sky and breaks through chaos!

This sword, like the dawn bursting out from the depths of the night, expels everything!

Sharp! overbearing! Crush! all-powerful! carry all before one!

This is the essence of dawn sword!

Many ultimate masters who were watching the battle in the distance felt the sharp sword intention, and they were stunned and shocked all over.

"How can there be such terrible swordsmanship in the world?!"

"Swordsmanship is magical! This sword is terrible!!"

"How can there be an end to the egg under this sword?"

At this moment, all the ultimate masters who watched the war were shocked.

Even the Black Hawk supreme, who came from the attack, had his pupils shrink sharply and his face changed slightly.

"This son is only the ultimate master. Why is swordsmanship so terrible? That power even makes me feel palpitation?"

Without waiting for him to think carefully, the sword unparalleled has been killed!

Like the collision of stars, the black eagle supreme turned into a dark shadow of Eagle ROC, and the sword turned into a line of golden light are unparalleled. They collided fiercely!


A huge shock wave spread and directly pushed some small planets around them thousands of feet!

The next moment, I saw the golden light of the unparalleled sword passing by the supreme Black Eagle until it swept hundreds of feet.

The golden light dissipated and turned into a breathless sword.

Jian Wushuang was trembling all over, and his right hand holding the handle of Wu Qi's divine sword was numb.

He turned around and slowly looked at the black eagle supreme.

I saw the supreme Black Eagle standing in the void, and there was no change in his appearance.

Suddenly, sudden changes!


At the next moment, the sword intention of breaking dawn broke out!

Countless divine blood shot from the 987.3 million pores of the black eagle supreme!

In the sky, it was like a blood rain, and the Avenue gave a cry for it.

At this moment, the supreme black eagle was extremely miserable. He was dishevelled, and his black clothes hung on his body like rags. At the same time, blood overflowed from his nose and eyes, and he could no longer maintain half of the supreme dignity.

"Unparalleled sword!"

The supreme Black Eagle roared bitterly, then suddenly turned his head and looked at the sword unparalleled, and his heart was shocked and angry!

This sword just now is really breathtaking. If the power of the sword is more than half a point stronger, or it is urged by the supreme divine power, I'm afraid that today he will capsize in the gutter and fall into the hands of the sword!

"Where did this son's magic power come from?"

The supreme black eagle's mind flashed. First, the kingdom of the eternal night had a taste of the kingdom of God, which was the highest unique knowledge of the universe that he had never understood.

Then came the dawn sword, which was the ultimate sublimation of kendo, an invincible sword move integrating thousands of Kendo!

Such a unique magic power is enough to stir the whole universe, and it is by no means created by an ultimate master. Even he is not qualified to touch such a unique magic power!

Where on earth did he get it?

The supreme black eagle looked at the sword peerless while his mind changed, and his heart filled with deep fear.

This son is the ultimate master of the realm, and now he can shake the supreme. If he becomes the supreme, who else can cure him in the whole universe?

no way! We must strangle this son in the cradle before he grows up completely!

Thinking of this, the supreme black eagle had no intention of slighting and pondering any more, and his eyes showed Sen Han's killing opportunity.

"The sword is unparalleled. It seems that this seat is really good for you!"

With that, the supreme Black Hawk, holding a killing spear, attacked and killed the unparalleled sword!


A supreme power suddenly spreads out wantonly!

At this moment, the supreme Blackhawk had no reservation, and the supreme breath was like a startling wave crashing on the shore, pressing down in all directions!

Under this supreme breath, all families wanted to surrender, and nine days and ten earth felt a shock. Centered on the supreme Black Hawk, thousands of feet of land around them turned into a sea of fury, shaking madly.

"Sure enough, even a sword at dawn can't kill him?"

Jian Wushuang blinked in his eyes and sighed slightly in his heart.

Immediately, he made a decision in his heart!

If you want to survive today, I'm afraid you must use your strongest mace.

However, this is not the place to use the Tarot sword. We must find a place where there is no one.

Thinking of this, Jian Wushuang said indifferently to the supreme black eagle, "black eagle, don't you want to kill me? Then come."

With that, the sword's unparalleled body twisted, and with a step, all the divine powers burst into speed, shooting away in the distance!

He remembered that there was an abandoned dead star field not far from the ancient road in the starry sky.

There are cracks in the void, time and space are disordered, and there will be a void storm at any time, and no one stays at all.

"The sword is unparalleled. You can't escape!"

The black eagle sneered at this, burst out at the same speed, and went after jianwushuang.

Jian Wushuang heard the words, glanced back at the supreme Black Eagle faintly, and a sneer filled his heart.

Chase, chase, black eagle, that's where you bury your bones!