Hmm? "

Jian Wushuang raised his eyebrows and immediately felt the vision of the incomplete bronze ancient tripod in the heaven and earth ring.

This incomplete tripod is the bronze tripod with a broken foot and countless complicated and obscure mysterious runes engraved on it after jianwushuang killed the prisoner dragon on the ancient road of the starry sky.

Speaking of it, after jianwushuang got the bronze ancient tripod, jianwushuang also spent a lot of research and exploration, but no matter how he tried to test and research, and how much magic power he injected into it, the bronze ancient tripod never responded, and the magic power he poured into it was like a mud ox into the sea, which could not lift any waves.

Over time, Jian Wushuang stopped caring.

Unexpectedly, this bronze ancient tripod, which has not moved for a long time, had a reaction in this five element city!

"What's going on?"

Jian Wushuang frowned, released his divine power, and felt the difference in the five element city.

At the next moment, the sword's eyes were frozen.

"The gas of ethyl wood!"

He felt that the emptiness of the five element city was mixed with a trace of light Yimu gas!

This Yimu's aura is extremely weak. If he hadn't killed the master of Shuanghe, the five element God sect opened the city defense array, even he couldn't feel it.

The Qi of ethyl wood belongs to the innate Qi of the five elements when the universe has not yet been born and is still chaotic.

At that time, the universe was full of all kinds of five element chaotic gases. It was with these five element gases that the last chaos gradually evolved, and finally turned into mountains and rivers, stars and black holes, forming the universe as it is now.

The Qi of the five elements is also divided into innate chaotic Qi and acquired Qi from the day after tomorrow.

What Jian Wushuang just felt was a trace of extremely weak congenital ethylwood gas.

Don't let jianwushuang think more. The countless figures that rose from the five element God sect have fallen, surrounding jianwushuang and lengrushuang layer by layer.

On the cuffs of their white robes, there is a round of five element pattern embroidered, which is the disciple of the five element God sect.

They felt the wave of the lost divine power of the surrounding Shuanghe masters, and their eyes suddenly showed a look of surprise and anger, staring at the sword peerless.

However, they did not act rashly.

Before long, I saw a dignified middle-aged man with a pair of thick eyebrows striding towards jianwushuang.

The middle-aged man's expression was ugly. As he walked step by step, the disciples of the five element sect retreated automatically to make way for the middle-aged man.


Jian Wushuang narrowed his eyes and looked at the middle-aged man. His cultivation was almost invincible. In his previous divine sense, he was the strongest in the five planet domain. Needless to guess, Jian Wushuang also knew that this person was estimated to be the patriarch of the five element God sect, the five element God King.

Take back your eyes, Jian Wushuang's expression is indifferent, and he doesn't care in his heart. Let alone the five element God King, even if everyone in the whole five planet domain is tied together, it's not enough for him to kill with a sword.

Although he is still the ultimate master of the realm, he is no longer comparable to the master. Now he has only the power of the supreme divine realm.

In the realm of domination, his sword is unparalleled, that is, the invincible of all races!

After the middle-aged man approached, he looked up and down at Jian Wushuang, and a faint color of fear flashed in the bottom of his eyes. Then, the middle-aged man took a deep breath and arched his hands:

"I'm the Lord of the five element God sect. You can call me the five element God King. How do you address me?"

Jian Wushuang nodded when he heard the words. Originally, he had made a plan to bloody wash the whole five planet domain, but this person had a good attitude at first. He was already throbbing and couldn't help being pressed down by Jian Wushuang.

"I won't give up my sword. This is my Taoist companion, Ling Ruqing."

"If you don't abandon the master, my Lord takes the liberty to ask, what's the reason why you killed the elder of my sect?"

The five element God King opened his mouth

Jian Wushuang heard his words and said faintly, "this man's words offended me first, so I killed him. Why not?"

Hearing the words, the five element God King immediately narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "don't abandon the master. Just offend with words, kill the elder in my sect, and then walk away like this. Isn't it a little inappropriate?"

Jian Wushuang heard his words, tilted his head, looked at him with a smile and said, "so, are you here to seek justice for him?"

The five element God king heard the words, and his pupils shrank. He stared at the sword tightly, and his thoughts flashed in his heart.

He is not stupid. Since he can kill the elder with one hand, it is enough to prove that the strength of this sword is not higher than himself, but it is definitely not below him!

After weighing the pros and cons, the five element God King said, "don't abandon the master. What do you think? Let's gamble and fight three moves. As long as you take the three moves of our Lord, our five element God will respectfully send you away, and the matter of the elder will be over. Never mention it again, if you can't take it..."

The five element God King's eyes were cold: "then I'm sorry, you and your Taoist partner, I'm afraid you'll have to stay in my five element God sect prison all the time."


Jian Wushuang smelled the words, his face floated a look of great interest, and said, "gambling is OK, but I want to add."

"Filling? What do you mean?"

The five element God King looked puzzled.

Jian Wushuang stretched out his finger, pointed to the five element God sect standing in the middle of the five element City, and said, "if Jian loses, you can take this life, but if you lose, I need to take something from your five element God sect."


The five element God King's expression hesitated for a while, and then he said emphatically, "yes."

Jian Wushuang smiled and said:


He could feel that the chaotic congenital Yimu Qi he had just felt in the five element city came from the five element God sect!

Although he didn't know why the incomplete bronze ancient tripod suddenly moved after encountering the chaotic congenital Yimu gas, he was extremely sure that the way to really open the bronze ancient tripod might be related to the chaotic congenital Yimu gas!

"Let's start."

Convergence thoughts, sword unparalleled light opening way.

The words fell, and the disciples of the five element God sect who surrounded them retreated one after another to make way for a large open space.

"Come on, Lord!"

"Let this man pay for the elder!"

"One move! Just one move, the Lord can defeat this person!"

The disciples of the five element sect cheered one after another.

"Husband, be careful."

Lengrushuang said with slight concern.


Jian Wushuang smiled at her, then turned his eyes, looked at the five element God King, and said faintly:

"Come on,"

"Good! If you don't give up the sword, then you can connect it!"

The five element God King took a deep breath and raised his right hand.

In an instant, countless divine powers surged wildly, and in his hands, they condensed into a five-color light ball with terrible breath!

The five element God sect takes the cultivation of the Qi of the five elements as the basis of the road. In this five color sphere of light, the five forces of gold, wood, water, fire and earth are constantly changing, among which the blue wood Qi is particularly rich!

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