196 chaotic periods!

As soon as this number appeared, all the strong people who had half step invincible supreme cultivation on the scene changed their faces.

Before the appearance of Long Qing, even the shortest half step invincible supreme of cultivation years exceeded 1000 chaotic periods.

Compared with the two, the gap is too big!

The cultivation years of 196 chaotic periods, nearly 200 chaotic periods, are too young and conspicuous, and almost crush everyone present in a manner of crowning the crowd!

Because you should know that even some primary supreme masters or ultimate masters may have more than this time of practice.

On the main seat of LingXiao palace.

Lan Lan flashed a flash of brilliance in his eyes and whispered, "master, this dragon green is so powerful that he has only practiced 196 chaotic disciplines, and now he has achieved his cultivation."

Zeus slightly jawed his head, stroked his beard and said with a smile, "it's really good, but he is the fourth generation blood of the dragon family. He was born to be the supreme body. It can be said that the starting point is too much higher than others, so it's normal to have a shorter practice time than others."

"So it's because of this?" Lan Lan picked her eyebrows and looked thoughtful.

With the end of Long Qing's test, the competition between the half step invincible supreme was over.

With 196 years of practice in chaos period, long Qing is firmly at the top of the list.

He looked around, his face full of pride.

Then there is the measurement comparison between the top and the supreme.

This time, the number one is still one of the six unparalleled enemies, the supreme green dog.

His practice years are 578 chaotic periods, narrowly surpassing a strong alien and becoming the person with the shortest practice years.

Then there are the high supreme, the medium supreme, and the primary Supreme

The further down the cultivation, the more obvious the time gap will be, because such accomplishments as half step invincible supreme are no longer achieved by ordinary chance, but require a lot of time to precipitate.

However, the medium supreme and the primary supreme are likely to be greatly shortened by some unnatural practices, so the gap is huge.

When it was the turn of the intermediate supreme test, the king of nine robbers took the lead with 102 chaotic periods, which was extremely dazzling for a time.

However, with the dragon green pearl jade in front, it didn't seem particularly shocking.

The competition for the primacy test was the most intense one. Finally, a strong alien ranked first, while the overlord was a little weaker, ranking second.

"It's only three chaotic periods! It's just three chaotic periods!"

The overlord clenched his fists, and his face was full of unwilling color.

Because it is very likely that because of these three chaotic periods, he lost his qualification to listen to the Tao.

Finally, the competition between the supreme masters has all ended.

The eyes of everyone in the audience focused on jianwushuang.

The three words "unparalleled sword" play a decisive role in the universe, or in this era.

The first genius of the universe, the first pride of the ages, with the body of the master even slaughtered the supreme!

There are so many labels on Jian Wushuang that people can't ignore his existence!

Therefore, countless people are very curious about how many years jianwushuang has been practicing!

"I think this sword is unparalleled. At least I have practiced a thousand chaotic periods!"

Someone looked bright and said firmly.

"Yes, it takes a lot of time to understand the precipitation, whether it's the magic and esoteric skills used by sword peerless, or the universal law, Kendo comprehension, etc. without a thousand chaotic periods, you can't understand it at all."

"The sword is unparalleled and can kill the supreme with a dominant body. In addition to the Tera divine sword and the Wuxu chaos tripod, his shoulder to shoulder supreme power of the road, as well as the unimaginable laws of the universe, and so on, are indispensable, and these things just need an extremely long time to understand."

"Then again, if jianwushuang really practiced thousands of chaotic periods, it's not surprising that he can do this step."

Everyone discussed it one after another.

That long Qing looked at Jian Wushuang contemptuously and said bluntly, "Jian Wushuang, this seat used 196 chaotic periods, and then cultivated to the half step invincible supreme, and what about you?"

Bawang, jiujiewang and others didn't say anything. Everyone had to compare their thoughts. Speaking of it, they were also very curious about how many chaotic periods jianwushuang had practiced.

Jian Wushuang's expression was calm and did not speak. He was about to go to the timing jade to have a test. He saw tianluozi sitting next to him, standing up first and walking out.

He clenched his fists and looked at Jian Wushuang with hatred.


Why is the whole audience paying attention to sword peerless?!

Obviously, I'm also the ultimate master. Obviously, I'm also one of the candidates, but why doesn't anyone look up at me?!

For what?

With the unparalleled sword, kill the supreme with the master's body? I can do it!

At this moment, tianluozi's heart was filled with jealousy!

He wants to prove, he wants to prove to everyone that his Tianluo son is the real Tianjiao in the world!

The sword is unparalleled, but it's just a pseudo genius worse than his fingers!

Thinking of these, tianluozi stepped in front of the jade and stretched out his hand to press it!

Wow ~ ~!

Suddenly, the number on the jade began to soar!

Looking at the soaring figures, he took a sneer on his face.

"Well, let me, Tianluo Zi, step on the sword today, which proves the name of the first genius in the world!"


The number on the jade suddenly stopped!

79.83 million years!

There is no chaos!

In an instant, everyone in the audience who had not paid attention to tianluozi was shocked, and their eyes showed a strange color!

"What? 79 million years? Not even a chaotic period?"

"Who is this son, whose talent is so terrible?!"

"Tut tut Tut, there is no chaos discipline. Unexpectedly, it has been built into an invincible master who is only a line away from the supreme. Such talents are enough to be proud of ancient and modern times."

"I know this person. He is called tianluozi. He is a descendant who recently emerged from the universe. His talent is no less than that of the sword. He has also done the deeds of killing the supreme. Recently, it has been very popular!"

"If you don't reach a chaotic age, you'll soon be promoted to the supreme. If you let him grow up for a while, it's probably another great power."

Many supreme masters applauded one after another. Even long Qing flashed a different color in his eyes and took the initiative to throw an olive branch at tianluozi and invite him to become a peripheral disciple of the dragon family.

For a moment, tianluozi was in high spirits and was in the spotlight in LingXiao palace.

He enjoyed the admiration of many supreme people around him, and his face filled with satisfaction.

This is the treatment he should have!

"The sword is unparalleled. Why are you still waiting? It's your turn."

Tianluozi turned and looked at Jian Wushuang, and smiled with Yin pity.

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