There was a dead silence in the void.

Only the strong wind kept reverberating.

The crowd who had retreated to the extreme distance watched the battle, staring at this scene, only feeling cold all over.

Prince Haoji is dead.

The Great Sun God Emperor is dead.

Even the jade tripod supreme, who is all powerful in the universe and half invincible supreme, was buried in the hands of jianwushuang!

No words can be used to describe the horror in their hearts.

Originally, the sword unparalleled once killed the Supreme Master in the ultimate master, which is enough shocking. Now, the sword unparalleled has elementary supreme cultivation, and killed the half step invincible supreme!

This is too shocking!

Such things have never happened in the universe!

Whether it's Jiedong, the first genius before 100000 chaotic ages, or Jiujie king, who was also considered to be the demon Tianjiao before, it's far inferior to the current sword, thousands of miles away!

"Yu... The universe seems to be changing!"

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it if I killed the primal supreme!"

"The first day of the ages!"

"For countless years from now, the whole universe will remember a name, which is unparalleled sword!"

"Legend! Sword matchless is a legend!!"

"From today on, there will be more people on the top of the universe, that is, unparalleled sword!"

"Invincible supreme can't come out. I'm afraid that the unparalleled sword is enough to sweep the universe!"

Countless people speak.

At this moment, they looked at the unparalleled sword with black clothes and black hair in the distance, and their eyes filled with strong worship and fanaticism.

There are also nuns, who are dazzled and dazzling.

If it hadn't been for the rumors in the universe that jianwushuang had married, I'm afraid I'd like to rush up on the spot and be a wife and concubine for jianwushuang!

No one present will be a fool. Jian Wushuang has strong strength and amazing talent. No one dares to say how amazing the future achievements of Jian Wushuang will be!

If it were not for the existence of the dragon clan and the Daewoo temple, which are wary of rivalry with the sword, I don't know how many people in the universe want to tie up with the sword and have a good relationship.

And now, with the sword unparalleled cut and kill half step invincible supreme jade tripod, these people immediately became emboldened and had no scruples!

"Hum, jianwushuang has been practicing for more than 700000 years, and has the power to kill half step invincible. If jianwushuang practices for more than 700000 years, this dragon clan may not be the opponent of jianwushuang!"

"The dragon clan has been comfortable for too long, and it has been self righteous for too long. It is time for people to teach them that they are not the masters of the universe!"

"The dragon clan is strong, but that's all. Several surviving second-generation dragon clans can only survive by sleeping. Although the remaining three generations of dragon clans are strong, they may not have no chance to overturn them when jianwushuang grows up completely!"

"I firmly believe that after 10000 chaotic periods, the universe will belong to the unparalleled sword!"

Countless people said firmly with bright eyes.

Immediately, they looked at each other and walked towards jianwushuang one after another, intending to form a good relationship.

Among them, the concierge who came to attend the great ceremony of ancestor worship of the Great Sun God Emperor ran fast, fearing that jianwushuang would anger them, and hurriedly wanted to explain.

"Unparalleled supreme, I'm the Supreme Master of the golden sword of the Wuji God sect. I'd like to say hello to you..."

"Unparalleled supreme, the owner of xiawu'ao Island, I come to apologize to you. It's really my ancestor's old relationship with him to participate in the ancestor worship ceremony of the Great Sun God Emperor

For a moment, all kinds of unparalleled sounds of flattering swords sounded one after another.

These people, without exception, are all strong men above the medium supreme. However, at the moment, facing the unparalleled sword, they are all kinds of flattery and dare not have the slightest disrespect.

If this scene falls into the eyes of people who don't know it, it will definitely make people's eyes drop.

Jian Wushuang's expression is flat. These people are just two-sided weeds blown by the wind. They are best at steering the wheel. Fortunately, they won today. If they lost, these people will definitely spit after he was killed by Yuding supreme and others.

Without paying too much attention to them, Jian Wushuang's right hand photographed the void, and immediately the emperor of the sun and the supreme heaven and earth ring of the jade tripod shot into his hand.

After grasping the heaven and earth ring, the unparalleled divine power of the sword swept slightly towards the inside, and his expression immediately couldn't help but move.

These two people's wealth in the heaven and earth ring is simply frightening. Even before the supreme thunder robbery has begun and many of his treasures have not exploded, they are far inferior to these two people.

"These two people are only afraid to rely on their own cultivation to be strong and rob others of many opportunities!"

Jian Wushuang snorted coldly, immediately shook his head, put away the two Heaven and earth rings, and turned to shoot at the great sun kingdom.


The unparalleled sword turned into a sword, and immediately crossed the sky like a meteor, falling into the great sun god.


In the Great Sun King City.

Many people who did not rush out of the starry sky and watched, as well as the royal children who stayed in the kingdom of the great sun, were discussing with each other.

They looked relaxed, relaxed, and even had a lot of leisure to drink tea. They seemed not to worry about the defeat of the Great Sun God Emperor and others.

"Queen, your majesty, they haven't returned for so long. Won't something happen?"

A bodyguard of the great sun kingdom said with some anxiety in his eyes.

The queen was a beautiful woman. Hearing the words, she put down her tea cup and said casually, "the thief, unparalleled sword, is only a primary supreme cultivation. How can he be the opponent of your majesty? Not to mention, this time, there is also the supreme jade tripod beside to help. Even though unparalleled sword has the ability of heaven, this time, he will also subdue the law and kill the head."


The bodyguard hesitated and said, "queen, for the sake of safety, I think we'd better go and have a look?"

The queen of Dayi frowned at the words and was about to scold.

Just then!

Accompanied by a loud noise, a low voice exploded like thunder and rolled down.

"The Great Sun God Emperor is dead, and other people of the great sun royal family are also guilty. Although they do not die, they should cut off their accomplishments and make an example!"


The unparalleled figure of the sword condenses in the void.

In an instant, countless Royal sons of the great sun kingdom were heartbroken and couldn't believe it. The queen of the great sun was even more instantly pale.

"How is it possible?!"

"How could your majesty lose?!"

Sword unparalleled expression of indifference, black hair flying, proudly standing in the void.

He looked down at the big Sun King City, immediately shook his head and chopped down with a sword!

"This sword deprives you of cultivation!"


In an instant, the sword seemed to cause no damage, even no plants or trees were disturbed, but it was directly cut into everyone who had blood contact with the Great Sun God Emperor!

This sword is a variant of Yongye sword!

Have the power to deprive everything!!

It's a small magical power deduced by Jian Wushuang after he understood the supreme sword intention of Tai Luo.

"Ah! I, my cultivation!"

"What's going on? Why is my cultivation declining!!"


For a moment, the Imperial Palace screamed repeatedly!

Countless people felt that their cultivation rapidly subsided, and their faces were extremely shocked.

Those who came with the sword peerless noticed this scene, and they were all shocked and cold all over.

Cut off the cultivation with a sword!

What supernatural means is this?!

You know, there are nearly 10000 people in the dari royal family!

The sword peerless glanced at them faintly and split out four swords again!

These four swords burst into the sky and then hid in the void.

"From today to the next 90 million years, all people of the dari royal family are not allowed to step out of the dari palace!"

"Dari palace, closed for thousands of years!"


The Four Swords hidden in the void, with their tips turned, will kill anyone who dares to step half a step out of the dari palace!

In an instant, countless people of the dari royal family looked desperate and ashen.

Jian Wushuang didn't say much more. When he stepped on it, it turned into a light and went away.

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