It has been three months since Jian Wushuang returned to the palace of life.

An endless stream of people came to visit him.

These people are either the Lord of a holy land or the emperor of a country who opened up the kingdom of God. They are all powerful people who stamp their feet and shake the whole universe.

At the beginning, Jian Wushuang was quite patient. He boiled wine and talked with them and greeted them politely. But after a long time, he found that his cultivation time was running out, so he simply closed the door and refused guests, letting other supreme masters in the palace of life talk with him.

The palace of life, the sixth mountain range.

In the unparalleled manor.

Blood wave supreme and axe supreme, come to be guests.

The three of them sat by the lake next to the manor, made a cup of spirit tea for them as cold as frost, and then retreated cleverly, without affecting their conversation.

"Xuebo supreme, I have always had three questions to ask you. I want to ask you to help me solve my doubts."

Jian Wushuang said.


The blood wave supreme master picked his eyebrows when he heard the speech, and joked, "sword peerless, you've been a big star in the universe recently, and now there's something you need to ask me?"

After a pause, the blood wave Supreme Master smiled and said, "well, if you have any questions, just ask them directly. Why should we be so polite."

Jian Wushuang nodded, pondered for a moment or two, and then slowly opened his mouth and asked, "blood wave supreme, what is the war of havoc that the universe often says? What is the battlefield outside the territory? Also, in those days, the supreme emperor Tera was at its height, and the universe rarely met an enemy. Who killed him instantly? Even the kingdom of God was destroyed?"

Hearing the words, the Supreme Xuebo glanced at the supreme axe, and did not reply in a hurry, but his expression gradually became dignified. After a long time, the Supreme Xuebo said:

"Jian Wushuang, even if you don't ask these things, I originally intended to tell you. Since you asked today, I'll solve your doubts together."

"First of all, speaking of the war of havoc, I have to tell you about the universe."

"The sword is unparalleled. Do you think the universe is unique?"

Hearing this, Jian Wushuang couldn't help but take a deep breath and calmly replied, "I don't know, but the universe I see, it's the only one."

The blood wave supreme 'eh' gave a sound, took a sip of the spiritual tea in front of the table, and then said, "before the war of catastrophe, all of us, like you, thought that the universe was the only one until the war of catastrophe came."

"100000 chaotic ages ago, at the edge of the universe, a palm sized void crack suddenly appeared.

At the beginning, everyone didn't take the void crack as a matter of fact, so it went on for a long time, until a man with three heads and six arms crawled out of the void crack. "

"This man claims to be zhenkui, who comes from another universe. His strength is terrible. Obviously, he has only high supreme cultivation, but he can kill the top supreme, and there is no room for backhand!

Even the half step invincible supreme is not his opponent. It is a great celebration to be able to pick up a life in his hands!

After Zhen Kui came to the universe, he immediately killed widely, causing a bloodbath in the universe. Countless races were exterminated by him, and countless great powers died in his hands. For a moment, the whole universe was filled with sorrow and turned into a land of wolves.

No words can be used to describe the tragedy of the universe at that time. "

Paused, the blood wave supreme looked at the sword unparalleled, sighed lightly, and said, "it's a pity that Jiedong, the first genius before 100000 chaotic ages, also died in his hands. If Jiedong hadn't fallen in those years, I'm afraid it would be the universal power standing at the peak of the universe at the moment."

Speaking of this, the Supreme Master of blood wave sighed.

Jian Wushuang's pupils narrowed when he heard the words. The first genius before the 100000 chaos era, Jiedong, the last owner of the Wuxu chaos Ding, originally fell like this?

Thinking of this, Jian Wushuang couldn't help feeling a pity.

At this time, the blood wave supreme continued to speak.

"At this time, we finally understand that there is another parallel universe next to our universe.

And this universe, we call it - 'virtual'! "


Jian Wushuang's eyes narrowed, and a light flashed in his eyes.

The great axe nodded beside him and said in a deep voice, "yes, because their way of cultivation is completely different from ours. They rely on practicing a 'empty' Qi, so we call them the empty universe."

"Monks in the virtual universe, on the whole, are better than us in the same realm! Therefore, they are also particularly thorny and difficult."

"Is that so?"

Jian Wushuang raised his eyebrows, and his eyes showed the color of thinking.

"The sword is unparalleled. The war of havoc was caused by this man called 'zhenkui'. When he hanged thousands of people in the universe, he was finally noticed by the top power in the universe, and three invincible supreme masters shot to suppress him!"

"However, Rao is so, still let this person cast his secret skills, seriously escaped, and returned to the virtual universe."

"In the universe, there is peace."

"And just after the seven chaotic periods that this person escaped, the void crack that had been mended by great power was torn open again!

Thousands of people in the virtual universe are crawling out of the cracks!

Our entire universe suddenly fell into the boundless flames of war, and the entire universe, ten thousand families, was in deep trouble! "

"This war is called 'War of havoc!' in history."

Hearing this, Jian Wushuang finally understood. Just imagine, he can imagine how terrible the war of havoc that swept the whole universe is!

"Then what happened? How did the war end?" Jian Wushuang continued to ask.

The blood wave Supreme Master smiled at the speech, looked up at the sky, flashed a touch of respect in his eyes and said:

"Later, Lord Zeus rose among all ethnic groups, and the building fell immediately, turning the tide to the future! In one fell swoop, the victory of this war was laid!

Under the leadership of Lord Zeus, this war was finally reversed. We turned defeat into victory and killed all the friars in the universe!

It is precisely because of this war that the name of Lord Zeus, the first man in the universe, was established. We respectfully call him Zeus! "

The sword is unparalleled and cannot calm down for a long time.

Think of that era, it must be an epic era with a large number of Tianjiao, bright stars and magnificent waves?

Seeing this, the blood wave supreme smiled, took up the spirit tea, blew the rising heat on the spirit tea, and said with a smile, "the sword is unparalleled. The Foreign Battlefield you asked before is the product of this war."

"Although the friars of the virtual universe, led by the Lord Zeus, were driven back by us, the void crack did not close. Until now, there are still strong people of the virtual universe from time to time who want to enter through that crack.

However, there are several invincible supreme masters guarding and patrolling there all year round. Generally, people who have no virtual universe can really enter our universe. "

Jian Wushuang heard the words, thought for a moment or two, then arched his hand to the Supreme Master of blood wave and said, "thank you, Supreme Master of blood wave, I understand."

"You're welcome."

Xuebo supreme nodded, put down his tea cup and replied:

"Next, I will tell you how the supreme Tarot fell."