In a flash, three years passed in the blink of an eye.

Sword unparalleled, finally woke up.


Jian Wushuang sat up from the bed, pinched his swollen eyebrows with his hands, and then his thoughts surged like a tide.

He remembered that he was fighting for control with Wu Liu in the battlefield of the kingdom of God, and then his consciousness fell into a deep sleep.

And now

He felt his body carefully. The false willow spell lurking in his body had disappeared. He had 100% control over his body.

However, at some time, a dark seal Rune appeared on the right side of his neck.

"Is this Rune?"

Jian Wushuang narrowed his eyes. If he guessed correctly, the disappearance of Wang Liu should have something to do with this rune.


Just as he was thinking, the door of the room was pushed open and Zeus stepped in.

"See Zeus."

Jianwushuang quickly arched his hand at him.

"You're welcome."

Zeus smiled gently and said, "little guy, how do you feel now?"

Jian Wushuang replied, "no problem."

"That's good." Zhou God nodded, then his face became serious for a few minutes, and said, "the sword is unparalleled. I just suppressed and sealed the power of the wild willow in your body with my magic power, but I didn't completely eliminate this power. Don't be careless about it."

"Don't worry, of course not."

A thought flashed in Jian Wushuang's eyes.

The two chatted a few more words. When Zeus saw that there was nothing unusual about jianwushuang, he left the wing room.

In the room, only jianwushuang was left.

He sat cross legged on the bed, constantly meditating on the words of Zeus.

Although the existence of Wanliu has been sealed, it is like a time bomb, which may explode sometime.

It is impossible for him to place his fate on others.

I have to destroy the false willow that I put on him.

Then, the first thing I have to do is to understand the structure of virtual force. Only by understanding virtual force, can I have the opportunity to destroy the power left by its reckless willow.

"Xu Li, how to understand..."

A moment later, Jian Wushuang thought fruitlessly, so he had to get up and walk outside.

Outside, a famous supreme was in a hurry.

Jian Wushuang just wanted to say hello to them, but he couldn't help frowning.

After seeing these supreme masters look at him, their faces are all stunned, and then they vaguely avoid, distancing themselves from jianwushuang.

Soon, whispers rang out from their mouths.

"Hey, have you heard? Jianwushuang was taken away by the people of the virtual universe!"

"Yes, it is said that he was still a four trace level virtual scholar!"

"Stay away from him quickly! Although Lord Zeus suppressed the virtual man in his body with great magic power, he failed to completely eliminate it, that is to say, the virtual man in jianwushuang body may explode at any time!"

"Right, right, not afraid of 10000, just in case, that's a four trace level virtual man. If the captain level doesn't take action, who can subdue him?"

"Hurry, hurry, hurry, stay away from him, otherwise if he suddenly kills, won't we be in danger?"

Bursts of discussion came, and Jian Wushuang couldn't help frowning tighter and tighter.

It seems that he is isolated?

Shook his head, Jian Wushuang didn't take it to heart. It's just right to isolate him, trying to be quiet.

Jian Wushuang walked forward step by step, just at this time, a group of laughter came.

"I saw it with my own eyes when jianwushuang was taken away! Tut Tut, that miserable appearance is absolutely amazing! I can't even describe it!"

"I tell you, you'd better stay away from him when you see jianwushuang, or in case he kills violently, which one is close to him and doesn't just hit his muzzle?"

Sword unparalleled smell words, between eyebrows and eyes, can't help but surge a cold feeling.

Looking up, I saw a group of ordinary supreme masters, surrounded by the black robed supreme from the Daewoo temple, listening to his story.

And before he spoke, it was the supreme black robe of the Daewoo temple.

"It was he who fanned the flames behind his back."

Jian Wushuang's eyes flickered and walked over step by step.

He remembered that at the beginning, in the hall, it was this person who said that it was his duty to fight against Wang Liu. Even if he went to die, it was also for the sake of the universe, which was deserved.

Patter patter.

Footsteps sounded.

The people who were originally listening to the story told by the black robed supreme in the Daewoo temple, and their faces were satisfied, when they saw the sword coming, they suddenly froze, and their smiles froze.

"Sword, sword peerless is coming!"


"The seal of Jian Wushuang must have been broken!"

Suddenly, everyone was scared to death.

At the same time, the Supreme Master in black robe was cluttering in his heart, lowering his head and going away.

"Want to go?"

The sword peerless sneered, five fingers stretched out, and grabbed directly across the air.

Suddenly, the black robed supreme was like a chick caught, flying directly upside down in the hands of the camera sword.

Five fingers, instantly pinched on his throat, slowly raised.

"Sword, sword unparalleled, what do you want to do? This is a base camp, are you going to kill me?!"

The black robed supreme's face rose red, forcing him to pretend to be calm.

"You think I dare not?"

The cold light in Jian Wushuang's eyes flashed, and countless sword Qi suddenly exploded between his five fingers, pouring into the black robed supreme.

As long as the sword peerless slightly urges, these sword Qi pouring into the body of the black robed supreme can instantly strangle him and destroy both form and spirit.

The Supreme Master in black robe felt the wanton sword Qi in his body, and immediately a great fear between life and death rushed to his heart, and his face couldn't help but turn white.

"Sword, sword unparalleled, I didn't mean it, I apologize to you." His lips trembled, and a look of mercy flashed in his eyes.

Now, jianwushuang is the first pride of the universe, and he is deeply protected by Zeus. He is really not sure whether jianwushuang will be punished if he kills him.

"If I hear half of you fanning the flames and chewing my tongue behind my back in the future, you understand the consequences."

Jian Wushuang snorted coldly and slowly released his hand.

The black robed supreme immediately fell to the ground.

"Get out."

Jian looked down at him without expression and said.


The Supreme Master in black didn't dare to show Ruth's dissatisfaction, and quickly rolled away.

Seeing this, Jian Wushuang shook his head. This kind of person is just a clown. It's not worth fighting if he wants to die but turn his hands.

Then, Jian Wushuang strode away to the seventh team.

In the seventh team, heiyuan supreme is practicing cross legged.


The sword arched its hand at him.

"It's all right?"

Heiyuan supreme lightly glanced at Jian Wushuang and said, "sit down, I have something to tell you."


Jian Wushuang nodded, swept to the Supreme Master of heiyuan and sat down.

Heiyuan supreme said, "the sword is unparalleled. You should know about the fall of Guihe supreme, the vice captain of our seventh team?"