Wow ~!

As soon as the supreme god corpse of taro appeared, the earth shaking sharp breath instantly shocked everyone!

"This is the corpse of Wu Shuang!"

"It is said that this divine corpse is the strongest one on the coffin mountain. At the beginning, even the Lord and the five supreme elders failed to refine it!"

"Trace... Trace level breath! This God corpse has reached trace level!"

"No wonder Wu Shuang is not afraid of Yandan senior brother at all. It turns out that he has this support!"


I saw the expression of the God corpse of Tai Luo was numb, and the action was rigid. His fingers were raised and merged into a sword finger, pointing towards the withered arm photographed in the void.

Instantly, endless sword Qi erupted from the fingertips of the Tarot God corpse!

Boom ~!!!

An earth shattering noise came, and I saw the arm that tore everything, retracting instantly like an electric shock. Then I saw that YAN Dan seemed to have been bitten by something, and suddenly stepped back three steps, and his face flushed.

This is not the end. In the void behind YAN Dan, there was another low roar of pain, and a withered God corpse covered with black hair fell out of the void.

This divine corpse is the big locust refined by YAN Dan.

Defeat the enemy with one finger!

In an instant, everyone shouted in surprise.

They didn't expect that, carrying the power of breaking through the trace level, they had just been defeated by the first disciple of the sect leader, the first disciple of the crown disciple, YAN Dan, with a finger of the Tai Luo God corpse!


YAN Dan's face was livid. He stared at Jian Wushuang and shouted, "just now it was just my carelessness. Let's come again!"

With that, the virtual strength of his whole body began to gather madly, and the whole square began to tremble and shake.


Jian Wushuang's eyes narrowed, and the cold light in his eyes soared three inches.

Just when the two faced off, the sword pulled out and the crossbow stretched.


The refining Lord frowned, and immediately followed his words. With this sentence, it was still choppy just now, like a square in the raging sea, and immediately calmed down.

An extremely vast and powerful power separated jianwushuang and Yandan.


Seeing this, YAN Dan felt as if he had finally riveted his strength. The punch he wanted to hit was hit on cotton, and his heart was bent to the extreme.

"Lord, let me teach Wu Shuang a lesson!"

"You teach him a lesson? Isn't it enough to be ashamed?"

The refining Lord snorted coldly, then looked at Jian Wushuang and said, "fog Shuang, I ask you, what did you mean before, why did you block the way of YAN Dan?"

Jian Wushuang's goal of showing his strength has been achieved. Therefore, seeing that the refining Lord forcibly interrupted his battle with YAN Dan, he was not in any mood. Hearing his words, he bowed his hands in an unassuming manner and calmly replied:

"Lord, the reason why I stopped elder martial brother Yandan was that elder martial brother Yandan took the lead in provoking the disciples when he passed by me just now, saying that he would make the disciples slaves and servants. The disciples were so angry that they made the above moves."

When the refining Lord heard the speech, he couldn't help looking at YAN Dan, and his face sank.

You said you had better go, but you had to shake a clever provocation, and now you're embarrassed, right?

Shook his head, the refining Lord secretly scolded in his heart:

"What a fool!"

After taking a deep breath, the alchemist looked at Jian Wushuang and said, "well, you and Yandan are the same school. In the future, they will be the mainstays of our alchemist. You can't fight against each other because of some minor verbal contradictions. Understand?"

"Well, let's call it a day, and the party is over."

The refining Lord got up and shook his head uninteresting.


As the refined God patriarch got up, many disciples in the square naturally did not dare to sit anymore, but also got up one after another to send off the patriarch.

"Fog double, damn you!"

YAN Dan stared at the sword peerless, and his forehead jumped out of blue veins because of anger.

If it weren't for the refining God sect, he would have been unable to suppress his inner impulse and killed the sword without double clicking.

"Wu Shuang, don't worry, our future days are still long. I will settle with you slowly in the future."

With that, YAN Dan strode away.

Seeing jiumusk deer, a touch of disgust flashed in his eyes. It was this woman that made his face fall today. He was afraid to take her back to form a Taoist couple, and it was just adding jokes to himself, as if he had picked up something unparalleled in the sword.

"And you, bitch, it's all because of you today. Wait until I kill Wu Shuang, and then slowly plan with you."

With a cold hum, YAN Dan stepped on the ground with his right foot. Suddenly, the floor under his feet was chapped and a small pit was sunken, and he turned into a dun awn, instantly rose into the sky and disappeared in the square outside the main hall.

Nine musk deer saw that YAN Dan left, and the heart that had been hanging was finally on the ground.

She looked at Jian Wushuang gratefully and whispered a thank you.

Jian Wushuang shook his head, didn't pay much attention to her, looked at the elder mofeng, and walked in the direction of the refining Lord's departure.

He still remembered that the God refining patriarch had told him that after the end of the sect disciple Dabi, there would be tasks assigned to him.


In the hall of the patriarch.

The refining Lord sat high in the first place and nodded as he walked into the hall of the Lord instead of leaving with the crowd.

"Wu Shuang, originally, my lord wanted to tell you about the task after you had a few days' rest. Since you came, my Lord will tell you now."

Jian Wushuang took a deep breath at the words, nodded and said, "Lord, it doesn't matter."


The leader of the refining sect looked into the distance and didn't hurry to open his mouth when he heard the words. Instead, he seemed to think about the words in his mind. After a long time, he said, "fog double, do you know the sacred land of our universe?"

"The land of gods?"

Jian Wushuang raised his eyebrows and felt faintly in his heart. He was afraid that what the refining Lord was about to say was one of the top secrets of the virtual universe.

"Yes, most people don't know the land of gods. My Lord will tell you today."

The alchemist's eyes twinkled and said, "the land of gods is not one of the forbidden areas of our universe, but the day after tomorrow.

Almost tens of thousands of virtual ages ago, those who accompanied you when you started came to our universe from the same place.

These cosmic aliens have ulterior motives and ruthless means. After their identities were exposed, they began to kill in our virtual universe. The strength of these people is extremely strong. Everyone's cultivation is the same as that of their own patriarch, at least at the six trace level!

Among them, one person's cultivation is more unpredictable, and his means are strange. He has the power to suppress the origin of life, which is countless times stronger than his patriarch! "

The refining Lord slowly said, but at this moment, the sword was unparalleled, and his heart suddenly shook.

This is?!

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