The 87th crack.

The call of sacrifice continued, and the overwhelming pressure spread like a mountain.

At the 23rd crack, Jian Wushuang and ram supreme have stepped out and entered the crack.

Click and wipe.

The void crack twisted for a while, devouring the figure of jianwushuang and ram supreme, and immediately, the two disappeared.

Familiar dizziness hit again. When Jian Wushuang and ram supreme opened their eyes again, they had reached a starry sky.

The same starry sky, but the breath in the universe is different.

Jian Wushuang and ram supreme looked at each other, and their hearts moved.

Sure enough, in addition to the 87th crack, this 23rd crack can also go back and forth between the divine universe and the virtual universe.

They are going to the camp of Zeus.

A loud cry suddenly exploded!

"Strange thief, die!!!"


I saw a six clawed white dragon, flying through the clouds, rushing quickly!

In his mouth, there was a huge fireball bomb, as if the sun were in his mouth.


Ram supreme's face suddenly changed, and it occurred to him that they had just come out of the void crack, and they must have been regarded as the people of the virtual universe by others.

However, before he could explain, the fireball had quickly hit, directly hitting a broken channel in the void, and directly hitting jianwushuang and ram supreme.

This fireball, just the scattered pressure and hot temperature, is far from the ram supreme can resist.

Just when the ram supreme looked desperate, the sword next to him had stepped out and held the hilt of the Tai Luo divine sword at his waist!

Draw the sword and cut!


A startling training, like a long river of stars, slashed away, directly splitting the huge fireball into two halves.

Countless flames spread, turning the face of sword peerless and ram supreme into red.


Put away the Tai Luo divine sword. The sword peerless looked up faintly into the huge longan, flashed the six clawed white dragon with the color of fear, and calmly said, "Long Qing, I haven't seen you for so long. I didn't expect you to be so reckless and stupid."

Ka Ka.

Tens of thousands of feet long six clawed white dragon, with a flash of white light, immediately turned into a young man wearing a white robe with gold rims and double horns.

"Unparalleled sword?"

Long Qing squinted and snorted.

The sword is unparalleled, and its sharp long ears are restored to their original state, transforming a virtual force into divine force, and re transforming into a real human appearance.

"This guy didn't die in the virtual universe."

"Besides, this guy seems to be getting stronger again!"

Surprise flashed in Long Qing's eyes.

This time, Jian Wushuang entered the virtual universe. Except that the God of universe knew the specific situation, as for others, even the two disciples of the God of universe, they did not know what Jian Wushuang and others did in the virtual universe.

Therefore, long Qing thought that the sword was unparalleled and had long died in the virtual universe.

Hua Hua ~ ~!

Then, several figures came fiercely. When they saw that the sword was unparalleled, they immediately felt stunned, and their eyes showed disbelief.

"Is it the unparalleled sword?!"

"Jian Wushuang returned from the virtual universe?"

"Is jianwushuang the first person to return from the virtual universe?"

Everyone was shocked.

Jian Wushuang frowned, ignored them, and said indifferently:

"Excuse me."

With that, the sword peerless and the ram supreme turned into two streamers, instantly cutting through the sky and plundering towards the headquarters where Zeus was located.

This time, the reason why jianwushuang didn't choose to send a message to Zeus, but came back in person was because it was important, such as the map of the void forbidden area and the deployment of combat power, as well as the information collected by the elder of Banshan spent tens of thousands of chaos, and he had to hand it over to Zeus. Jianwushuang was relieved.

A few hours later.

The base camp is here.

Not seen for hundreds of years, the base camp is no different, but it has become more dignified. The people who are responsible for guarding and patrolling the base camp are all looking sad. I think, they also guessed that the war will start.

Jian Wushuang stepped closer, and the monk in charge of guarding the base camp was preparing to intercept. After seeing the person clearly, he immediately asked with some surprise:

"Are you the vice captain, Jian Wushuang? Are you back from the virtual universe?"

Jian Wushuang looked at this man. He was wearing the clothes of the seventh team. He was a member of the seventh team. When Jian Wushuang had fought for 5000 years, this man also fought side by side with him.

"It's me."

Jian Wushuang nodded, without meaning to talk nonsense, and said:

"Take me to meet Lord Zeus."

The member of the seventh team saw Jian Wushuang with a grim expression and understood that things must be urgent. He hurried to the hall of Zeus with Jian Wushuang.

Along the way, many eyes looked at Jian Wushuang, first surprised, then shocked.

"The sword is back!"

"He came back from the virtual universe!"

Ignoring these discussions, Jian Wushuang stepped into the hall of Zeus.

In the hall of the God of the universe, the old God of the universe was wearing a cloak and looking through books. LAN LAN and Lan Su stood on both sides, holding a lamp for him.

Hearing the footsteps, Zeus looked up and saw Jian Wushuang coming in. There was no unexpected color on his face, but a smile on the corner of his mouth and nodded:

"Here you are."

Waving his hand, he motioned Lan Su and LAN LAN on both sides to step back.


Lan Su and LAN LAN answered, and when they passed by, they looked at Jian unparalleled, also full of surprise.

When they left, there were only two people left in the hall, Zeus and jianwushuang.

"Lord Zeus."

The unparalleled sword arched the hand of Zhou God.

"There is no need for politeness between you and me."

Zeus put down the book in his hand, patted the position next to him, and motioned jianwushuang to sit next to him.

"You've worked hard these days."

Zeus looked at the vicissitudes of Jian Wushuang's eyes and sighed lightly. Inexplicable some heartache.

Jian Wushuang sat next to Zeus and smiled at the speech.

With the word of Zeus, everything is worth it.

God knows that his sword is unparalleled in the alchemist sect. It seems to be calm, but in fact, he is tense every day, afraid to relax, for fear of exposing himself.

The effort it takes is simply incalculable.

"Lord Zeus, look at these two things first."

Convergence thoughts, sword unparalleled right hand, the map of the void forbidden area, the list of combat power, and the bamboo tube that ban Shan gave him, all appeared in his hand.


Zeus didn't have any unnecessary nonsense. He knew in his heart that the war would begin. Now is not the time to talk about the past.

He first stroked the roll of bamboo in Banshan and looked carefully.

In the hall of Zeus, the candle flickered. Zeus looked slowly, and his eyebrows gradually frowned.