Time flows away, and three days pass.

For monks, three days is just a blink of an eye, but for today's virtual universe and divine power universe, it is particularly slow.

Although there are various top-level existence in the divine universe, and they go to foreign battlefields to rush to rescue Zeus, Zeus did not choose to directly fight against the virtual universe, but detoured back.

The virtual universe is pressing step by step, compressing the living space of Zeus and others.

At this moment, in the extraterritorial battlefield of the divine universe.

The virtual men of the virtual universe have camped and completely occupied it.

A tent in the middle of the camp.

Surrounded by endless black fog, people can't really see the appearance and shape of the virtual God, sitting on a big chair.

On both sides of him, there are left and right virtual envoys, and under him are thirty-four virtual zuns.

They are discussing the next battle plan.

A virtual Zun with countless tentacles walked quickly from outside the camp tent, fell half kneeling at the feet of the virtual God, and said in a deep voice:

"Lord Xushen, the people of the divine universe still didn't fight with us head-on, but retreated with one hit and kept shrinking the defense line."

Xu Shen sat on the throne, didn't speak, but raised his head and narrowed his eyes, which made people unable to see what he was thinking.

Standing next to him, the right virtual emissary, a bony old man wearing a shaman feather hat, whispered: "Lord virtual God, if things go wrong, there must be demons. This divine universe does not confront us head-on, but keeps retreating. I'm afraid there is some conspiracy."

As soon as he said this, other virtual masters frowned and said, "yes, Mr. virtual God, this divine universe is obviously using the trick of luring the enemy deep. It is estimated that there is an ambush not far ahead."

In the camp tent, there was a lot of discussion.

The virtual God glanced at them faintly, and a magical voice came out of his mouth.

"How about the ambush? How about the plan? Just drop ten meetings with one force."

With that, he shook his head, waved his hand forward and said:

"Tell me to go on. Now when I see the people of the divine universe, don't stay behind to test and kill them directly. The people of the divine universe don't want to fight with us, so we will fight with them."

"The initiative is never in their hands, but in our hands."

This discourse is plain, but between the lines, it is full of terror and domineering that doesn't pay attention to anything.

If you plan threethousand and plan onehundredthousand, I will directly reduce ten meetings! Strong crushing!


Within the universe of divine power.

All the empty people in the hall took the keel boat and evacuated slowly.

Zeus stood on the deck of a huge keel boat, stood with his hands on his back, and looked up at the stars in the distance.

There is an induction between the strong and the strong. He can sense that the existence of the virtual universe was not far away from him, facing him across the air, 100000 virtual ages ago.

Empty God!

His old enemy!

"Lord Zeus, the people of the virtual universe, seem to be aware that we are hanging them. In recent attacks, they no longer rush to attack and kill."

The leader of the eighth team, Suixi supreme, who is famous for his magic power, gasification and purity, stood beside the God of the universe and whispered.

A look of worry filled his eyes.

As the virtual God said, their magic universe has laid countless killing arrays to kill immortals and gods in the base camp tens of thousands of miles away from the battlefield outside the territory!

Each killing formation is not only powerful, but also Zeus used the list of combat power given to him by jianwushuang. In each killing formation, there is a targeted restraint attribute.

Once the people of the virtual universe enter the urn, what awaits them is the thunderstorm like means!

"It doesn't matter. I know the character of Xu Shen. He has always advocated the supremacy of power and pushed invincible horizontally. Don't worry, he won't shrink back next, but will intensify the attack."

Zeus smiled and said.

For this ancient enemy who has entangled 100000 chaotic periods, the nature of the mind of Zeus to the virtual God has long been well known in his heart.

What's more?

For the gods of Zeus, the countless killing arrays are just a cover to attract their attention. The real killing move is unparalleled sword!

As long as the sword unparalleled will insert the seal flag into the void forbidden area, cut off the back road of the virtual universe, so that they can't get supplies, then even if the countless killing arrays don't work, he can slowly grind, and grind the alien race of the universe to death.

However, Zeus did not tell anyone about these plans.

"Well, I hope so."

Suixi, the captain of the eighth team, took a deep breath and said.


Three days later.

"Lord Zeus, as you expected, the virtual people of the virtual universe launched a fierce attack!"

Suixi, the captain of the eighth team, hurried over and said with some excitement on his face.

With countless killing arrays, the present divine power universe is not afraid of the recklessness of the virtual universe, but is afraid of the prudence of the virtual universe!

Now the virtual universe launched a fierce attack and pursued them, just in their arms.

"Well, don't tangle with them and drag them into the killing formation."

Zeus nodded, and then waved to Suixi supreme to leave, and opened the unparalleled communication with the sword.


Refining God sect.

The sword is sitting cross legged and practicing.

"The sword is unparalleled."

The words of Zeus sounded in jianwushuang's mind.

Jian Wushuang opened his eyes and a flash of divine light flashed in his eyes.

"Lord Zeus, are you going to start the plan?"

"Yes, the sword is unparalleled. Now you can rush to the forbidden area of the void and decorate the sky sealing flag."

Zeus nodded, then took a deep breath, and his expression became serious:

"Sword unparalleled, this time your mission is crucial, only success, not failure!"


Jian Wushuang nodded, and a firm color flashed in his eyes.

This time, even if you die, you won't regret it!


Zhou God paused, his tone became soft, and said deeply:

"The sword is unparalleled. After finishing this, come back alive, and I'll wait for you in the universe."

Jian Wushuang smiled at the words and said, "don't worry, I'll come back alive."

Later, jianwushuang hung up the communication with Zeus.

The Lord's dormitory became quiet.

Jian Wushuang got up and stood up. His eyes were as plain as water, and he stepped out of the main hall.

Some slightly cold wind blew the unparalleled black hair of the sword.

"It's windy."

Jian Wushuang looked up at the sky and muttered to himself.

Next moment!

Sword unparalleled step out, has arrived outside the star domain where the refining God sect is located.

Standing in the starry sky, Jian Wushuang has changed into a broad black robe.

He looked down at lianshenzong and realized in his heart that he was afraid that he would never come back here again.


Shook his head, jianwushuang reached out and put on the black robe with the wide hood, pulled down the brim of the hood, revealing only one chin.


Jian Wushuang turned into a horizontal thunder and shot towards the void forbidden area!


The recent plot is the biggest * * and the most important part of 'the top of the universe', which is related to the ending of the volume of 'the top of the universe', so it takes a little more time and effort. In order to achieve the best effect, we constantly refine the plot repeatedly, resulting in late updates every day. Sorry to everyone.

We will find time later to make up for everyone.