In the void, the whole universe has been split.

The fight between the invincible supreme and the six trace supreme is the brightest. Raise your hand to pinch the stars and step on the Milky way. Each statue is an ancient existence. Just the spread of the breath on your body is enough to annihilate 3000 worlds.

Besides the battle between the invincible supreme and the six trace supreme, the most remarkable is the battle between the hell king and the sword.

The king of hell is an evil god worshipped in the depths of the virtual universe. He fell into a deep sleep until the war of catastrophe broke out in the universe, and was awakened by the virtual God from his deep sleep.

The unparalleled sword is the well deserved first pride of the divine universe, and the real invincibility under the invincible supreme.

With the two people fighting as the center, they were directly blasted out of a vacuum within a ten thousand mile radius.

The king of hell, holding a long axe, looked at the declining sword with contempt and sneered:

"Your life has come to an end here."

"Let me, the great king of hell, end your life!"

"Death blow!!"

With a roar, the hell King stepped on it, turned into a blue shadow, and chopped down towards the sword again with a giant axe!

Jian Wushuang couldn't help squinting, and his face was slightly dignified.

He is already mobilizing his divine power to suppress the declining power in his body, but it will take at least ten seconds to completely eliminate it.

And ten breath time, in the duel with the king of hell, is enough to distinguish between life and death!

"Tai Luo sword classic, the third style, dusk."

"Tai Luo sword classic, fourth style, four seasons."

"Genius, primordial universe!"

Lips gently opened, sword unparalleled cold spit out this sentence, then brazenly use the three magic powers!

For a time, the hell king, who was originally shooting, couldn't stop moving on his feet, as if he were deeply trapped in a muddy pool. The speed seemed to be slowed down, and all became slow motion.

This is a gift, the primordial universe!

"Huh? The same magic power as this king?"

The hell King's eyes narrowed, and immediately he didn't wait for a reaction. An extremely terrible suction suddenly came from his feet, like a big hand, grabbed his bare feet, and pulled them away!

"Is this?!"

For the first time, a startled look appeared on the face of the king of hell.

Under him, a huge concave pit appeared like a black hole.

Whether dark matter in the universe or various energy afterwaves, at the same time, it is gravitated by the twilight pit and sinks into the concave giant pit.

At this moment, the universe seemed to collapse.

In this pit, the vast and majestic sword Qi, like a big millstone, silently strangles everything.

In just a moment, the feet of the hell King were ground away countless bones and flesh.

As early as nearly 10000 years ago, when jianwushuang was just at the beginning of the supreme realm, he almost killed Wang Liu, who was the same five trace supreme realm as the hell king, with a move at dusk. Now jianwushuang has broken through the medium supreme realm, and its strength is more than ten times stronger.

And this is not the end!

The fourth move of the Tai Luo sword classic, four seasons, comes suddenly!

Countless sword rains bombarded the hell king, and the whole universe changed!

At the moment when the three magic powers were wielding their power at the same time, there was a faint sound of the collapse of the road.

At this moment, whether it is the people of the divine universe or the people of the virtual universe, looking at this scene, they are stunned, dumbfounded, and trembling all over.

"This, this is still the battle between ordinary supreme?"

"I'm the top supreme, but I have intuition. In these three magical powers of the sword, I can't even hold on for a breath!"

"Too strong! Just looking at the battle between these two people, not looking at their realm, I'm afraid the distance from the invincible supreme is almost the same!"

The people of the divine universe looked at each other and said so.

Jiujie Wang's pupils shrunk, a complex color flashed on his face, and quietly clenched his fist.

He was arrogant and conceited all his life, and only regarded the unparalleled sword as his opponent.

However, only more than 100000 years, at the beginning, all aspects were not as good as his sword. At this moment, the attack broke out, but he had to be convinced and ashamed.

The king of hell, who once suppressed him and made him despair, was in the hands of unparalleled sword, and now he was close to being killed.

And the more complicated emotion is the dragon green of the dragon clan.

"This guy, why is he growing up so fast!!!"

He looked at the unparalleled sword, and his heart was simply jealous.

At the beginning, Jian Wushuang was just an ant surviving in his hands, but now, the combat power shown by Jian Wushuang is beyond his reach!

Compared with the shock of the divine universe, the virtual universe is scared!

"The king of hell is the strongest existence in our universe except for the six trace supreme! Isn't he his opponent?"

"If the hell king is defeated, what can we do to stop him?"

Many virtual men are flashing eyes, a moment of hesitation, whether to directly launch virtual explosion together to support the king of hell.

Not to mention the reaction of everyone here.

In a void.

Seven people in black, wearing black robes, stood with their feet in the void and their hands on their backs.

The first is a strange man wearing a red striped mask with only one eye exposed.

There are three pupils in this eye, which are triangular. It makes people feel cold when they just look at it.

"Hey, that little guy..."

Suddenly, phage Qi, who ranked seventh, turned his eyes slightly and looked at the fighting sword Wushuang and the king of hell.

Immediately, he narrowed his eyes and said:

"If I remember correctly, the little guy with the sword..."

"Bite seven, what's the matter?"

Wearing a red mask, Yiyi noticed the difference in the tone of Yiqi and asked faintly.

"Bite a man, the little guy with the sword, seems to have something to do with Xuanyi. I originally wanted to catch him back, but the Supreme Master of the universe at that time saved him. I didn't want to make things big, so I let him go."

"I didn't expect that this person made such rapid progress in just over 100000 years. The world saw that he was not the dominant realm of the second level, and now he has grown to such a point."

Phage seven opened his mouth and said.

When he heard the words, his tone didn't fluctuate, he just nodded and said:

"There is nothing impossible for those who have relations with Xuanyi."

"Shall we catch him now?"

Phage seven continued to ask.

After thinking for a while, he shook his head indifferently and said, "don't worry. First look at this person's performance. I guess this person may be the key pawn of Xuanyi's big plan."

The voice fell, and a golden card appeared in his hand, gently shaking.



On the battlefield, the sword peerless looked at the king of hell trapped in the pit at dusk, and his eyes flashed cold, rushing the three magic powers to the extreme.