Then he stopped and said, "I see, but it's a blessing that this sword dictionary can be handed down."

Before the sword peerless opened his mouth, he stopped and said, "since chaos separated, the heavens were born. Although there are thousands of swordsmanship, is there really a kind of sword meaning that swordsmanship can communicate with your mind?"

Jian Wushuang was stunned. Obviously, he was also thinking about this problem.

He wanted to blurt out the Tai Luo sword code, but he didn't speak at last.

Yes, the Tai Luo sword code PA Jue dome, has the power to easily cut the star domain, but does that really fit your heart?

Even if it is passed down in his own hands, even if he can exert his authority, it is only the supreme Kendo of Tarot.

Shi stopped and said, "you should know every word I said. Your perception of Kendo is far more than you think. But even if you can understand and integrate every Kendo, they are still not yours. Every Kendo will only belong to the person who created them."

"From the moment you practice this Tai Luo Jian Dian, in fact, you have left a subtle scar in your mind. This scar is estrangement."

"All you have to do now is find your own kendo."

At the same time, his right hand gently waved in the air, invisible but actually felt the wave, making the sword peerless also sideways.

Although there was nothing in his hands, the sharp invisible breath made the sword unparalleled clear.

That is an invisible sword, which belongs to Shi Ting's own kendo.

The sword unparalleled is surging. When the Tarot divine sword is placed on one side, we will feel the artistic conception gradually formed in our hearts as time stops.

There is no gorgeous sword meaning, but only the purest one trick.

"I've been looking for my own Kendo, but it's often fleeting, and I'm afraid that the Kendo I realized is incomplete, so I've been shelved until now."

"Now I no longer escape, even if the sword code will be incomplete, but I don't regret!"

Sword unparalleled suddenly opened his eyes, and Jin Yunhua awn escaped from his eyes.

Around the palm, which was originally raised by the wind, began to gather stars and divine patterns.

One page at a time, the slow to extreme action seems to be decomposing the sword idea in my mind.

The complex and mysterious divine pattern began to appear around the unparalleled sword.

Shi Ting had already left jianwushuang far away, standing in the distance and looking at him happily.

"Melt into all things, jump out of things..."

"Enter the way with a sword!"

In an instant, the bright divine patterns floating around the body gathered under the palm of the sword's unparalleled right hand.

With the invisible sword body and divine power as the handle, the long wind condenses the blade, and the divine pattern is noted. A very strange but wanton long sword appears.

This is an unparalleled form of the sword. A vast sword idea, which is different from the previous one, but better than the previous one, rises into the sky.

Even if he once held the Tera sword and released the power of a sword to break the sky, he never exuded the power of endless majesty and repression like today.

The long hair broke the band and danced wildly behind him. The pale golden eyes flowed out of the glittering and translucent light, just like the arrival of the gods, emitting endless divine power!

The divine power floating around the Taoist field also gave birth to a restless atmosphere for the first time.

The derived ownerless divine power seemed to feel the sword intention in the gestation, and rushed from the four directions like crazy, trying to integrate with it.

When he stopped waving, he added a layer of barrier to the outside of the dojo, blocking the worship of the inanimate divine power.

The long sword engraved with gold patterns was raised to the top of the head. At the moment, the sword seemed to turn into a sword, and a hazy appearance occupied half of the Taoist field.

"I have a sword..."

"Please take a look, old man!"

The deep roar was sent out from the chest, and the intention of holding the shaped sword was cut down.

The huge treasure appearance and virtual form also fall.

That sword full of sacred rituals is the unparalleled Kendo of swords!

Endless golden divine patterns help the storm rise, and with the power of that sword, it blooms completely!

"Hum -"

At the next moment, the Taoist field built by the divine power trembled, and the idea of turning into a sword came straight.

The almost indestructible Dojo instantly tore out the long marks like a natural moat, while the remaining Dojo quickly fell apart.

Standing at the center of the sword's reach, the divine barrier brushed out by his hand was almost immediately swallowed.

When the whole Dojo was torn in half by the chasm, the disappeared golden divine pattern suddenly turned into a awn column and rushed up from the bottom of the dojo, eventually devouring the whole dojo.

The most magnificent and sacred martyrdom explosion lasted for ten breaths, and finally ended in a body fall.

The divine power was scattered and endless, and the Taoist field damaged by such a peerless blow slowly condensed.

Countless magical powers turned into silk threads to hold up the sword, and the damaged Taoist field was scattered everywhere like stars.

Thousands of magic soldiers under the Taoist field trembled at the same time, and it seemed that they could not restrain their divine power.

Lying on the divine power, the sword peerless gasped. Although the lost divine power was instantly filled, the pain that led directly to the divine soul still made the sword peerless dizzy.

It was just this kind of power, which almost made him dry. If it was exerted in the universe where the divine power could not be quickly replenished, I'm afraid it would be the time to fight with life.

The body shape that stopped at that time reappeared, and based on a fragment, drove to the sword unparalleled.

"Is this your Kendo?" He stopped asking.

Jian Wushuang was stunned, and then proudly said, "this is my way!"

When the time stopped, his face began to show a smile, saying only four words, "amazing."

"Thank you for your advice!" The sword arched its hand, and the color of joy was beyond expression.

She stopped laughing and said, "my advice is not very useful. Everything is what you think and understand."

Jian Wushuang shook his head, "it is precisely the teachings of the old man that I can dare to take that step, otherwise I am afraid I will never move forward."

When he stopped nodding, the sword was unparalleled. That amazing sword was already a bright sword issued by fully understanding his own kendo. From then on, he will become more and more harmonious on his own road.

"Do you know what the extreme state of Kendo is?" The last question was issued after a pause.

Sword peerless pondered for a moment, and then said with some uncertainty, "human sword integration? Become invisible? Hide the edge and hide the weapon?"

After hearing the words and laughing, he didn't refute or agree with Jian Wushuang.

Countless divine powers sprang from their feet, either turning into divine butterflies or chasing birds.

He slowly stretched out his palm, and a chasing bird stopped at his fingertips, flapping its wings and flying up and down

"When the bird is willing to stay at the tip of your sword, everything will be done."

After saying this sentence, his body turned into clouds and smoke, and naturally wandered away.

With him dissipated, there are endless vast divine power.

"Old man?!" Jian wushuangqiang stood up on his body and stared at the place where he stopped and disappeared.

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