For the aura of everything, I'm afraid no one can compare with this thin and even slightly obscene figure.

The river spirit, which had been silent for nearly 5000 years, jumped up high and fell to the ground like a fish into the water.

In front of him are the first disciples of the temple of life who have meditated so far!

His nose closed, and he Ling's small eyes widened.

It seems that the Enlightenment of these disciples closest to themselves is about to melt!

It seemed to confirm the guess of he Ling. A long breath hovered around a disciple, and nearly a thousand long breaths revived at the same time.

He Ling's mustache shook fiercely, and finally dominated the realm!

That is the breath of the ultimate master realm.

If it's just a breath of the ultimate master, it's naturally difficult to enter the magic eye of the river spirit in the river of enlightenment, but now, this breath of the ultimate master has reached 3000!

What kind of concept is it? Only the 3000 Temple disciples who stayed in the outermost layer have realized that after only 5000 years, they have reached the ultimate domination as if they had washed away all the lead.

This is only the most peripheral disciple. What about the disciple who goes one step further?!

He Ling recovered from the previous shock, and uncontrollable excitement rose from the bottom of his heart.

He knew that the entire divine universe, the palace of life, was saved!

Thinking of this, he Ling can no longer fall into deep sleep. He rushes to the deepest place as excited as a child. He wants to have a good look at what kind of surprise the little guy who is not arrogant and growing all the time will give him.

However, when he was just raising his feet to start, he Ling realized that Enlightenment was ethereal, and he merged with heaven and earth. If he hurriedly disturbed it, the consequences would be unimaginable.

After thinking again, he Ling gave up and said, "forget it, don't disturb the boy first. It's not too late until he breaks through."

After making up his mind, he Ling jumped into the universe boat, stared at the disciples who were about to wake up.

With the breath of the ultimate master becoming more and more rich and pure, the outermost 3000 disciples woke up at the same time.

"God, this, I actually reached the realm of ultimate domination?!"

"I, I actually reached that level!"

"How many years have you been practicing? It's terrible to have reached such a state..."

Three thousand disciples went from disbelief to ecstasy, and then wanted to move on.

But at this time, the cough from the universe boat attracted the eyes of 3000 disciples.

"Yes, Lord he Ling?"

"I'm not dazzled, am I? Lord Heling is not dead?"

Listening to the noise, he Lingqi almost jumped off the deck.

"That's enough! Who said that Lord Heling of your family died? I tell you, even if I'm stuffed into the virtual universe now, I can live!" The wretched little old man said with his hands on his hips, blowing his beard and staring.

Then he said earnestly, "well, shut up to Lord Heling. Don't move forward now, stay here safely, and don't disturb the cultivation of the remaining disciples. Just promoted to the ultimate master, you must be stable, and don't forget that the realm above you is the realm of cloud and mud!"

The words of he Ling made 3000 disciples instantly feel hot. How can they not understand that everything under the Supreme Master is vanity.

In other words, the war between the two universes, at best, they are still just cannon fodder for death, which can't play any role. Only when they ascend the supreme, can they pull oneortwo enemies to bury before they die.

Now in such a land of great fortune, even a second wasted is not allowed.

The disciples with good mood immediately sat down again and began a new round of enlightenment. The other disciples also entered the country again after exploring their own situation.

With the fall of the divine universe, their expectations and missions as the last firewood will force them to grow.

When all the disciples sat down, he Ling resumed his previous posture and stared at the chaotic sky without seeing the sun.

"When can all this happen and return to the right track that belongs to them?"

After another thousand years, the second group of disciples began to recover, and they also reached the realm of ultimate domination. Even some deeply enlightened disciples began to touch the barrier of that realm.

He Ling stepped forward and preached again, which made them continue to enter the enlightenment.

"Hey, it seems that they can't live without me." He Ling heaved a long sigh and put his hands behind him, so he was ready to patrol again.


While the river spirit turned around, a powerful divine power light column rose. Although it was particularly inconspicuous in the vast divine power, it made the river spirit tremble.

The shock, which symbolizes the achievement of the supreme throne, rose among the third batch of disciples who sat down and became enlightened.

Next, the second supreme divine power rose.



Seventh way!

A total of seven supreme divine powers rose into the sky and soon returned to peace.

It didn't cause any supreme thunder, and the heaven and earth made strange noises. Some were just symbols of supreme divine power.

The seven disciples who obtained the supreme avenue stood up first and looked unbelievably at the supreme divine power emerging in themselves.

"Certified Supreme..." one of the older middle-aged disciples murmured softly. When he saw the real supreme power rising up, his eyes instantly turned red.

"It seems that the universe of divine power is really saved." The river sighed with inspiration, a touch of comfort that was very different from his style of behavior was revealed from his small eyes.

The sad place didn't know the passage of time, but the boring River Spirit counted the days every day, forcibly counting to the eightthousand years.

And at this time of 8000 years, Tianyi supreme awakened.

The vast divine power directly into the dome rose into the sky, and the top supreme divine power became more profound, and finally settled in the half step invincible supreme.

8000 years, breaking through the real natural graben gap.

The real invincible supreme will only be a matter of time.

Following the awakening of Tianyi supreme, there is also the great axe supreme.

He also took that step and reached the invincible supreme state.

The two people encouraged each other, entrusted the river spirit again, and then had a second enlightenment.

In between, Jian Wushuang's wife, lengrushuang, had already awakened, successfully broke through the boundary barrier and stayed in the realm of primary supremacy.

So far, there are only three people who have not awakened from their perception.

Blood wave supreme, king of nine robbers, unparalleled sword.

As derived from the spirit, the ownerless divine power no longer wanders aimlessly, or hundreds of bundles rush to the Supreme God in the pool of blood, or rush to the king of nine robbers like a wave.

However, more and more godless powers, along with the ancient existence of the remaining powers of all parties, rushed to the center of the whole place of sorrow!