When destroying an unknown number of divine power Dojo, the two invincible supreme masters both stopped, and the divine power of threatening the universe also ended up in their bodies.

"Happy, really happy!" Tianyi supreme put away his divine bow and laughed loudly.

The axe supreme also nodded frequently and proudly said, "now even against the upper six trace level virtual master, this seat also has the power of a war!"

Put away the magic power, and the two fell to the ground.

"Congratulations on your entering invincible territory." Lan Lan stepped forward and arched his hand.

The Supreme Master of the axe nodded, "thank you, Miss LAN LAN. I can be promoted to invincible territory. It is also the way of heaven that pity my divine power universe."

Before ten thousand years, the supreme axe and the supreme Tianyi were both invincible. In addition to the mercy of heaven, there seemed to be no other adventures in this land of great fortune

Tianyi supreme then smiled, "I think our invincible supreme should add another one soon."


Several people's eyes immediately looked at the blood wave supreme in the distance.

The divine power Taoist field surrounding the supreme blood wave is like a huge golden cocoon, which completely wraps his body shape, and outsiders can only vaguely see his general body shape.

The axe supreme frowned slightly, and said to himself, "blood wave belongs to the half step invincible supreme, and has been immersed in the invincible realm for a long time. In theory, it should be much easier than the two of us. How come there is no trace of breakthrough until now."

"Don't worry, after the pool of blood has been successfully promoted to invincible territory, I'm afraid its strength will be much deeper than that of you and me." Tianyi supreme replied that after almost endless years of coexistence, he never had any doubt about the strength of this old man.

The axe nodded, "I hope so."

Only Lan Lan's eyes had subtle and uncertain changes when looking at the Taoist field of blood wave supreme enlightenment.

The king of Jiujie, with white clothes and white hair on his side, was looking at the unparalleled Daochang of Jian from beginning to end.

He was eager to see how the immortal demon Tianjiao would appear and how far he would leave behind.

I'm afraid he didn't know when he took jianwushuang as a chess mark and became the object of his pursuit.

"Axe supreme," the king of nine robbers suddenly opened his mouth, and his eyes sincerely said, "nine robbers are abrupt. Can you ask the axe supreme to move to test the mood of nine robbers?"

The supreme axe heard the speech, and did not show displeasure. Instead, he looked at the king of nine robbers with more appreciation. "Of course, I can also see what kind of surprise this same immortal Tianjiao will bring to me."

The king of nine robbers promised to rise to the sky with the axe supreme.

These vast supernatural powers preserved in ancient times seem to be very sensitive to the idea of war, and they are like spectators who are too busy to watch the excitement, competing to form a Taoist field

"Jiujie supreme, I won't keep my hand later." The axe supreme smiled, and the divine axe appeared in his hand.

"Thank you, great axe." The king of nine robbers responded with his hands arched, and the prestige of the top supreme instantly appeared, like a wave.

The giant axe supreme stood in place and waved his hand abruptly. At that time, the great terror power belonging to the invincible supreme burst out, like the door of heaven suddenly opened, and the huge sea tide fell.

It was just a face-to-face encounter, and the prestige of the king of nine robbers, which belonged to the top supreme, was instantly suppressed.

He just felt like a lonely boat in the huge sea, which could be destroyed at any time, and even the flow of his supreme divine power was much slower.

The sole of the giant axe fell to the ground, and the divine axe in his hand rose against the storm. Countless divine patterns rose from the axe handle and completely wrapped it.

With a gentle wave, the axe awn, which was enough to tear any star dome, burst out from the tip of the blade and cut to the king of nine robbers with the potential of three blades.

Even in the realm of invincible supremacy, the performance of King Jiujie is still commendable.

His fist, which completely wrapped the top supreme, directly blasted to the ground Dojo, and quickly rose to mid air with the help of his strength, and got a moment of stagnation. Nearly a hundred divine powers swept out of his palm and stabbed the axe supreme.

Every cold awn has top-level and supreme power, overwhelming and reaching.

The supreme axe had no time to swim, so he had to raise his axe to stop it.

The cold awn stabbed the axe, leaving only a faint white dot on the axe surface.

The king of nine robbers, who fell from the sky, exuded a unique white light all over his body. The vanity condensed behind him and hit the axe supreme like that.


The majestic divine power shattered into mottled stars and fell, as if the Milky way were falling, and the heavy sound like a heavy bell resounded from the axe.

The stars scattered. Under this blow, the king of nine robbers was shocked by himself, which directly made him fly backward, and a wisp of divine blood gushed from the corner of his mouth.

And the great axe finally backed up a few steps.

King Jiujie wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth with his sleeve and got up slowly.

"It's really Tianjiao to shake the invincible with the top supreme!" The Supreme Master waved his hand and prepared the long axe behind him. "Next, I won the copy by going straight into the invincible territory. Are you willing to try it?"

The king of nine robbers was stunned and immediately solemnly said, "I'm willing to try!"

The great axe didn't say much. His long gray hair suddenly broke and danced wildly in the air. The silver axe in his hand began to reflect the golden awn under the blessing of divine power.

The majestic divine power began to introvert, as if it were poured into the divine axe.

Nearly ten virtual shadows, which are very similar to the supreme axe, quietly appear. They are bare and carry axes on their backs, just like ancient giants, waking up together!

"This is the magic power I feel when I go straight into the invincible." A total of 11 body shape Qi channels.

"Magic power - Kaitian!"

In an instant, the Chinese awn burst, and the eleven figure raised the axe in his hand, just like the real opening of the sky, and beheaded the king of nine robbers.

Eleven axes light, synthesized a giant axe virtual image that almost broke the Taoist field, and fell heavily.

Looking at the axe shadow falling from the sky, the king of nine robbers seemed to have an understanding in his eyes.

He seemed to return to the LingXiao palace that day to listen to the Tao, across tens of thousands of lotus peak, auspicious Baoguang circulation, smoke curling and long.

"What is the Tao you understand?"


"What is the Tao I understand?"

"The way I understand is to forge ahead and never regret after nine deaths. It is the way to live in the face of death..."

"This is my way!"

When the huge axe was cut off, the king of nine robbers opened his eyes, and countless cold awns rose up against the sky, happy and fearless!

Followed by a long day.

When the light fell, the great axe fell on the wind, and the king of nine robbers fell asleep in his arms.

"The Supreme Master of the nine robbers has great insight, and he has already understood the way ahead." The great axe smiled and said.

"You guy," Tian Yi shook his head and smiled bitterly, "even preaching and teaching are so rough, even I almost thought it was your full blow."

The axe supreme smiled, waved his hand to form a side track, and placed the king of nine robbers in it.

Then, everyone's eyes looked into the depths again.

"Matchless palace master, it's time to wake up."