For 800 years, an endless stream of monks came to the battlefield outside the territory, and cities rose with the headquarters as the center.

The original more than 300000 monks have also gathered to more than 2 million.

At the same time, many familiar forces joined, which made the Supreme Master of blood wave sigh endlessly.

Jiudi Pavilion, which had been destroyed after the last catastrophe, reappeared, and red ear supreme and purple hair supreme joined in turn.

The star sword sect in flight also rushed to foreign battlefields. Wu Jianxian, as always, just added a sense of awe in indifference.

Bai ape, the ancestor of the Ba nationality, smelled the order of the assembly of the palace of life, and in the first 100 years, he took his children and grandchildren to foreign battlefields.

What surprised the Supreme Xuebo most was that the Taixu temple, which was supposed to have long looked like the virtual universe, did not surrender. The Taixu God Emperor was as good or evil as he was tens of thousands of years ago.

When he saw that the blood wave supreme not only didn't fall, but broke through the invincible supreme and achieved the throne of half ancestor, he didn't say much, just asked to see the sword unparalleled.

The blood wave supreme did not refuse, and after pointing to the direction of the sword, the emperor of Taixu jumped away.

Then, the wine crazy old beggar wandering in the sky swaggered and arrived, with a broken snowflake sword carrying a wine gourd, a tattered Taoist shirt, and two blushes on his face.

He is more drunk than 20000 years ago, but everyone who knows him knows that he will never be drunk.

The sword alliance created by jianwushuang's XingKong ancient road came, and the nine star holy land, the nine star son, and the mura family also came one after another.

So far, nearly three million monks have been gathered for 800 years.

Often a star domain can give birth to a supreme god realm. At this moment, there are more than 200000!

Today, everything has far exceeded the scale of any war of catastrophe!

The infinite star field of the entire divine universe, even if it is further away, has contributed its own force.

And the blood wave supreme temporarily took the place of the temple of life, and began to adjust the monks with a large base.

The wordless monument standing not far from the base camp has almost become a landscape. Every monk who comes to the battlefield outside the territory will come here to watch, and most of them secretly weep.

The dragon clan and the Feng clan together drew more than 200 disciples from the clan to guard the sword in turn, and Feng Qi, the ancestor of the Feng clan, was waiting here.

After being so busy for more than 900 years, no one felt boring, and all monks were breaking through themselves as much as possible.

"When can he wake up when you say jianwushuang? Is there any problem?" The overlord with pure cultivation stood not far from the wordless Monument and looked at the unparalleled sword sitting in silence like a clay sculpture from a distance.

As the nine star son of the sword alliance, he held two arms and whispered, "you might as well worry about yourself first if you are worried about him. He is a monster that seizes heaven and earth."

The overlord smacked his mouth, glanced at the king of nine robbers not far away, and then said in a low voice, "do you think today's unparalleled sword is much more powerful than the king of nine robbers?"

The nine star Holy Son glanced at the overlord, then shook his head and said, "I don't know, but Jian Wushuang has never disappointed me. Now he is the Lord of the divine palace of life. Do you know what that means?"

"And I've heard that the sword is unparalleled, and it can already compete with the semi ancestor level strong."

A word woke up the dreamer, and the overlord suddenly realized that in today's palace of life, there was a semi ancestral existence, which was even more terrible than his ancestors.

And the fact that Jian Wushuang can sit as the leader of the palace means

Overlord didn't dare to continue to daydream. Although sword peerless was also an immortal genius in his heart, it was really terrible to be able to compete with half ancestor level in a half step invincible state

Take down the wine gourd from the tip of the sword of the drunken old beggar. The king of nine robbers saluted the unparalleled back of the sword, and then looked up and drank a mouthful.

"What's up, boy? Is my wine strong?" The old beggar asked with a smile.

The king of nine robbers grinned and said happily, "strong!"

The old beggar was extremely happy, as if he had heard the best praise, grabbed the wine gourd and poured himself a big mouthful.

A long hiccup made the old beggar drunk.

"In my long life, I have only fought a war of catastrophe, the last time Zeus fell."

"Do you know why I didn't participate in the first war of havoc?"

King Jiujie shook his head.

The old beggar grinned, "that's because I'm too selfish."

"Selfish?" The king of nine robbers was confused.

As if in retrospect, the old beggar's eyes seemed to be filled with the past, "I became famous before the first Holocaust war, but I didn't participate in the first Holocaust war. At that time, I swam in all things, but boasted that I was independent, and everything had nothing to do with me."

"It was not until the opening of the first Holocaust that I vaguely realized that everyone did not exist independently. At that time, most of the divine universe also fell, and everything I loved was quietly destroyed."

"That is, in that war of catastrophe, I stayed out of it, but I saw the brilliance of a group of people, and the empty heart of Tao also had a pursuit for the first time."

"Until the last war of catastrophe, I finally fought side by side with them, but they all left one by one, and only I was still alive."

"I once thought selfishly that if I grew up step by step, the ultimate goal was just to protect, it would be too boring."

"But fortunately, the long years have taught me a lesson and made me wake up. Now I have finally come to this road."

The old beggar has always been smiling, "once I was young, I witnessed the Zeus who turned the tide with my own power. Now my greatest hope is to witness the rise of the next Zeus and lead the whole divine universe to live well."

Speaking of this, the old beggar turned and staggered away, "a selfish guy like me hopes that the universe of divine power will become less and less."

Jiujie Wang quietly looked at the drunken old beggar dressed in a sloppy way, and inexplicably overlapped a graceful green shirt swordsman with him.

Perhaps the old beggar in his youth was so reckless.

The king of Jiujie, who came back to God, looked at the figure sitting in front of the wordless monument with divine eyes, "you guy, I'm looking forward to witnessing your growth."

Twelve hundred years passed by, but it changed the spring and autumn of the world, and the new snow replaced the new spring. For these monks who came to the monastic path, they just added a bit of mood.

The figure sitting under the wordless tablet finally moved in this long time.

The falling dust is light, and a trace of noble divine pattern quietly surges from the tip of the hair.