After seeing this scene, Jian Wushuang was secretly surprised. The hundreds of muddy black flags that appeared out of thin air were the sky sealing flags previously lost in the virtual universe!

But at this moment, this flag is no longer as effective only for the virtual universe as before. Each one is like the eye of the supreme array, firmly fixed in the void, closing all the supreme beings in the divine universe.

I don't know what secret method the emperor used to turn the sky sealing flag of the divine universe into his own use, but the sword knows that they are in trouble.

As soon as the flag fell into the void, it directly cut off their connection with the universe, and the divine power in their bodies could no longer be derived.

The sword unparalleled shook its arms with a wave, and the supreme divine power belonging to the ancestor level blasted towards the endless sky sealing array, but it could not shake a penny.

The emperor smiled grimly, "just because you want to break this sky formation? All die!"

After the words, the emperor, who was in the formation of blocking the sky, released the power beyond the rules of the road in the face of the entire army of the divine universe.

The void is broken, and only the ancestor level can compete with that terrible energy!

All kinds of magical powers came one after another, and the sword was unparalleled. It directly released the ancestral skill and cut out the long river of Kendo at the same time!

But the power that exceeded the rules of the road easily strangled the Tianmen gate of the power world. Even the long river of Kendo only blocked it for a moment, and then it all burst.

Those terrorist forces are getting closer and closer in the unparalleled pupil of the sword.

But then the old master shot, and he directly stretched out his hand to block it, blooming endless black water ripples.

The two collided and burst into a dull explosion, which made all the supreme masters numb their hands and feet and their hearts beat wildly.

Unimaginable terror energy slowly dissipated, and the sword was dignified without double-sided color.

He can feel that today's emperor is strong again, and has become an existence beyond the rules.

Without the slightest pause, the emperor directly locked his target, and the sword was unparalleled, releasing more terrifying energy.

However, at the next moment, Lao Zun was directly in front of him, firmly pinning down the almost crazy emperor.

With the attack of the emperor of phage, nearly a dozen members of the phage organization also took action, and each of them had terrifying semi ancestral strength.

After nodding slightly towards Xuebo supreme and others, Jian Wushuang directly jumped forward and attacked him.

"We meet again." The strange and low voice rang out from the bite, and his completely scarlet eyes looked at him.

Jian Wushuang frowned slightly when he heard the words. Now the bite gave him a strange feeling, just like a semi-finished product randomly pieced together with a pile of parts. Both his words and actions were extremely stiff.

String puppet, this is the most direct feeling of jianwushuang.

"Is it true that biting one is not the previous biting one?" Jian Wushuang said to himself. Then he raised the Tai Luo divine sword and cut it straight to bite one.

A strange scene appeared, and the bite didn't dodge. The vast sword intention directly twisted him into countless pieces.

But then, the void suddenly curled up several small black holes, and the broken body slowly condensed again.

"You can't kill me." With a strange way, he immediately raised his palm and bombarded the sword with a terrifying power.

The sword unparalleled didn't hold big, and directly released the second move of Tianmen in the power world, which was extremely accomplished.

Bright as the sun, the most pure blow came in the face of a crushing bite.

The polar day flickered for a moment, and under this blow, his whole body turned into powder again.

Looking at the complete disappearance of Yiyi, jianwushuang didn't relax at all, and looked forward with a slight frown.

Next, like gathering sand into a tower, the bite that turned into powder was condensed again.

Without any sound, the two bodies collided heavily, and the forces belonging to the ancestral level hit each other together, sending out the wail of the road.

A sword cut his head, but it grew out again in a few seconds, which made jianwushuang very confused.

He can feel that although he can give it a heavy blow, he still hasn't hurt the origin of biting one.

Instead, every bombardment left indelible damage on the unparalleled divine body of the sword.

After cutting his divine body for nearly a hundred times, jianwushuang suddenly realized something.

"Is it difficult that this bite one is the true Shadow of the clay embryo of the bite emperor from beginning to end?"

With the attitude of trying, the sword is unparalleled. After cutting it into two sections, he stretched out his hand and held it to the origin of nibbling one.

The emperor's body, which was struggling with the old master, was shocked. Looking at the sword, he was furious and said, "dare you

At the same time, a Jietian Dagang glanced at him, and the sword peerless sneered, and directly took advantage of this critical moment to put the source of nibble into his hands.

This time, the strange figure of Yiyi could no longer be condensed.

"Unparalleled sword, damn you!" The devouring emperor, who had always been calm and dignified, did not care. He forced the old master away with one palm and went straight to the sword unparalleled cover.

The Supreme Energy, like an abyss like a prison, is like devouring the whole universe. Even the unparalleled sword, which has achieved ancestral level, feels the great terror between life and death!

If he faces this blow directly, his best result is serious injury!

It's too late for old Zun to rush to help.

At this critical juncture, Jian Wushuang almost instinctively threw out the Qiting clay embryo Zu yuan in his arms.

The origin of Qiting clay tire was exposed in the void, and the clay tire could not wait to drill out of the Nashi.

"Unparalleled sword, I want you to die!" Qi Ting's clay foetus burst out in anger, but before he could move, his back was like a thorn in his back.

He slowly turned back, and the next moment he was devoured by the terrible energy of the emperor.

In the whole sky sealing array, it was like hundreds of millions of suns bursting, and the vast shock wave directly tore up the sky sealing array.

Due to the "dedication" of Qiting clay fetus, there were no casualties between jianwushuang and the supreme army behind him, but tens of thousands of trace level virtual zuns fell under this indiscriminate attack.

Taking a deep breath, Jian Wushuang stared into the void.

And the Qiting mud embryo, which cannot be extinguished by nirvana, has not even left a trace of its origin under this blow

The emperor was enraged, and his long hair was scattered from the crown, like a madman.

Feel the ancestral origin of the crazy collision in his heart, and jianwushuang finally understands that this is the real shadow of the emperor's clay foetus.

After being sealed in Nashi, the energy surging all over the emperor's body also weakened slightly.

For a long time, the enraged devouring emperor calmed down again, and said gloomily, "give me back that source. I will not interfere in the life and death of the virtual universe."

The old master came to Jian Wushuang's side in a light voice, "if you want to go back, you should pass this level first."

The atmosphere was strange and dead, and the emperor was forced to suppress his anger. "Do you really want to live forever?!"

"If you want to live forever, it's not my divine power universe at first, but you, your entire phagocytic tissue!" Sword unparalleled cold voice.