The Sword Fairy Ding Baiyi, who realized the ultimate sense of kendo, appeared as a supreme fairy. His most simple and pure Kendo almost completely promoted Kendo to another new level.

After fighting with Ding Baiyi, Jian Wushuang not only didn't get frustrated, but began to realize that kind of obscure level.

His own swordsmanship has already reached the realm of incarnation, opening and closing, full of a sense of loneliness and arrogance.

Dante Bai Yi's sword is the most ordinary sword, but it has also reached the realm. His moves are simple and pure, like eating a meal and sleeping a sleep.

But it was this most ordinary move that turned into a deadly sword, forcing the unparalleled sword into death again and again.

Now, the painstaking practice of sword peerless is to learn to end.

From heaven to heaven, the Sword Fairy Ding Baiyi, who came from the world, slept for 20000 years. The sword peerless was also on the God Pavilion on the top of the cloud and had been practicing hard for 20000 years.

In order to have some fun in the dryness of that move, jianwushuang planted a peach seedling in the center of the huge dojo in front of the Shenge.

For 20000 years, the original saplings have grown to towering giant trees, and the spirits bred in the trees lie on the treetops on time every day, watching the sword and practicing the sword.

One day, 20000 years later, the door of the dead Shenge was opened, and Ding Baiyi, dressed in a plain shirt and pale, slowly walked out of the Shenge.

He looked at the unparalleled sword sitting under the peach tree with a slightly uncomfortable face, "Hey, why didn't you kill me at that time, and now run here to torture me all day?"

Jian Wushuang grinned and stretched out his hand to throw the real sword, which was standing on the side and full of immortality, at Ding Baiyi.

Ding Baiyi stretched out his hand and took it, pretending to be evil, "don't you afraid I'll kill you now if you don't take advantage of my fainting at that time?"

"Killing you at that time was invincible, which I disdain. If you kill me in turn now, it is also invincible. What's my worry?" Jian Wushuang laughed, "why, are you a sinister person?"

Ding Baiyi was dumbfounded for a moment, and he didn't know how to refute, so he had to snort angrily, hold his sword and jump onto the eaves of the God Pavilion, and suddenly fell asleep.

Sword unparalleled also ignore him, continue to hone a move under the peach tree.

The reason why Ding Baiyi fainted at the beginning was simply because the turbulent flow of time and space had unconsciously eroded his meridians. In addition, it was like fighting a chicken's blood. For protection, the meridians directly cut off the supply of derivatives, so he fainted directly as if he had crashed.

This guy is like looking for revenge, but he felt cold on the road. After putting down his cruel words in front of his enemy, he directly fell like a dead pig and didn't wake up.

Fortunately, what I met was unparalleled sword. If it were someone else, his spirit would have disappeared.

In this way, it is another thousand years, and the sword unparalleled has never slackened for a moment. Even the simplest straight cut can be practiced hard for a hundred years.

During this period, Ding Baiyi, who was sleeping on the roof of the Shenge eaves, began to be impatient at first, and then bored to watch Jian Wushuang practice Jian. From time to time, he also began to point out.

For the understanding of kendo, jianwushuang obviously exceeded Ding Baiyi's expectation.

Ding Baiyi also gradually realized that the crushing on him was not the crushing on the understanding of kendo, but the pure realm crushing

Naturally, this guy who calls himself Sword Fairy also provoked the battle again.

"I haven't forgotten the main purpose of this visit. Are you going to wait for the killing, or do you want me to get it myself?" On one side of the dojo, Ding Baiyi said coldly.

Jian Wushuang shrugged, "there have always been people who want to take my head, but they all died in front of me one by one. If you want to, take it by yourself."

"What a big tone." Ding Baiyi sneered, and then he took a step forward and waved to tear down a branch with peach blossoms from the peach tree.

Jian Wushuang's eyes coagulated, and then he stretched out his hand and pulled down a branch with peach blossoms.

The mighty and vast divine power swept up in an instant, and entrenched in the sky of the whole Dojo like a startling dragon.

Ding Baiyi then released a more terrifying force and confronted the sword at a distance.

Yanli is a special energy that suppresses and contains divine power and virtual power. It only belongs to the greater Yanhuan of higher rules, and what the emperor uses is Yanli.

Looking at the slightly thin white clothes, jianwushuang didn't relax his vigilance at all. He practiced Kendo for tens of thousands of years to prepare to defeat him directly one day!

"Use your own Kendo to me, otherwise I can guarantee that you will not be able to hold on for ten seconds." Ding Baiyi said quietly.

"Natural." Sword peerless eyebrows a smile, peerless Kendo, Xinghe lake sea sword meaning the second style, river!

Unparalleled Kendo has derived countless sword meanings in one, and its galloping roar is like an overturned Tianhe, majestic and magnificent!

Overturned the Tianhe River and ran up against the current, carrying endless momentum to Ding Baiyi.

And the sword is unparalleled. At this moment, standing in the powerful sword like Yuanjin Yuezhi, he held up the peach blossom branch in his hand and cut it straight down!

"It's a little interesting." Ding Baiyi slightly cocked up the corners of his mouth, but he backhanded inserted the peach blossom branch behind his neck, and jumped forward like a flash of lightning to face the vast Jianhe river!

Stepping out, the surging Jianhe river not only did not cause any damage to Ding Baiyi, but was borrowed by him to reach jianunparalleled.

The peach blossom branch in his hand was instantly lifted to the unparalleled face door of the sword.

This seemingly ordinary sword, if you slow down, you can see that it is no less than 100000 shots!

100000 shots, all of which are reduced to one sword. How crazy is this sword technique!

Jian Wushuang's body tilted, and he had no choice but to resist.

But the 100000 swords were so powerful and terrible that they directly disintegrated his resistance and cut off all the peach blossom branches in his unparalleled hands.

The remaining nearly 50000 swords were nailed in front of him.

Rao Shijian's unparalleled divine body did not die, but also felt bursts of chest tightness. If it was a sword, I was afraid that countless transparent holes had already appeared on his body.

However, Jian Wushuang was not discouraged at all. After a shock of divine power forced Ding Baiyi away, he reached out and broke down a peach blossom branch, and took the lead in cutting him.

Belonging to the unparalleled Kendo open and close offensive, one by one straight cut, all fell on Ding Baiyi's peach blossom branch.

Like thousands of magic soldiers crashing down, even Ding Baiyi felt the suffocation of chest tightness.

"This guy is really good." Ding Baiyi secretly wondered that when he was ready to fight back again, the peach blossom branch in his hand suddenly broke.

Jian Wushuang had no love for war at all. He retreated gracefully, and at the same time, he waved and threw a branch to him again, "come again!"

"Then come again!"